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1. Holidays
There are two main tasks 1. students will teach their class about an existing federal holiday by creating a PowerPoint presentation; and 2. student teams will
Holiday Web Sites Christmas Web sites, Kwanzaa, Hanukah, New Year's Day, ... Veterans Day For a quick injection of holiday spirit during the winter months, check out these sites. Earth Calendar: Do you know what is being celebrated today? This calendar is not centered on the U.S., but on the nations of the world. Find holidays by nation, or by date, or by religion. Also keep up with the phases of the moon. Easy to use. Holidays on the Net Web Holidays World Public Holidays Database Holiday Lesson Plans Mrs. Lin Donn has created this excellent and homey index of holiday lesson plans and activities. This Web site has everything! Find materials for national holidays, fun holidays, religious holidays, and more. Thanksgiving Web Sites Thanksgiving from Yahooligans Thanksgiving from My Virtual Reference Desk Plymouth History Virtual Tour of the 1627 Pilgrim Village Thanksgiving Traditions and History Virtual Tour of the Mayflower Thanksgiving: Teach kids the story of Thanksgiving. This website provides lesson plans for helping kids understand the importance and meaning of Thanksgiving.

2. Federal Reserve Bank Of Richmond
Baltimore Charlotte- RichmondFederal Reserve holidays. Frequently Asked Questions Ten fundamental concepts of economics to teach in history class
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Highlights Fed News
Richmond Fed Open June 11

The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond will be open during normal business hours on Friday, June 11.
Regional Survey Releases, 6/8
Manufacturing Picks Up in May; Employment Rises; Price Increases Moderate

Retail Revenues Gain Momentum; Services Firms' Revenue Growth Slows

Press Release, 5/5

Richmond Fed Senior Vice President to Retire
FOMC Statement, 5/4
Fed Funds Rate Remains Unchanged at 1 Percent President's Speeches President J. Alfred Broaddus, Jr. Remarks at Commencement VCU School of Business May 22, 2004 Comments on the Economy and Banking May 18, 2004 Remarks at Hampden-Sydney College Commencement Ceremony May 9, 2004 Competition in Banking: Achieving the Right Balance May 6, 2004 and more... Publications: Current Issues MarketWeb , 2004, Issue 12 Economic Quarterly ... , Spring 2004 Shame as It Ever Was: Stigma and Personal Bankruptcy and Monetary Policy and the Adjustment to Country-Specific Shocks and other features...

3. FCIC - Home Page
Here are four activities to help you teach young citizens how to be proactive consumers and eastern time (except federal holidays). We also have recordings of frequently requested
June 08, 2004 SITE SEARCH:
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Parade Magazine - Tips You Can Bank On

Publication of the Week:
National Sellers List

You've probably seen them on T.V. or in the paper - ads offering for sale property forfeited to federal law enforcement agencies. Where can you can more information? Well look no further-here's a list of addresses and phone numbers for dealers who sell this real estate and personal property. Consumer Action Website:
Want your money back because your parrot doesn't talk? The Consumer Action Website is now available. Based on the 2004 Consumer Action Handbook, the newly updated website is the one consumer guide that you must have. The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal where citizens can get easy-to-understand information and services from the government.

4. Teachers In Focus - How To Teach About Religious Holidays
Here's some adviceand a dozen lesson ideas-for teaching about religious holidays in your classroom. Have your class read from the Bible about the birth of Jesus. The federal court case of Florey

5. FCIC - Home Page
FCIC s Educator Page Here are four activities to help you teach young citizens how 800) FEDINFO between 8 am and 8 pm eastern time (except federal holidays).
June 08, 2004 SITE SEARCH:
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Parade Magazine - Tips You Can Bank On

Publication of the Week:
National Sellers List

You've probably seen them on T.V. or in the paper - ads offering for sale property forfeited to federal law enforcement agencies. Where can you can more information? Well look no further-here's a list of addresses and phone numbers for dealers who sell this real estate and personal property. Consumer Action Website:
Want your money back because your parrot doesn't talk? The Consumer Action Website is now available. Based on the 2004 Consumer Action Handbook, the newly updated website is the one consumer guide that you must have. The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal where citizens can get easy-to-understand information and services from the government.

