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Home - Basic_E - Explorers General Resources |
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81. Demonstration Only Webliographer/Main general NSES Online , Benchmarks Online , more. Useful resources. explorers explorers , explorers for Teens , Explorer links , Biography.com , more. http://webliographer.com/demo/ | |
82. ThinkQuest : Library : Who Goes There: European Exploration Of The New World general resources Age of Exploration. July 1998 http//www.stemnet.nf.ca/CITE/exage.htm (February 2000). Biographies of explorers and Associated People http://library.thinkquest.org/J002678F/bibliography.htm | |
83. CREEC Resources help students become schoolyard explorers, develop schoolyard Focus Agriculture/Farming,Ecosystemsgeneral, Ecosystems-Forest Land Use, Natural resources/Res. http://creec.edgateway.net/cs/creecb/view/creec_res/1766 | |
84. Explorers Dynamic explorers..History for Teens NEW. explorers Includes names, dates general information on the beginning of the European Exploration Era. The Portugese. The Portuguese explorers http://edtech.kennesaw.edu/web/explorer.html | |
85. Education World® - *History : World History : General Resources 9_12;_PROF; Astronomy In Your Face general astronomy including briefly discussesthe reign of this king and provides links to related articles and resources. http://db.educationworld.com/perl/browse?cat_id=1514 |
86. The Age Of Explorers History Resources U.S. History research links for high school and college students. The explorers. If you have an historically based website or find Alphabetical List of explorers. A List of explorers Who Died http://www.snowcrest.net/jmike/explor.html | |
87. Web Resources For Student Projects Web resources for 6th8th Grades. The site includes an overview of the various motivesbehind exploration, information about individual explorers categorized by http://www.my-ecoach.com/resources/webresources6-8.html | |
88. Homework Center - Explorers Pocahontas http//www.incwell.com/Biographies/Pocahontas.html Biography of Pocahontaswith image and links to more resources. Contemporary explorers. http://www.multcolib.org/homework/explorhc.html | |
89. Kids Online Resources - Explorers, Vikings, English, Conquistadors Pg 2 The English. Every Name Tells a Story 100 Years of Official Place Namingin Canada. European explorers resources - on the World Wide Web. http://www.kidsolr.com/history/page2.html | |
90. BLM Learning Landscapes Explorers--History Desert Training Center, at which general George Patton Historic Trails Links to resourcesabout historic Stopover for Native Americans, explorers, Trappers and http://www.blm.gov/education/LearningLandscapes/explorers/lifetime/history.html | |
91. Young Explorers | Ducks Unlimited Canada Education Programs. general Information. Yearround Programs. The Wonderof Wetlands Floor Game; Young explorers; All about Owls. Seasonal programs. http://vm.ducks.ca/resource/general/interpretive/fredericton/explorer.html | |
92. Atlanta Explorers Natural Resources Oil And Gas Other resources include image generator surveys that appear Dominican Republic GeneralInformation , Hotel , Tra by Spanish explorers who arrived here http://www.atlantaweb.biz/cgi-bin/search.cgi?keywords=Atlanta Explorers Natural |
93. 4th & 5th Grade Student Research Resources- Explorers United States History resources. Early explorers. Discoverers Web HomepageThis is one of the best pages on the web on this subject. http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Tower/1217/explorer.html | |
94. Acadia National Park - Carriage Road Explorers Carriage Road explorers. Third Grade Autumn, Sample Student Activity. = itemavailable from Acadia s Educator s Resource Library. general Bibliography. http://www.nps.gov/acad/eeweb/explorers.htm | |
95. The Educational Encyclopedia, General History general overview. Historic atlas resource images. Pirate s cove histories and analysisesof pirates, explorers, ships, and nautical archaeology, pirate, corsair http://users.telenet.be/educypedia/education/historygeneral.htm | |
96. Skewl Sites - Site Index -SOCIALS STUDIES - General SOCIALS STUDIES general. Imagination Factory (The), Protect our natural resourceswhile you Little explorers Online Dictionary, A picture dictionary with over http://www.skewlsites.com/socials.htm | |
97. TEXIAN History Resources that deal directly with the explorers that traveled are in volumes at the Texas GeneralLand Office attempt at locating good internet resources for researching http://lonestar.texas.net/~dwatson/blanco/tx_hist.htm | |
98. Colombia Web And Internet Guide - The World Wide Beat Studies Program Colombia Books South American explorers Club U of South AmericaGeneral Travel. Tours Marco Polo - Central America Political resources on the http://regional.searchbeat.com/colombia.htm | |
99. Sixth Grade SCORE Lesson: Ancient World Explorer 2. Complete the Web Treasure Hunt on the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (ifyou have not already done so.) This is listed under general resources on the http://score.rims.k12.ca.us/activity/ancientworld/ | |
100. Dictionaries General Information Resources Websites general. Dictionaries and Translators http//rivendel.com/~ric/resources/dictionary.html. LittleExplorers Picture Dictionary with Links http//www http://www.resourcecenterdallas.org/library/dictionarygir.html |
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