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63. Existentialism The onetime Marxist Nikolai Berdyaev developed a philosophy of Christian existentialismin his native Russia and later France during the decades preceding http://www.fact-index.com/e/ex/existentialism.html | |
64. Existentialism - AntiSpecies.com Philosophy AntiSpecies.com explains the concepts behind existentialism the philosophy,the origins and those who contributed to this view on being. http://www.antispecies.com/existentialism/ | |
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76. Existentialism At Maison D'Ãtre Philosophy Bookstore existentialism and Human Existence An Account of Five Major Philosophers Vol2 1997 by Thomas R. Koenig Kierkegaard, Ortega y Gasset, Buber, Berdyaev http://www.genordell.com/stores/maison/exist.htm | |
77. Jean-Paul Sartre, Philosophy & Existentialism JeanPaul Sartre, existentialism and philosophy resources, texts, free e-mailforum, etc Phenomenology, psychoanalysis and literature. http://www.sartre.org.uk/ | |
78. URI Philosophy Department Department offers a range of courses in several subject areas including Historyof philosophy, Epistemology, Ethics, existentialism, philosophy of Science http://www.uri.edu/artsci/phl/ | |
79. QMUL > Philosophy intellectual history, Medieval and Renaissance thought, early modernism, the Enlightenment,German idealism, phenomenology, existentialism, philosophy of the http://www.philosophy.qmul.ac.uk/ | |
80. Links To Philosophy Websites Resources Realm of existentialism Existential Psychology The Existentialist HideoutPhilosophy quick guide no. 1 existentialism existentialism summary page. http://www.comms.dcu.ie/sheehanh/philosophy/links.htm | |
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