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61. Mayor Of London - London House Brussels - Policy Agenda Submission to the european Convention by the London european Forum on the statusof Services of general Interest in the european Treaties (January 2003). http://www.london.gov.uk/london_house/policy_agenda.jsp |
62. Dear Colleague Letter: Nsf02135 http//www.kbn.gov.pl. 1/3 Wspólna Str, 00529 Warsaw, Poland. José Manuel Fernándezde Labastida, Vice Director general of Projects. Tel. european NETWORKING, http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2002/nsf02135/nsf02135.htm | |
63. Komitet Badañ Naukowych swoich uwag na adres astolarc@kbn.gov.pl european intergovernmental scientific cooperationstructures and organisations of a general nature, such http://www.kbn.gov.pl/miedzyn/era/era3.html | |
64. UK Sport - Europe - Institutions & Networks european Commission Directorate general for Education and Culture Sports Unit.The european Commission is the Executive Body of the european Union. http://www.uksport.gov.uk/generic_template.asp?id=11789 |
65. Slovakia And The European Union 30.5.2002. SUPPLY CONTRACT FORECAST Equipment for the Ministry ofInterior and the general Prosecutor´s Office . 16.5.2002. SUPPLY http://www.vlada.gov.sk/eu_en/tendre_zoznam.php3 | |
66. U.S. Copyright Office, WIPO Copyright Treaty to in paragraph (1) shall be established by the Director general of WIPO on or oneof whose official languages, is involved and the european Community, and any http://www.copyright.gov/wipo/treaty1.html | |
67. Public Record Office | In The News | The European Defence Community Army Conference was called to discuss the development of a european Army. Thefirst document contains the instructions given to Majorgeneral Kimmins who http://www.pro.gov.uk/inthenews/defence_community/edc1.htm | |
68. Mata And European Union majority of Maltese electorate voted Yes for EU and subsequent general electionvictory Dr. Joe Borg signed the Treaty of Accession to the european Union 2003 http://www.foreign.gov.mt/Malta-Eu/ | |
69. Cyprus Government Website, Maintained By The Department Of within the framework of the european Political Cooperation closely followed developmentsin Cyprus and the efforts of the UN Secretary general to promote a http://www.mfa.gov.cy/ |
70. Eastern European Parliaments (Tuomas J. Alaterä) The list of the Eastern european Parliaments and related matters on the Web 5969 fax+7 095 - 292 5967 http//www.council.gov.ru/ or in general http//www http://www.uta.fi/~ta22596/parlmnts.htm | |
71. Swain Library: Patent General Information www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/doc/general/) general information about of Patents (http//www.patent.gov.uk/patent USPTO, JPO (http//www.europeanpatent-office http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/swain/patent/patgeninf.html | |
72. WTO | SPS - Links To Members' Websites Risk assessments/scientific information, analisis.riesgos@ica.gov.co, web site/ informationavailable, SPS in general, Food safety, european Communities back to top. http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/sps_e/spslinks_e.htm | |
73. Department For Constitutional Affairs - Legislation - Draft Single European Curr plus peers. It does not include european Union citizens (apart fromIrish citizens, who are able to vote in general elections). http://www.dca.gov.uk/elections/euro/secbill.htm | |
74. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CENTRAL EUROPEAN REGION relations with counterparts in the agriculture ministries of european nations 1) 3193287E-Mail sonia.i.vicinanza@aphis.usda.gov general Inquiries Monika http://www.usembassy.at/en/usda/who_we_are.html | |
75. FUNCTIONS OF THE DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF CULTURAL AFFAIRS AND ITS ACTIVITIES DURI Deputy Directorate general of. held 4 hour educational programmes in Russian onOttoman history in Minsk State University and the european Social Sciences http://www.mfa.gov.tr/grupa/ao/01.htm | |
76. GridCanada Mailing List Archive: [gc-general] Future European G Darcy The GCgeneral list may 2003 843 AM To kees.neggers@surfnet.nl; bill.st.arnaud@canarie.ca;catlett@mcs.anl.gov Subject RE european ETF http://mail.canarie.ca/MLISTS/gc-general/0169.html |
77. Internet Resources - Government Publications And Other Information About Governm Explore the Internet government Information on the Internet page for the Library of Congress, providing links to resources for government agencies and information on the Internet. Embassy.org general information on Washington, D.C Michigan Documents Center Excellent site. US gov Info/Resources GAO U.S. general Accounting Office. government Information Sharing http://lcweb.loc.gov/rr/news/extgovd.html | |
78. US State Department - Road Safety Overseas Who Deceptively Marketed International Driver s Permits http//www.ftc.gov/opa/2003 Ingeneral, your US auto insurance does not cover you abroad european Union http://travel.state.gov/road_safety.html | |
79. Chemicals Policy Initiative — Organizational Links general Information. european Union . european Commission . Other. european Govt. european Intl Industry. european NGOs http://www.chemicalspolicy.org/link.euni.comm.shtml | |
80. Catalog 2001-2003, General - Department Of History / Government TWU Catalog 20012003, general Department Of History / government page. PREREQUISITES ENG 1013 and 1023; HIST 1013 and 1023 and either gov 2013 or 2023 Medieval Europe. A general survey of http://www.twu.edu/gencat/01-03/histgov.html | |
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