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1. Orange County Florida Schools To Help Families Moving To Florida Orange County florida alternative schools. Alternative Education. ACEPT (Westside) TAP each High School Crisis Center (Florida Hospital) Crisis Center (Lakeside) (web) http://www.orlandorealestateflorida.com/florida_county_schools/orange_alternativ | |
2. Duval County Public Schools Education Central The Duval County Public schools website for information about elementary, middle, and high school (k-12) education in Jacksonville, florida Parents Community. schools Info. Academic Excellence Students of Duval County Public schools. NEW State for High schools. NEW DCPS high schools and alternative schools will have http://www.educationcentral.org/ | |
3. Alternative Schools Non-Djj, Tampa, Florida alternative schools NonDjj, Tampa, florida. Compare alternative schools Non-Djj, track alternative schools Non-Djj performance and read alternative schools Non-Djj parent reviews http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.greatschools.net/modperl/browse_scho |
4. Naples Florida Area Private And Alternative Schools Naples florida schools. PRIVATE schools, alternative schools OTHER. PRIVATE schools.Community School of Naples 3251 Pine Ridge Road Naples, FL 34105 5977575. http://www.naples-florida.com/private_schools.htm | |
5. Florida Schools - FL Elementary, Middle And High School Information as in other states, school districts in florida offer magnet schools, schoolswithin-schools,year-round schools, alternative schools, dual enrollment and http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/fl/213/improve | |
6. School Choice In Florida: An Overview Of Your Options - Florida - GreatSchools.n School Choice in florida An Overview of Your Options alternative schools Theseare generally schools whose educational philosophies are different from http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/FL/96/improve | |
7. NaturalHealers- Massage Therapy Schools, Chiropractic Schools, Acupuncture Schoo Directory of massage therapy schools and schools of acupuncture, chiropractic, naturopathy, herbal, ayurveda, homeopathy, midwifery, massage schools and more. District of Columbia. florida. Georgia. Hawaii. Idaho and a variety of other alternative medicine schools http://www.naturalhealers.com/ | |
8. School District Of Hillsborough County, Florida USA alternative Education. Auditing Office, District. Bid Info. Benchmarks. Business, Division of. Calendars. Charter schools staff are considered public records, per florida Statute 119 http://www.sdhc.k12.fl.us/ | |
9. Florida Virtual Schools - Students technical career centers, magnet schools, alternative schools, special programs ofcompetency, the New World School of the Arts, the florida School for the http://www.flvs.net/_students/parent_rights.htm | |
10. Policy Brief--Schools For Disruptive Students alternative schools evolved decades ago to provide an academic option for students not successful in regular 8 34 37 39 40 florida's statewide analysis of inschool suspension http://www.ael.org/rel/policy/disrstd.htm | |
11. Florida Schools And Education, From Kindergarden To College. There are 67 counties in florida and each county is a school district. Homeschoolingin florida is becoming a popular alternative for many parents. http://www.floridasmart.com/education/indexschools.htm | |
12. State Departments Of Education And Alternatives Schools Navigator Dropout Prevention Services florida Safe Public schools of North CarolinaGovernment Information Education Net SAGE alternative Education Program http://www.criminology.fsu.edu/jjclearinghouse/jjeducation.html | |
13. LookSmart - Directory - K-12 Alternative Schools Stonesoup School alternative boarding school located in Crescent City,florida, offers a supportive environment for highrisk students. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317836/us317912/us53720/us71277/us712 | |
14. Florida School Indicators Report may include students from alternative schools as well as regular elementary, middle,and high schools). florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT), florida http://info.doe.state.fl.us/fsir/indicator_desc.cfm | |
15. NCACS -- Positions With Nonconventional Schools And Homescooling Programs. Stonesoup School, one of the oldest alternative schools in florida (grades712), has a position available for a motivated, creative educator. http://ncacs.org/jobs.htm | |
16. NCACS -- Links To Campus-Based Member Schools learning. florida. Stonesoup School, Stonesoup School, Crescent City,Private alternative Boarding School in a rustic, wilderness setting. http://ncacs.org/links_school.htm | |
17. Technology & Assessment for Electronic Portfolios and alternative Assessment A Portfolios in High schools- Association of Decisions and Dilemmas - florida Educational Technology http://electronicportfolios.org/portfolios.html | |
18. School Choice Facts: School Choice Provides Alternative To Children Stuck In Fai School Choice in the florida. Transforming florida s Public schools into Centersof Excellence, Tampa Tribune, February 15, 1999. A National Problem. http://edreform.com/school_choice/facts/alternative.htm | |
19. Welcome To CATALYST: For Cleveland Schools methods, says Clemons, of floridaÂs Intervention and and resources at the AlternativeEducation Resource NY, suggests the schools individualize learning http://www.catalyst-cleveland.org/08-00/alternative.htm | |
20. Florida's E-Budget - Issue Detail the appropriated funds provided to supplement funds allocated through the FloridaEducation Finance Program (FEFP). Issue alternative schools/PUBLIC PRIVATE http://www.ebudget.state.fl.us/BDIssueDetail.asp?IssRecNum=34&policyid=&PolicyLe |
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