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81. FEMA: Region VI - Enivronmental Site - Regional Environmental Officer Responsibi identify training needs and help provide training opportunities for regional, DFO, and state staff working with environmental issues, to include training for http://www.fema.gov/regions/vi/env/reo_responsibilities.shtm | |
82. Regional Cooperation And Environmental Issues In Northeast Asia In Part One, they describe briefly some of the major transfrontier or regional environmental issues in Northeast Asia that represent a menu of opportunities http://repositories.cdlib.org/igcc/PP/PP05/ | |
83. Global Environmental Issues And Drugs lifestyles at the national, regional, corporate, and an international approach to global environmental problems. taking decisions on major issues contained in http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/un/pamph2000/global.html | |
84. SEMCOG Advisory Councils environmental Policy Advisory Council (EPAC) Meets on the second Wednesday of Assists in identifying and responding to regional issues involving the quality of http://www.semcog.org/AboutUs/Overview/AdvisoryCouncils.htm | |
85. SEMCOG Environment work to support local environmental planning initiatives, such as watershed management. Environment staff identify and respond to regional issues involving the http://www.semcog.org/RegPlan/Environment/ | |
86. REC: Paper Series, Number 3 Understanding environmental issues in Central and Eastern Europe. Published by the regional environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, 2000 Szentendre http://www.rec.org/REC/Publications/PaperSeries/Paper3/cover.html | |
87. Regional Environment Management Plan: Issues And Approaches regional environmental management plan issues and approaches (Proceedings of the Workshop on regional environmental Quality Management held on 25 November http://www.teriin.org/pub/books/remp.htm | |
88. Environmental And Natural Resource Issues of agricultural, environmental, economic, and cultural issues. agricultural conservation and environmental programs, help has conducted five regional workshops http://www.farmfoundation.org/environmental.htm | |
89. Regional Access Issues battles at the local, state and regional levels, and BLM issues Temporary Closure for Public Lands in Fort Stanton Area of Critical environmental Concern (ACEC http://www.arra-access.com/arra/regional.html | |
90. CEC: Member Groups By Category/Areas Of Interest Global issues HARC The Mitchell Center International for the Solution of environmental Problems Planned Association Sierra Club  Houston regional Group. http://www.cechouston.org/resourceguide/membersmssion.html | |
91. Peninsula Community Foundation - News Releases Innovative environmental Forum Address regional issues. Local organizations join forces to improve the local bioregion; futurists http://www.pcf.org/about/pr_042203.html | |
92. CENTRAL ASIA: REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER OPENS IN ALMATY environmental structure is to coordinate and resolve environmental issues through nongovernment organizations, governments in the region and the business http://www.bisnis.doc.gov/bisnis/country/010730CENASIAENV.htm | |
93. Environmental Issues - Dept. Of Public Works environmental issues. of liquids to a stream, pond or lake by another party, contact the Department of environmental Quality (DEQ), Piedmont regional Office http://www.co.hanover.va.us/works/envirmnt.htm | |
94. Arab Social Science Research (ASSR) - General Resources Regional Conflict by Jay Murphy from Demographic, environmental, and Security issues Project (DESIP promotion of Arab-Israeli peace; regional economic integration http://www.assr.org/general/regional.asp |
95. Regional Report: Environmental Issues Dog Robust Economy - 2002-04-16 - Washingt LATEST NEWS. April 16, 2002. regional report environmental issues dog robust economy. Mike Sunnucks. Staff Reporter. Concerns about http://washington.bizjournals.com/washington/stories/2002/04/15/daily13.html | |
96. * Faculty Of Environmental Studies, York University Solutions to urban and regional issues within an explicitly environmental perspective are at the centre of this Area of Concentration. http://www.yorku.ca/fes/programs/bes/overview.asp | |
97. Eurobarometer 43.1BIS: Regional Development And Consumer And Environmental Issue Eurobarometer 43.1BIS regional Development and Consumer and environmental issues, MayJune 1995. Survey number 06840. Other titles http://sherlock.crepuq.qc.ca/cgi-bin/sherlock.pl?langue=E&action=description_enq |
98. Eurobarometer 43.1BIS: Regional Development And Consumer And Environmental Issue Eurobarometer 43.1BIS regional Development and Consumer and environmental issues, MayJune 1995. Survey description; Accompanying http://sherlock.crepuq.qc.ca/cgi-bin/sherlock.pl?langue=E&action=information_enq |
99. AMSA's Role In Maritime Environmental Issues and to identify areas in the regional marine planning Other national and international issues. or maintain a watching brief on emerging environmental issues. http://www.amsa.gov.au/Marine_Environment_Protection/AMSAs_Role_in_Maritime_Envi | |
100. 1. Critical Environmental Regions: Concepts, Distinctions, And Issues key issues around the conceptualization of environmental criticality. Other approaches have focused on the identification of criticality at the regional scale http://www.unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/uu14re/uu14re03.htm | |
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