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1. European Explorers General Resources Age of European Exploration. Sea in the Age of Sail Over a periodof hundreds of years, seafarers from the age of the early explorers to the http://www.stemnet.nf.ca/CITE/exage.htm |
2. European Explorers Theme Page European explorers, The Age of Exploration general resources Baseline Maps For PlottingVoyages. European explorers Organized By Country For Which They Explored. http://www.stemnet.nf.ca/CITE/explorer.htm |
3. Education World® - *History : World History : Explorers : General Resources Amundsen, Roald Great explorers Brief synopsis discusses this explorer s childhood dataon the arctic research program, funding resources, and connections to http://db.educationworld.com/perl/browse?cat_id=5490 |
4. Eighteenth-Century Resources -- History EighteenthCentury resources on the Net. History. general resources. Internet Modern History Sourcebook Maps and discussions of world explorers from antiquity to the present http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/18th/history.html | |
5. Rome: General Resources general resources. Bryn Mawr Classical Review enrichment, adventurous adults, energetic retirees and explorers include programs which appeal to anyone interested http://www.dalton.org/groups/Rome/RGen.html | |
6. Explorers Of North America explorers of North America general resources. Virtual Museum of NewFrance http//www.vmnf.civilization.ca/somm-en.htm This venture http://www.socsd.k12.ny.us/explorers.html | |
7. Cary Academy Library - Pathfinders - Explorers general resources. Exploration Timeline, A clear timeline of knownexplorers and their travels. The European Voyages of Exploration, http://web1.caryacademy.org/library/pathfinders/explorers.htm | |
8. Anthropology Internet Resources Anthropology in the News. explorers Field Scientists The explorers Club. UK CyberAnthropology Menu) general resources. Bernard Clist's Anthropology resources on the Internet http://www.wcsu.ctstateu.edu/socialsci/antres.html | |
9. GEsource - Full Subject A-Z and portals 33 Geographers, environmental scientists, explorers and travellers43 33 Historical geography 85 Human geography general resources 56 Human http://www.gesource.ac.uk/subjectaz.html | |
10. Error: Can't Find Web Site Encyclopedia Dictionary Sources. general History resources. general References. Government Sites Supreme Court Links. Little explorers. The Online Address for the Arts http://members.aol.com/TeacherNet/Resources.html | |
11. NSTW General Resources/Programming org/programs/scifri/. The New explorers with Bill Kurtis The New explorersportrays scientists in the field. This exciting science http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/nstw/teach/nstw98/english/repro.htm | |
12. GENERAL RESOURCES general resources. K6. Compiled by reading room has a place to create own stories by filling in blanks, other fun stuff. Little explorers Picture Dictionary http://www.tccsa.net/websites/teacherk_6 | |
13. NSTW General Resources/ORGANIZATIONS The site also features a Young explorers section, ideal for kids who have Resourcesfor Involving Scientists in Education This program offers information to K http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/nstw/teach/nstw98/english/res1.htm | |
14. GENERAL RESOURCES general resources. K6. Compiled for Northwestern School District by room has a place to create own stories by filling in blanks, other fun stuff. Little explorers Picture Dictionary http://www.tccsa.net/weblinks/nrws/resources | |
15. Spring Hill Elementary School - Teacher Resources - General explorers explorers Web Quest An explorers Dictionary, Mesopotamia in the Electronic general.Great Links for Upper Grades Social Studies, Geography resources. http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/SpringHillES/teacher_resources.htm | |
16. Oaklea Middle School - Explorers explorers. Back to Oaklea School Help. general resources. Group Biography Sites.Alphabetical Individual explorers. general resources about explorers Back to Top. http://www.junctioncity.k12.or.us/Oaklea/explorers.htm | |
17. Deliver Your Media: General Resources general resources. SciFi Cinema Channel monthly video clips of explorers From Earth,a new sci-fi adventure show, plus sci-fi movie reference list, links and http://www.deliveryourmedia.com/links-general-resources.html | |
18. Inglemoor High School - Library Recommended General Resources Recommended general resources by Subject. Literature Resource Center Database Biographical,bibliographical, and Authors Illustrators, explorers Discoverers http://ihsweb.nsd.org/library/Recommended.html | |
19. 5th Grade Social Studies Curriculum ZOOM explorers, Famous explorers from Armstrong to Vespucchi. COLONIALLEXINGTON, general information, resources, and student projects. http://www.ccsd.k12.wy.us/Social Studies/05/socstudies.html | |
20. Explorers general Sites. by Alphabet high school reading level information on explorers fromA - Z. Discoverers Web - numerous resources with various reading levels, http://www.picadome.fcps.net/lab/currl/explorer/default.htm | |
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