6. All About Santa Claus (a.k.a. St. Nickolas, Father Christmas, Etc.)
At the same time, parents can teach Santa Clause as district court, 6 asking that the federal government be required to not declare future DEC25 holidays.
Click Here to Visit our Sponsors.
The theology of Santa
Santa, as taught to most children, has most of the attributes of God: He is virtually omnipresent . He can visit hundreds of millions of homes in one night. He is omniscient . He monitors each child; he is all-seeing and all-knowing; he knows when they are bad and good. Although not omnipotent, he does have great powers. He can manufacture gifts for hundreds of millions of children, and deliver them in one night each to the correct child. He is all-good and all-just . He judges which children have shown good behavior and rewards them appropriately. Bad children are bypassed or receive a lump of coal. He is eternal He rewards good and punishes bad behavior. However, there are negative aspects to Santa's behavior that can damage a child's self-esteem: In practice, children are not rewarded with gifts according to their behavior; they receive presents according to the amount of money that their parents are willing or able to spend on them at Christmas time. A child may receive little or nothing from Santa because his/her parents are poor. Unfortunately, the child has probably adsorbed from the media and their friends only bad children get nothing from Santa. He/she might begin to look upon themselves as a bad person. This may well damage their self esteem.

7. FCIC: Text Home Page
Here are four activities to help you teach young citizens how to be proactive consumers. eastern time (except federal holidays). We also have recordings of frequently requested
Federal Citizen Information Center
Pueblo, Colorado Welcome to our Text Page!
(For the graphical version of this page, click here The red links on the left will take you to hundreds of consumer publications that you can read or order on-line. Use the blue links on the right for searching, consumer news, and links. Explore, learn, have fun. Don't forget to bookmark us before you leave! Topics Resources Search

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Scams / Frauds Free newspaper and magazine offers Publication of the Week: National Sellers List Seniors have a lifetime of experience shopping, preparing and eating food. But a lot has changed. This booklet covers the basic rules of safe food preparation, including a list of foods not recommended for seniors. Medicare-Approved Drug Discount Cards: People with Medicare can now take advantage of real savings on their prescription medicines by signing up for Medicare-approved drug discount cards. For more information on enrolling in the Medicare-Approved Prescription Drug Discount Card Program, visit

8. Out Of Season Lesson Plans
third Monday in January is a federal holiday to remember teach students to record observations in a journal eager to participate in the holidays celebrated in
Out of season lesson plans
30 content based ESL lesson plans for beginning through intermediate students sort by: title most recent Activities for Summer School ESL
Teaching summer school is often a challenge because the range of English language ability and grade levels in a single class can be very broad. You may find yourself with a mix of students who are not literate in native language with those who are. Second graders may be placed with 5th graders; non-English speakers with intermediate ESL students. Back-to-school ESL Ideas
Help your English language learners develop pride in their heritage with these Back-to-School ESL ideas. Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Give your English Language Learners "Big Words" that represent "Big Ideas." The third Monday in January is a federal holiday to remember the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and to honor the principles he stood for: Justice, equality, freedom, and peace. Christmas in France
"Joyeux Noel" to all of you who want to learn more about Christmas in France. This lesson can be taught in an ESL, mainstream or World language classroom.

9. Government Executive Magazine - 11/28/02 Holidaze
Usually there are 10 federal holidays. Sometimes, federal workers get an 11th holiday, most often when schools use the occasion to teach students about all presidents, or at
Free E-mail Newsletters About Us Contact Us Index ... Search Pay and Benefits Watch November 28, 2002 Holidaze By Brian Friel

It’s that time of year again. Time to start wondering whether President Bush will give federal employees extra time off during the holidays. If you’re a gambler, bet no. First of all, the president never gives federal employees a free holiday on the day after Thanksgiving. It’s just not done, according to Office of Personnel Management records. When presidents give federal workers extra time off, it’s usually near Christmas: on Christmas Eve when Christmas itself falls on a Tuesday and on Dec. 26 when Christmas falls on a Thursday. For example, in 2001, Christmas fell on a Tuesday and President Bush gave federal workers Monday off (Christmas Eve). In 1997, when Christmas fell on a Thursday, President Clinton gave workers the day off on Friday, Dec. 26. When Christmas falls on a Friday, workers sometimes get a few extra hours off on Christmas Eve. When Christmas was on a Friday in 1998, for example, President Clinton gave workers a half-day off on Christmas Eve, Thursday, Dec. 24. Bah, Hump-bug

10. EPA: Federal Register: Operational Measures To Reduce Oil Spills From Existing T
Monday through Friday, except federal holidays. The telephone number is (202) 2671477 BRM is not intended to teach the more ``traditional'' aspects of bridge watchstanding (i.e
Federal Register Environmental Documents Recent Additions Contact Us Print Version Search: EPA Home Federal Register FR Years FR Months ...
and Regulations
Operational Measures To Reduce Oil Spills From
Existing Tank Vessels Without Double Hulls
EPA Home Privacy and Security Notice Contact Us

