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81. MedWebPlus Subject Ethnobotany http://medwebplus.com/subject/Ethnobotany | |
82. Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands ; Research Activities; ethnobotany; References Description. Pinyon-Juniper conditions. ethnobotany. Pinyon......PinyonJuniper Woodlands. Outline. http://www.santafe.edu/~pth/pj.html | |
83. Ethnobotany Of The Ahupua'a: Asia-Pacific Digital Library ethnobotany of the Ahupua a. Abstract Ancient Hawaiian land division consisted of mokopuni (larger islands) divided into moku (districts). http://apdl.kcc.hawaii.edu/~ahupuaa/botany/ | |
84. Internet Directory For Botany: Economic Botany, Ethnobotany INTERNET DIRECTORY FOR BOTANY ECONOMIC BOTANY, ethnobotany. Original location of this page http//www.helsinki.fi/kmus/botecon.html. ethnobotany. http://public.srce.hr/botanic/cisb/Edoc/flora/subject/botecon.html | |
85. Ethnobotany Enthnobotany. The importance of ethnobotany in environmental conservation. Richard Evans Schultes, PhD, FMLS. ethnobotany is certainly not new. http://www.salviasupply.com/ethnobotany/ethnobotany.html | |
86. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ETHNOBOTANY BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ethnobotany. BOOKS. Abbiw, Daniel K. 1989. Useful Plants of Ghana. Alcorn, Janis 1984. Huastec Mayan ethnobotany. Austin, U. of Texas Press. http://www.utexas.edu/courses/stross/ant393_files/ethnobotbib.htm | |
87. Mesoamerican Ethnobotany Syllabus . MESOAMERICAN ethnobotany. Syllabus. profitable to explore in trying to understand the breadth and depth of the topic of. Mesoamerican ethnobotany....... http://www.utexas.edu/courses/stross/ant393_files/ant393syl.htm | |
88. Ethnobotany At University Of California Riverside http://maya.ucr.edu/pril/ethnobotany/Start.html |
89. Soma Among The Armenians, Ethnobotany, Anthropology, Armenian Mythology, Vahagn, While thus far there have been no studies of the ethnobotany of the Armenian highlands, there are, nonetheless, some rich secondary materials for such a study. http://rbedrosian.com/soma.htm | |
90. Database File For: Guandu - Cajanus Cajan - Guandu - Cajanus Cajan - Guandu - Ca Vulnerary. COUNTRY, ethnobotany WORLDWIDE USES. Bahamas, Antidote(Fish), Ciguatera. Brazil, Sore, Swelling, Fever, Ulcer, Inflammation, Cough. http://www.rain-tree.com/guandu.htm | |
91. Ethnobotany ANT341G/BIO260G ethnobotany 3 credits Days Tuesday and Thursday 1120 am1235 pm, Smyth 225. Class Web Site. Professors Dr. Beverly http://www-pub.naz.edu:9000/~ethnobot/ | |
92. Ethnobotany Table http://www.stoller-eser.com/Flora/ethnobotany_table.htm | |
93. 4PLANTAMED DOC. 001 3d INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIO. ethnobotany DISCIPLINES. Friends the University for Peace Foundation, Costa Rica. 1/7. TOPICS. ethnobotany. FOLK TRADITIONS. http://www.costarricense.cr/pagina/PLANTAMED/ | |
94. LookSmart - Directory - Ethnobotany ethnobotany. ethnobotany Find guides and resources for ethnobotany, the study of how cultural groups use indigenous plants. Directory http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us55998/us56029/us330302/ | |
95. The Botanical Swap Project - Home « Home », Welcome Guest. Please Login or Register. May 18 th , 2004, 1206pm. http://ethnobotany.proboards6.com/ | |
96. Institute For Tropical Ecology And Conservation Tropical ethnobotany. Instructor 1,2. 2. Field Mangroves and Coastal Strand. 2. Introduction to ethnobotany. 3. 3. Field Tropical Old Growth 2 o Forests. http://www.itec-edu.org/ethnobotany.html | |
97. ETHNOBOTANY AND PALEOETHNOBOTANY BIBLIOGRAPHY ethnobotany AND PALEOethnobotany A BIBLIOGRAPHY. INTRODUCTION. This bibliography is intended only as a general overview of ethnobotany and paleoethnobotany. http://www.nakedscience.org/ethnobib.html | |
98. Ethnobotany Supply - Ethnobotanicals, Rare Seeds, Herbs, Extracts Worldwide supplier of items relevant to ethnobotany, with online ordering of Salvia divinorum and over 250 ethnobotanical seeds, herbs and extracts. http://www.ethnobotanicals.com/ | |
99. Anthropology 610 Anthropology 610. ethnobotany. The Ohio State University. Spring Quarter 1999. Cotton, Catherine. ethnobotany Principles and Applications. Wiley, New York. http://monkey.sbs.ohio-state.edu/Syllabi/Anthropology_610_sp2000.htm | |
100. Applied Ethnobotany - Earthscan Environmental Books Applied ethnobotany People, Wild Plant Use and Conservation Author Anthony B Cunningham. excellent contribution to the science and practice of ethnobotany http://www.earthscan.co.uk/asp/bookdetails.asp?key=3238 |
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