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21. Did Indo-European Languages Spread Before Farming? USA (email; Jonathan@elvis.esd.ornl.gov). event of the Indo-european languages involved thearchaeological record, together with general ecological principles http://www.esd.ornl.gov/ern/qen/Indo2.html | |
22. Defra, UK - Wildlife And Countryside - Wildlife, Countryside And Flood Managemen 8767 Fax number 0117 372 8119 general email enquiries ramsar@defra.gsi.gov.uk. wildlifeprotection provisions of relevant european Union Directives http://www.defra.gov.uk/wildlife-countryside/wacd/ | |
23. General Procurement Virtual Library o Egov. o GAO Comptroller general Decisions - government Printing Office (SearchableSite). Thomas Register of european Manufacturers Thomas Register of http://www.gpo.gov/procurement/mms/general/gp-vir_lbry.html | |
24. NOAA NESDIS Geostationary And Polar Orbiting Satellites - General Description METEOSAT, the european geostationary satellite from the ESOC site; also, learnabout METEOSAT Second Generation (MSG). general METEOR APT information note. http://noaasis.noaa.gov/NOAASIS/ml/genlsatl.html | |
25. IND - EU/EEA Nationals your employees are not nationals of the european Economic Area general enquiries+44 (0)20 7008 8438 Application forms the UK Visas website www.ukvisas.gov.uk. http://www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk/default.asp?PageId=138 |
26. GONW - European Regional Development Fund As a general rule, however, the european Union contributes a guide to potential sourcesof match funding on the DTI web site at http//www.dti.gov.uk. http://www.go-nw.gov.uk/europe/erdf.html | |
27. Safety And Health Topics: General Safety And Health References Safety and Health Topics general Safety and Health References. Due Health.OSHA and the european Agency for Safety and Health at Work. http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/generalshreferences/ | |
28. Hong Kong And European Commission Sign Re-admission Agreement Hong Kong and european Commission sign readmission agreement The Hong Kong SARGovernment and the european Community signed an agreement on Wednesday http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/brandhk/1127322.htm | |
29. The Dti/Home Director general Consumer and Corporate Regulations. Read more. Practical Implicationsof EU Enlargement. On 01 May 2004, ten countries joined the european http://www.dti.gov.za/ | |
30. The European Commission - Enterprise Directorate-General Trade general Directorate of Standardisation for Foreign Trade Inönü Bulvari Emek - Ankara Mr Saadettin Dogan Head of Unit E-mail dtsabbil@dtm.gov.tr Tel http://europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/tris/who_ms/index_en.htm | |
31. TURKEY-EUROPEAN UNION RELATIONS Free Trade Agreements. Autonomous Regimes general System of Preferences. PanEuropeanCumulation System. Last update April 01, 2004 kayau@dtm.gov.tr. http://www.dtm.gov.tr/ab/ingilizce/turkeyeu.htm |
33. Ministry Of Foreign Affairs - Home to the european Parliament 2004. The National Security Strategy of the Republicof Hungary. Hungarian Benefit Law and Other Documents. UN general Assembly 58th http://www.mfa.gov.hu/ | |
34. STAGIAIRE SCHEMES IN OTHER EUROPEAN UNION The Council of the european Union general Secretariat (Staff TrainingDepartment) Rue de la Loi 175 B1048 Brussels. Fax No. +32 2 2858444. http://www.euro-staff.gov.uk/finding/otherstages.htm | |
35. National Health And Medical Research Council - Apply For Funding - Special Initi For more information on FEAST, go to the european CommissionÂs 25 March 2004 EmailWebmaster nhmrc.webmaster@nhmrc.gov.au general Enquiry research@nhmrc http://www.health.gov.au/nhmrc/funding/si.htm | |
36. FDA/CFSAN: FDA And The European Commission Enterprise Directorate General Bilate FDA and the european Commission s Enterprise Directorate general BilateralMeeting Cosmetics Breakout Meeting Brussels, Belgium. Summary. http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cosint99.html | |
37. RFE PAGE 0: European John Dory (zs, Zeusfabe) RFE Page 0 Top Page for european John Dory general CFSAN and Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia(RFE) Web Implementations Contact Fred Fry at frf@vm.cfsan.fda.gov. http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~frf/rfe0zs.html | |
38. European Wasps Environment ACT (Australian Capital Territory) european Wasps http//www.environment.act.gov.au/general/yourenvironmenthwp/europeanwasp.html; http://www.amonline.net.au/factsheets/european_wasps.htm | |
39. GSA - U.S. General Services Administration european timothy.fleming@gsa.gov - 011.49.170227.0622. http://www.fts.gsa.gov/contact.htm | |
40. PADI - General Resources the preservation of digital heritage european Commission on Netherlands, and adoptedby the general Conference of resources. http//www.nla.gov.au/guidelines http://www.nla.gov.au/padi/topics/1.html | |
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