11. Memorial Day Part 1: Memorial Day Basics
It is a federal holiday, so a great many adults do not have to work. Social Studies for Kids copyright 20023, David White. Sites for teachers.
Memorial Day: A Time of Reflection More of this Feature Part 2: Remember the Living On This Site Memorial Day Elsewhere on the Web Every Day is Memorial Day
The History of Memorial Day
Part 1: Memorial Day Basics One of the things Americans celebrate on Memorial Day is the memory of soldiers killed in wars. The holiday has its origins in ceremonies to honor soldiers killed in the American Civil War, way back in 1866. And as American soldiers have fought in several wars since then, the holiday has absorbed memorials to fallen soldiers in those wars as well. Memorial Day, then, is a holiday to remember soldiers killed in wars, both at home and abroad. And how do Americans celebrate this holiday? By attending cemetery ceremonies and downtown parades, among other things. It is a federal holiday, so a great many adults do not have to work. It is usually a day off from school as well, so children can be with their families. Most American children have someone in their family (living or dead) who fought in a war. If they don't, then they probably know someone who did. In a certain way, Memorial Day is as much about the soldiers who survived the wars as the ones who did not.

12. EPA: Federal Register: Establishment Of Electronic Reporting; Electronic Records
Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays. To review docket materials, it is recommended that the public make In addition, they teach us that it is generally unwise to base
Federal Register Environmental Documents Recent Additions Contact Us Print Version Search: EPA Home Federal Register FR Years FR Months ...
and Regulations
Establishment of Electronic Reporting; Electronic Records . EPA will also accept comments electronically. Comments should be addressed to the following Internet address: . Electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII, WordPerfect 5.1/6.1/ 8 format file and avoid the use of special characters or any form of encryption. Comments in electronic format should also be identified by the docket number EC-2000-007. Electronic comments will be transferred into a paper version for the official record. EPA will attempt to clarify electronic comments if there is an apparent error in transmission. Comments provided electronically will be considered timely if they are submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m. (Eastern time) November 29, 2001. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general information on this proposed rule, contact the docket above. For more detailed information on specific aspects of this rulemaking, contact David Schwarz (2823), Office of Environmental Information, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460, (202) 260- 2710,

13. Title I Improving The Academic Achievement Of The Disadvantaged 34 CFR Part 200
time, Monday through Friday of each week except federal holidays. You may inspect all public comments about teacher licensing examination and hold a license to teach in that State An LEA must treat any school that was in improvement on January 7, 2002 as a school that is in the first year of improvement for the 2002-2003 school year. An LEA must treat any school that was in improvement for two or more consecutive years on January 7, 2002 as a school in its second year of school improvement for the 2002-2003 school year. Significant improvement in student academic achievement as measured by statewide assessments; Successful use of instructional practices based on research; Be set both for grade-appropriate academic subject matter knowledge and for teaching skills. Be aligned with challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards and developed through consultation with core content specialists, teachers, principals, and school administrators. Provide objective and coherent information about the teacher's attainment of the core content knowledge in the applicable academic subject. Be applied uniformly to all teachers in the same academic subject and grade level throughout the State. Take into consideration, although not primarily, the time the teacher has been teaching the subject.

14. Maryland Bankers Association
LINKS RESOURCES federal Reserve s list of banking holidays is a link to the federal Reserve Bank teach Children to Save Day American Bankers Association On
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Press Room ... MBA Members Only IDENTITY THEFT IS NO. 1 COMPLAINT Identity theft easily led the Federal Trade Commission's top 10 consumer fraud complaints in 2001, accounting for 42 percent of the 204,000 complaints entered into the agency's Consumer Sentinel database. On average, victims spend over 175 hours and $1,000 in out-of-pocket expenses to clear their names. Take steps to protect yourself! Don't be a victim! Predatory real estate practices include all aspects of buying a home and have the potential to occur at any step in the process by people who work to defraud and deceive consumers For more info In conjunction with the Maryland Attorney General’s Office, the Maryland Department of Aging and the Department of Human Resources, the Maryland Bankers Association has developed a program to help prevent financial exploitation of our State’s vulnerable adults, particularly elderly citizens. Project SAFE, as a voluntary program will allow banks to report suspected financial abuse of customers, while protecting individuals’ confidential information.

