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Home - Basic_F - Felines (cats) Endangered & Threatened |
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81. Domestic Cat Predation: An Old Story Becomes A New Songbird Menace Roaming (cats) have passed feline leukemia to some populations of mountain lions,and may have recently infected the endangered Florida Panther with http://home.earthlink.net/~lisamhutchins/domestic_cat_predation.htm | |
82. Topic Area: The Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species (CITES) problem is likely to start affecting felines in other as the snow leopard and thegolden cat (Linden, 1994 a crucial tool in protecting the endangered flora and http://www.colby.edu/personal/thtieten/tigers.htm | |
83. Introduction Domestic (cats) have spread feline leukemia virus to mountain lions 16 and may haverecently infected the endangered Florida Panther with feline http://wildlife.wisc.edu/extension/catfly3.htm | |
84. LII - Results For "endangered Species" The Exotic Feline Breeding Compound s Feline Conservation Center (FCC clips, and soundrecordings of the endangered species of wild (cats) currently housed and http://sfpl.lii.org/advanced?searchtype=subject;query=Endangered species;subsear |
85. Comparative Placentation of sex chromosome organization between cat and human and O.Brien, SJ Developmentof a feline whole genome genetic variation in eight endangered or threatened http://medicine.ucsd.edu/cpa/tiger.html | |
86. Wildlife Programs For Schools - Wildlife Program Descriptions lifestyles of these 2 elusive species of cat . on the lookout for these secretivefelines, follow up threats facing turtles (many are endangered or threatened http://www.state.me.us/ifw/education/schprogramdescription.htm | |
87. Endangered Species physical characteristics and behavior of the smaller feline species in Introducesbob(cats), lynxes, jaguars, and cougars, all endangered wild (cats) of North http://www1.pvsd.k12.ca.us/library/ENDSPECI.html | |
88. Garden State EnviroNet felines feed on small mammals and also compete with such as the bobcat (a state endangeredspecies) and gray wildlife is the health of domestic (cats) and their http://www.gsenet.org/library/11gsn/2003/gs030716.php | |
89. Maine Animal Coalition : Endangered Species Focus Of Lawsuit NoSnare also notes that two bald eagles were caught in snares in the 1980s when thebird was still listed as endangered. A threatened Canada lynx was snared in http://www.maineanimalcoalition.org/artman/publish/article_199.shtml | |
90. Animals endangered Species in Missouri. endangered Species on EELink. InternationalCat Association. Judith Bermans List of Feline WWW Sites. NetVet (cats). http://www.jewell.edu/curry/library/reference/animals.htm |
91. DOMESTIC CAT PREDATION IN FLORIDA Several deadly diseases affecting domestic (cats) have been documented in the endangeredFlorida panther, including feline panleukopenia (FPV). http://www.abcbirds.org/cats/states/florida_intro.htm | |
92. Investigating Endangered Species In The Classroom See our new endangered Species website! Investigating endangered Speciesin the Classroom. This page includes starting points for http://eelink.net/EndSpp.old.bak/ES.lesson.html | |
94. Spotlight On Zoo Science - National Zoo| FONZ and all but one to feline calicivirus. indicate that disease spillover from domesticcats and dogs To reduce the risk to endangered species, conservationists http://natzoo.si.edu/ConservationAndScience/SpotlightOnScience/deems20040310.cfm | |
95. Digimorph - Leopardus Pardalis (ocelot) - Female Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, endangered Resources Branch Small Pleistocenefelines of North America. Leopardus pardalis on the IUCN Cat Specialist Group http://www.digimorph.org/specimens/Leopardus_pardalis/female/ | |
96. City Of Hurst Public Library Also includes information on feline illnesses, purchasing a cat, and links to catshows, clubs The US Fish Wildlife Service, endangered species database. http://www.ci.hurst.tx.us/lib/Adults/Links.asp?Dept=Library&Level=Adult |
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