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41. FA WWW/Taiwan Fisheries/Fisheries Associations Taiwan Fisheries. fisheries associations. fisheries associations The total members of the fishery associations number around 224,000. As of http://www.fa.gov.tw/tfb14/tfb14i.htm | |
42. LOAN: PNG 32189-01 | Coastal Fisheries Management And Development Implementation For the communitybased management of the fisheries resources the project will promote the formation of provincial/local fisheries associations. http://www.adb.org/Documents/Profiles/LOAN/32189013.ASP | |
43. Pacific Coast Federation Of Fishermen's Associations (PCFFA) Home Page Insufficient Klamath River Flows to Protect fisheries. California Dept lengthy name makes clear, PCFFA is an "umbrella" group made up of diverse associations all along the west coast http://www.pcffa.org/ | |
44. Welcome To NYSFOLA Web Page At Www.nysfola.org Information about a variety of topics related to water quality, fisheries, and ecosystem health in this state's lakes, reservoirs, ponds, and other surface water resources. http://www.nysfola.org/ | |
45. Fisheries.co.uk - A Guide To Coarse And Game Fishing In The England And Wales Information about fisheries, match diary and results, holidays, shows and associations in England and Wales. http://www.fisheries.co.uk/ | |
46. Michigan Fisheries Resource Conservation Coalition A nonprofit organization founded by several well-established associations with a long-standing interest in the natural resources of this State. http://www.mfrcc.com | |
47. The UK's Premier Gateway To The World Of Angling For coarse, game and sea fishing. Tackle, fisheries, bait, clothing, holidays, associations and links. http://www.about-angling.co.uk | |
48. Industry Associations, Councils, Institutes New York Seafood Council North Carolina Dept. of Ag. and Consumer Services North Carolina fisheries Association North West Food Processors Assoc. http://seafood.ucdavis.edu/organize/org-ass.htm | |
49. 1999 Joint Meeting Of The Atlantic Fisheries Technology Conference And Society, an industrybased organization made up of 150 companies and associations that have endorsed the conduct code of Principles for Responsible fisheries. http://seafood.ucdavis.edu/Events/99aft.htm | |
50. Science, Biology, Ecology, Aquatic Ecology, Fisheries Science: Associations American fisheries Society Professional society for fisheries scientists. Goal is to promote the conservation, development and wise use of the fisheries. http://www.combose.com/Science/Biology/Ecology/Aquatic_Ecology/Fisheries_Science | |
51. Background The Council is a federation of likeminded fisheries and seafood associations and enterprises that support shared, fundamental principles. http://fisheriescouncil.ca/fcc-bottom.htm | |
52. Medbioworld: Ichthyology Associations American Aquarium Societies Fisherman s Marketing Association FishResearch.org Great Lakes Fishery Commission Gulf and Caribbean fisheries Association Gulf of http://www.sciencekomm.at/cgi-bin/displaycontents.cgi?table=bio&type=Association |
53. Angling Associations And Other Fisheries Carmarthenshire Angling associations and other fisheries. Rivers Gwendraiths and Loughor. Ammanford District AA Llangennerch AA Pontardulais AA. River Teifi. http://www.carmarthenshire.org.uk/Angling Associatio/angling_associations_and_ot | |
54. CEMARE - Links newspapers and magazines; fish prices and markets; aquaculture associations; government institutes GADUS Gadus Associates List of fisheries Web Sites. http://www.pbs.port.ac.uk/econ/cemare/iamslic.html | |
55. Prepared Foods Magazine - Industry Associations - National Fisheries Institute Industry associations. Food Industry Jobs. Classifieds. Listing Detail National fisheries Institute USA Phone 703524-8880 Web site www.nfi.org. PF Newsletter. http://www.preparedfoods.com/CDA/ArticleInformation/IndustryLinkInfo/1,1282,6519 | |
56. Sustainable Fisheries Foundation - Participating Organizations Kitzhaber; Governor Lowry; Governor Wilson; Northwest Indian fisheries Commission; Coos Pacific Coast Federation of FishermenÂs associations; Salmon For All http://www.sff.bc.ca/AboutParticipating.html | |
57. Fisheries - Professional Associations CSEB BioWeb - SCBE fisheries and related Professional associations. ** Canada ** United States ** Other International ** Additional Resources. http://www.cseb-scbe.org/b_fish_prof.html | |
58. International Associations And Resources 582741. Japan. Japan fisheries Association Sankaido Building, 19-13 Akasaka, Minato-ku 107 Tokyo, Japan Tel 03-3585-6683. Japan International http://www.csx.org/resources/intergood.htm | |
59. Fraser River Aboriginal Fisheries Secretariat AboriginalfisheriesassociationsSuggest a Link. Feedback. Association Links. Links to associations involved with Aboriginal, fisheries and Environmental issues. http://www.frafs.ca/links/associations.php | |
60. Fablis Directory For /Science/Biology/Ecology/Aquatic_Ecology/Fisheries_Science/ associations. Sponsors. Become a sponsor. See also American fisheries Society Professional society for fisheries scientists. Goal http://directory.fablis.com/guide/Science/Biology/Ecology/Aquatic_Ecology/Fisher | |
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