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41. Florida Department Of Juvenile Justice Funding Youth Offenders Have alternative to Court. for Public and Social Policy at FloridaGulf Coast envisions restorative justice spreading to county schools also. http://www.djj.state.fl.us/djj/MediaRelease/inthenews/020204 NAB.html | |
42. Cyber High Is Florida S School Alternative - 04/20/00 detnews.com home page Thursday, April 20, 2000 Next Index Previous Cyber High isFlorida s school alternative By Karen Thomas / USA TODAY POLK COUNTY, Fla. http://www.detnews.com/2000/schools/0004/21/a21-40084.htm | |
43. Greeneville Parents Teachers Against Alternative Calendar School In the middle 1990 s florida had 165 yearround Highland Elementary has used the AlternativeCalendar for 7 you looked at the comparison for the schools on the http://pages.preferred.com/~ikenmt/GreenevilleAgainstYRS.html |
44. Florida :: Alternative Spring Break 2005, Northwest Florida Alcohol is not allowed in florida state parks during abide by the founding spiritof alternative spring break schools that are Break Away chapter members may http://nature.org/wherewework/northamerica/states/florida/volunteer/art12894.htm | |
45. Alternative Health - Schools Top Links Hallandale, florida. and postgraduate courses in acupuncture, alternative and Chinese ArizonaSchool of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Offers professional http://www.alternative-health-resource.com/Top_Health_Alternative_Acupuncture_an | |
46. Herbology School Sources Found On Southbaylo.edu health care pract, clayton school of herbal medicine, chinese health and medicine,holistic treatment for melanoma, alternative medicine schools in florida. http://www.southbaylo.edu/herbology_school_u.html | |
47. List Of Vegan And Vegetarian Playgroups Some parents homeschool, others use , others use alternative schools. Group NameVegetarian Society of Southwest florida LocationNaples, FL Contact Info http://www.vegfamily.com/playgroups/florida.htm | |
48. Alternative Medicine And Acupuncture Schools Miami, florida. and postgraduate courses in acupuncture, alternative and Chinese ColoradoSchool of Traditional Chinese Medicine Offers Master s degree http://www.iseekhealth.com/schools-469.php | |
49. Multiage Schools And Classrooms Augustine, florida; Wells Elementary School Wells, Maine; Westminster schools Westminister WinnipegSchool Division alternative Education Program Winnipeg http://www.multiage-education.com/multi-age/ | |
50. The University Of Florida Police Department - Safety Tips - School Safety rumors *peer groups *increasing alternative programs requiring danger and potentialviolence in our schools. contact the University of florida Police Department http://www.police.ufl.edu/csd/community_safetytips_schoolsafety.htm | |
51. The Miami Herald 05/06/2004 Disciplinary School An Alternative ANONYMOUS. Biscayne Park. A Disciplinary schools offer students an alternativeto expulsion as well as the opportunity to learn how to behave better. http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/news/local/states/florida/counties/miami-da |
52. School Improvement Goals After examining our schoolÂs alternative Assessment LCCE in terms of our studentsÂachievement being reported on the florida alternative Assessment Report http://www.lee.k12.fl.us/schools/edc/SIPGoals.htm | |
53. A Practical Guide To Legislating 'True Private Choice' invite representatives from all alternative schools to attend authorizing or expandingschool choice programs been introduced in Colorado, florida, Maine, Texas http://www.cato.org/research/articles/gryphon-030401.html | |
54. Alternative Education Resources State Departments of Education and alternative schools Clearinghouse http//www.criminology JusticeRole Model Development Project, at florida State University http://www.ncsl.org/programs/educ/AlterEd.htm | |
55. Boing Boing: Toronto Board Of Ed Shafting Alternative Schools I would like to get some feedback on how other alternative schools are set up enoughto make Premier keep inmates and staff safe at the florida Institute for http://boingboing.net/2003/11/17/toronto_board_of_ed_.html | |
56. FAU - Office Of The President Elected in 1994 as florida s youngest Commissioner of Education, President Brogan standards,the development of second chance or alternative schools and the http://www.fau.edu/president/bio.htm | |
57. Florida Alternative Boarding School For Troubled Teens - Stonesoup School Stonesoup School is a private, nonprofit alternative boarding schoollocated in Crescent City, florida. Ranked No. 2 among all http://www.stonesoupschool.org/ | |
58. OkaloosaSchools.com - Okaloosa County School District, Florida Okaloosa County FCAT Scores See Okaloosa County School s 2002 FCAT scores and comparethem with the state of florida. Okaloosa FCAT Scores What is the FCAT? http://www.okaloosaschools.com/schools.asp?Cat=N |
59. OkaloosaSchools.com - Okaloosa County School District, Florida Our standard of performance is high and clear I will not be satisfied and neithershould you until our schools are the best in florida and a model for America http://www.okaloosaschools.com/ | |
60. Public Schools In Lutz, Florida (FL) From Switchboard.com's Yellow Search this free directory to find Public schools in Lutz, florida. Search by city or state, search by name of business, or search by specialties, products and services. Use Switchboard for all of http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.switchboard.com/bin/cgidir.dll?MEM=4 |
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