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61. Solutions-- Not Excuses Radio Show Archives (Conceptual Indexing) ethics and philosophy. Click on Show Number to Order. Show 2 Theethics and psychology of turn the other cheek. Also Gay Panic http://www.drhurd.com/radio-shows/ethics-philosophy.html | |
62. Philosophy Class Introduction Logic Textbook Introductary essays in logic, aesthetics, epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, political philosophy and history of philosophy. http://www.philosophyclass.com/ | |
63. Office Of Computer Ethics - Philosophy & Goals The Office of Computing ethics has two main components Education of all studentsregarding the Policy on Fair, Responsible and Acceptable Use of Electronic http://academic.udayton.edu/ethics/philandgoalssub.htm | |
64. 20th WCP: Theoretical Ethics Papers given at the Twentieth World Congress of philosophy, in Boston, Massachusetts August 1015, 1998. http://www.bu.edu/wcp/MainTEth.htm | |
65. Gensler's Philosophy Exercises Some related figures in ethics For my Introduction to Logicbook Logic Tutorial (Pretest). philosophy of religion http://www.jcu.edu/philosophy/gensler/ethics.htm | |
66. A Very Shory History Of Computer Ethics - The Research Center On Computing & Soc Southern Connecticut State University, Research Center on Computing Society. First published in the American Philosophical Association Newsletter on philosophy and Computing, 2000. http://www.southernct.edu/organizations/rccs/resources/research/introduction/byn | |
67. PhD In Philosophy Of Education: History, Philosophy And Specialties include ethics, epistemology, aesthetics, social and political philosophy, foundations of educational inquiry, feminist philosophy, continental philosophy, or historically important educational thinkers. http://education.indiana.edu/~edhpc/phil.html | |
68. Environmental Ethics is dedicated to providing access to Internet resources throughout the world whichpertain to or focus on environmental ethics and environmental philosophy. http://www.cep.unt.edu/ | |
69. Environmental Ethics Journal philosophy is growing college courses are being offered and books published onthe subject. In documenting this philosophic approach, Environmental ethics http://www.cep.unt.edu/enethics.html | |
70. Tim LeBon's Philosophy & Counselling Pages Articles on philosophical counselling, existential psychotherapy, pub philosophy, and counselling ethics. Also details of Tim's book 'Wise Therapy philosophy for Counsellors' and Alain de Botton discussion group. http://members.aol.com/timlebon | |
71. Classics Network Forums - Powered By VBulletin Specalised areas including ethics and philosophy of religion. http://www.classicsnetwork.com/forums/ | |
72. Online Guide To Ethics And Moral Philosophy Pat I of the site relies on original sources, excerpts from ethics in the Historyof Western philosophy (Macmillan, 1989), and excerpts from the Routledge http://caae.phil.cmu.edu/Cavalier/80130/ | |
73. Martin Buber And Environmental Ethics A thesis on the application of Buber's philosophy to resolving the problems in the field of environmental ethics. http://web.singnet.com.sg/~chlim/Buber.html | |
74. Ethics Quarterly international journal of moral, political, and legal philosophy. Edited by John Deigh, and published by the University of Chicago Press. Includes contents from current and past issues. http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/ET/ | |
75. Ethics & Politics An educational site with selfstudy curriculum for modern Pagans,Wiccans, Witches. ethics, philosophy, Politics. I think it is http://www.solitary-pagan.net/Ethics, Philosophy, & Politics.htm | |
76. E-Salon - Philosophical Inquiries By John Baggaley eSalon is a growing collection of essays, lectures, stories, on meta-ethics, normative ethics, metaphysics, philosophy of religion, philosophy of language, logic, love written by John Baggaley. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atlantis/3175/index.htm | |
77. A Brief Guide On How To Do Ethics / Philosophy  Nathan Nobis, Nobs@mail A Brief Guide on How to do ethics / philosophy. For any statement, claim,sentence, belief, etc. (eg, Âhumans have rightsÂ, Âanimals http://courses.ats.rochester.edu/nobis/animals/clarity-in-thinking.html | |
78. Department Of Philosophy Department of philosophy Matieland, South Africa - BA (single and joint degrees), MA, MPhil (Applied ethics), DPhil. Home of the Centre for Applied ethics. In English and Afrikaans. http://www.sun.ac.za/philosophy/ | |
79. Department Of Religious Studies Department of Religious Studies. The academic study of religion at CSU, Chico, focuses on a) historical studies of Eastern and Western religious traditions; b)textual studies of the sacred writings in religious traditions; c) methodological studies which seek to understand and interpret religious traditions and cultural symbols; and d)cognate studies which relate religion to aspects of culture such as literature and the arts, ethics and law, psychology, sociology, and philosophy. http://www.csuchico.edu/rs/ | |
80. Advanced Ethics - Philosophy 549 - University Of Calgary An intensive investigation of one or more issues in normative ethical theory ormetaethics. Prerequisites Two previous courses in philosophy, one of which http://www.phil.ucalgary.ca/courses/549.html | |
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