15. Holiday School Letter
Can schools teach about the biblical origins of holidays such as The federal appeals court in Florey defined what activities are considered a part of
dqmcodebase = "/js/"
Holiday School Letter Dear Concerned Citizens, The American Center for Law and Justice wishes everyone a happy holiday season. Undoubtedly, students in school districts all over the country are celebrating the holidays in a variety of creative and entertaining ways. We are aware that some of these celebrations may be hindered by questions of what is permitted or prohibited by the United States Constitution. Consequently, the purpose of this letter is to assist local school district officials in addressing both what activities are permissible for schools to engage in, and to protect the rights of student participation in Christmas or other holiday observances in public schools. By way of introduction, the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) is a not-for-profit public interest and educational group. Our organization exists to educate the public and the government about the right to freedom of speech, particularly in the context of the expression of religious sentiments. The undersigned has served as lead counsel in two significant United States Supreme Court cases in this area: Lamb's Chapel v. Center Moriches School District

16. Areer Opportunities For Language Teaching
the exception of federal holidays and training holidays determined by the garrison. teachers work on teaching teams consisting of six members and teach up to
areer Opportunities for Language Teaching The Institute offers foreign language instruction in some 23 languages to approximately 3,500 students on a schedule that extends throughout the year.
Courses are taught six hours per day, five days a week, with the exception of federal holidays and training holidays determined by the garrison. Teachers work on teaching teams consisting of six members and teach up to 30 students in groups of 10. The duration of courses range between 25 and 63 weeks, depending on the difficulty of the language.
bout the Position Faculty members teach:
- Listening skills
- Reading skills
- Writing skills
- Speaking skills
- Geopolitical issues
- Economic issues
- Social attributes of foreign cultures A typical eight-hour day consists of: - Four to five hours of classroom instruction
- Preparing for instruction - Adapting teaching material - Administering and - Grading tests - Checking homework anguages Taught - Modern Standard Arabic - Chinese-Mandarin - French - German - Greek - Hebrew - Turkish - Italian - Spanish - Portuguese - Japanese - Korean - Persian-Farsi - Russian - Serbian/Croatian

17. Teacher Resources
learning resources from across the federal government available teach your students. parent s information, technology, kid s sites, themes, holidays and more
Teacher Resources Organizational Ideas for New Teachers and First Day of School Assessment Rubrics Theme Related Unit Projects Technology Research- ... One Computer Ideas S taff Dev. Lessons Links Teach Res ... Web Eval Resources for Teachers- - Instructional and Organizational IdeasFor New (Old) Teachers First Days of School Teacher's Corner Back to School Activities - Here are lots of classroom ideas and activities for the 1st day of school, organized by primary and intermediate grades. - This useful site contains words of encouragement, tips for getting a new job, for setting up your first classroom, using technology, classroom management, and more. The First Days of Middle School - Here are annotated links to wonderful articles, lessons, and resources for teaching middle school age kids. First Day of School America - This is a nationwide program, complete with detailed guide, for inviting parents to celebrate and experience the first day of school. This philosophy could be adapted to individual classrooms. Fourteen Activities For the First Days of School- Learning Student's Names - Here are several methods submitted by instructors.

18. Religion In The Public Schools: Joint Statement Of Current Law
to announce their meetings, if a school receives federal funds and Religious holidays 14. Generally, public schools may teach about religious holidays, and may
The Constitutional Principle: Separation of Church and State Welcome Contents What's New Search this site var site="sm8candst"
Visitors since 7/15/1998 Links Webrings Guest Book Contact Us This site is eye friendly: Use your browser's view options to increase or decrease font size
Religion in the Public Schools: Joint Statement of Current Law
The Joint Statement of Current Law is a collaborative document undersigned by over 30 religious and civil rights groups that outlines the religious rights of students in the public schools. Most of these organizations are separationist in philosophy and practice, some of them (eg., ACLU, Americans United for Separation of Church and State) aggressively so. The document lays to rest the myth that prayer and other types of religious expression are banned in the public schools. On the contrary, religious expression generally enjoys the same protection as other forms of speech. This document forms the basis of President Clinton's guidelines for religious expression in the public schools. A copy of these guidelines were sent to all public school districts in the United States in September of 1995.

19. ALFY - Teach Learn Communicate
You are here teach Thematic Units Presidents Day. Presidents Washington and Lincoln, as well as lesson ideas for Presidents Day and other federal holidays.
You are here: Teach Thematic Units Presidents Day
Lesson Plans for Presidents Day
Great Sites for Presidents Day
(All Grades)
This Internet field trip (with activities but no official lesson plans) introduces teachers to Presidents Day resources that are available on the Internet.
Presidents Day Home Page (K-3)
This resource-rich site presents facts about Presidents Washington and Lincoln, as well as lesson plans and activities.

I Love My Country
Have your students read these poems related to Presidents Day, then have them do one of the detailed activities that follow.

From the Wilderness to the White House In this lesson plan, students learn about the major events of Abe Lincoln’s life. Fwildabe%2Ehtm Early Presidents and Politics This lengthy unit on Presidents provides teachers with lesson plans, spelling word lists, multiple extension activities, and more.

20. Federal Funding Legislation - Advocacy Legal Resources
Talking Turkey for the holidays. In A Nutshell; federal Funding Legislation; National Youth Advocate. Community Americans Overview; Reach One teach One; Outreach

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