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81. Finding Faults Earthquakeproducing faults, like the one the team is cruising over off Oceanside, California, and volcanoes are the most concentrated expressions of global http://sio.ucsd.edu/explorations/faults/ | |
82. California Geological Survey - Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones US DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OPENFILE REPORT 96-706. APPENDIX A. CALIFORNIA FAULT PARAMETERS. COMMENTS. A faults. SAN ANDREAS FAULT ZONE. http://www.consrv.ca.gov/CGS/rghm/psha/ofr9608/a_faults.htm | |
83. Volcanic And Geologic Terms Echelon Set of geologic features that are in an overlapping or a staggered arrangement (eg, faults). Each is relatively short, but http://volcano.und.nodak.edu/vwdocs/glossary.html | |
84. Bodega Head Geology The geology of Bodega Head The Salinian Terrane west of the San Andreas Fault (with clickable slide show). by Terry Wright, copyright, 1996. http://www.sonoma.edu/geology/wright/Bhead.html | |
85. MSN Encarta - Fault (geology) Fault (geology). I. Introduction. Fault (geology), crack in the crust of the earth along which there has been movement of the rocks on either side of the crack. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761563869/Fault_(geology).html | |
86. Richard Schultz's Home Page (faults Geological Engineering Rock Mechanics Fractu Richard A. Schultz Associate Professor of Geological Engineering Laxalt Mineral Engineering, Room 405. GeomechanicsRock Fracture http://equinox.unr.edu/homepage/schultz/ | |
87. Terms And Definitions Cretaceous period A geological term denoting the interval of Earth history beginning around depressed crustal unit or block that is bounded by faults on its http://www.solarviews.com/eng/terms.htm | |
88. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Fault (Geology And Oceanography) - Encyclopedia AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information on fault, geology And Oceanography. fault, geology And Oceanography. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/F/fault.html | |
89. Denali Fault Earthquake Denali Fault Earthquake M7.9 November 3, 2002. Shown in yellow are other faults that show evidence of activity during Quaternary time (past two million years). http://wwwdggs.dnr.state.ak.us/earthquake.html | |
90. SMUGGLER'S COVE FIELD TRIP STOP because it contains a number of examples of significant geologic features. City Portuguese Bend Earthflow Livingston Quarry Smuggler s Cove and faults A brief http://seis.natsci.csulb.edu/VIRTUAL_FIELD/Palos_Verdes/pvsmug.htm | |
91. GEOLOGIC STRUCTURES Geologic structure Feature produced by rock deformation; Types 1. Folds (bending); 2. Fractures (breaking); Joints no slippage; faults slippage occurs. FOLDS. http://www.pierce.ctc.edu/tbush/geol120/struct | |
92. Friends Of Saguaro National Park - About Us: About Saguaro National Park: Geolog Folded limestones and weakly cemented gravels cover the fault. Geologists are trying to understand how these upper level rocks came to be adjacent to the deep http://www.friendsofsaguaro.org/geology.html | |
93. CSUSB Department Of Geological Sciences McGill, Sally F., Holocene activity on the central Garlock fault, in Geological Investigations of an Active Margin, Geological Society of America, Cordilleran http://geology.csusb.edu/fac/sally.htm | |
94. Genral Features: References RA, 1969, Map showing recently active breaks along the San Andreas and related faults between Cajon Pass and Salton Sea, California US Geological Survey open http://www.johnmartin.com/earthquakes/eqsafs/safs_199.htm | |
95. Department Of Geological Sciences Research -- Geologic Field Methods Quaternary faulting history along the Deep Springs fault, California (Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2001, v. 113, p. 855869). http://www.geology.cwu.edu/facstaff/lee/Pubs/DSF.abst.html | |
96. Earthquakes And Seismology : CTI Centre For Geography, Geology And Meteorology Department of Geological Sciences, California State University Tour of the Hayward Fault Provides an illustrated brochure of Hayward Fault, reaching from http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/cti/quak.html | |
97. Alpine Fault, New Zealand Alpine Fault Department of geology http//www.otago.ac.nz/geology/ Website Created by Stephen Read Contents © Department of geology, University of Otago http://www.otago.ac.nz/geology/af/alpinefault.htm | |
98. Dataset: World Energy Project: Geologic Contacts, Faults And Bathymetric Contour World Energy Project Geologic Contacts, faults and Bathymetric Contours (line). ID 1943 Source US Geological Survey Libraries http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/stacks/gis/data19/data1943.html | |
99. California Geological Survey California Geological Survey This is the home page for California's State Geological Survey. This page has information about hot topics and new products and reports issued by the Division of Mines http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.consrv.ca.gov/cgs/index.htm&y=02 |
100. SF Bay Images The offshore portion of the San Gregorio fault is modified after ML Zoback clickable versions of these images on the web to make geological and seismological http://www.sfbayquakes.org/thumbnails.html | |
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