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22. Saving The Wild Cats - Suite101.com The Feline Conservation Center, located in Rosamond, CAhttp to help ensure the preservationof endangered (cats). a current listing of threatened and endangered http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/16756/106337 | |
23. PACKETONLINE News Classifieds Entertainment Business - Princeton And Central New She said that the sterilized felines cannot reproduce is a disservice to the catsand results in harm to native wildlife, particularly endangered and threatened http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=11462693&BRD=1091&PAG=461&dept_id=4257 |
24. Wild Cat Conservation conducts longterm research on threatened species and The Feline Conservation Centeris part of a dedicated to the preservation of endangered (cats), acting as a http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/agarman/bco/conserv2.htm | |
25. LIOC-ESCF : About Us : History to hinder sales of captive bred endangered species, LIOC members continued to breedtheir felines. Kindt reported the birth of Golden (cats) and jaguarundis http://www.lioc.org/AboutUs/History.html | |
26. LIOC-ESCF : Links be useful to individuals interested in wild felines. Serenity Springs A safe placefor big (cats). Preservation Trust Preserving certain endangered species that http://www.lioc.org/Links/Links.html | |
27. Chloe's Web: Cats Are The "Best Friend" Of Humanity By Bryan J. Maloney (orlanth In wild feline species, seropositivity to FIV or FIV Furthermore, domestic (cats) arecheaper and easier to care felis catus is hardly an endangered or threatened http://www.felineleukemia.com/brian.html | |
28. Cats And Dogs the fact that felis catus is hardly an endangered or threatened Neoplasia associatedwith feline immunodeficiency virus infection in (cats) of southern http://www.galactic-guide.com/articles/2R62.html | |
29. EWildlife.com | Wildlife Search Engine Directory the protection and preservation of the world s endangered felines. Home to over 70cats, representing 16 than 400 animals including 32 endangered or threatened http://www.ewildlife.com/search/Education/Zoos/California/index.shtml | |
30. Animal Planet :: Corwin's Carnival Of Creatures Back to Feline Fun. of the leopard ranges from endangered to critically endangeredto threatened Even though these (cats) are highly adaptable, they still face http://animal.discovery.com/fansites/jeffcorwin/carnival/feline/leopard.html | |
31. LiSP Kids Page - Animals you ll find over 50 different (cats) of 14 site offers a chance to meet the feline residentsthrough species of these animals are either endangered or threatened http://lisp.com.au/kids/kids2.htm | |
32. Animals SpeciesProtecting endangered and threatened species and fish database, a list ofendangered fish, articles on Feline ((cats)) Information PageWelcome to the http://www.union.k12.ia.us/ukhs/Information/Animals.htm | |
33. Endangered Species Unit For Elementary Classrooms Cat Tales Cat Tales is a nonprofit Zoological Park dedicated to the preservationof endangered felines. about birds of prey, endangered/threatened birds, and http://www.northcanton.sparcc.org/~greentown/endspec.htm | |
34. Endangered Species Coalition : Issue 2009 cloning of a wild or domestic feline, in this lions, tigers and other wild (cats) acrossstate already have their hands full protecting endangered and threatened http://www.stopextinction.org/News/News.cfm?ID=1233&c=9 |
35. Cat Herding On The Military Range | DoD Advocates Humane Cat Control fall on how to humanely treat onbase feline populations. In some areas, we findcats are preying By law, DoD is required to protect endangered and threatened http://www.defenselink.mil/specials/cats/catcontrol.html | |
36. Day Trips that the situation with abandoned exotic felines is going to and federal laws regulatingnonendangered or threatened species allows anyone to have a big cat. http://www.austinchronicle.com/issues/vol18/issue03/cols.daytrips.html | |
37. Animals Directory Mammals (cats) Feline Health Related Links Resources Cat Sites 2000 CATNAMES Naming Program endangered Species threatened and endangered Species WWF http://www.angelfire.com/stars3/education/animals.html | |
38. Sedgwick County Animal Control - Cat Care Moreover, (cats) don t discriminate; they aren t politically correct about dining onendangered or threatened an effective warning, many crafty felines learn how http://www.sedgwickcounty.org/animalcontrol/cats.htm | |
39. Spotlight On Regulatory Outrages And The Endangered Lynx Fraud From Free-Market. it doesn t could have closed the phony feline habitat to means that areas in whichthe (cats) are found on the threatened list under the endangered Species Act http://www.free-market.net/spotlight/lynxfraud/ | |
40. HCPB-California's Plants And Animals Our favorite feline may be a family friend, but protection agencies formally recognizedomestic (cats) as a problem for many threatened and endangered animals of http://www.dfg.ca.gov/hcpb/species/nuis_exo/dom_cat/ca_issues.shtml | |
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