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181. EnviroInfo: Enviroinfo's List Of Environmental Periodicals List of links for more than 800 journals and magazines. Alphabetical by title. http://www.deb.uminho.pt/fontes/enviroinfo/publications | |
182. The Institute On Global Conflict And Cooperation Multicampus research unit that serves the entire University of California system. Research fields include regional relations, international environmental policy, internal conflict, international migration, and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Faculty and staff, events, current research programs, and publications. http://www-igcc.ucsd.edu/ | |
183. Canadian-based Publications Online Versions électroniques ou compléments des publications imprimées. Monitor magazine (computer news) monthly; living and the environment) bimonthly; OWLkids http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/Unofficial/Canadiana/CA-zines.html | |
184. Environment International Publishes research about environmental risk and the relationships between exposure to contaminants and environmental health. http://www.elsevier.com/inca/publications/store/3/2/6/index.htt | |
185. Environmental News Headlines By Topic Shell to pay $28 for clean up efforts (Environment news Service) (08/07/2002) Shell to make it burn more completely, in the South Tahoe Public utility District http://www.p2ric.org/EnvNews/NewsByTop.cfm | |
186. An Experimental Home Page For Dr. Red Chasteen Resource for chemoluminescence, analytical instrumentation, primers, animations and audio files for students, publications and research in environmental chemistry, maintained at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX. http://www.shsu.edu/~chm_tgc/ | |
187. EPA-Compliance And Enforcement Information about the (NEIC) and its activities related to environmental enforcment. Organization, highlights, library information sources and publications. http://es.epa.gov/oeca/oceft/neic/ | |
188. Wastes: Composting Articles and publications from the environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Solid Waste. http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/non-hw/compost/index.htm | |
189. Environmental Geochemistry Laboratory (U. Of Aalborg, Denmark) s of current research projects and interests, along with a page of laboratory publications. Provides contact information for collaboration inquiries and employment information.......Physical inorganic and organometallic chemistry applied to environmental and geological systems. http://envgeolab.netfirms.com/ | |
190. US ITASE Home Page , publications, and other scientific contributions from investigations to reconstruct 200 2000 years of past climatic and environmental changes in Antarctica, using remote sensing, ice cores, geophysics, and other methods....... http://www.ume.maine.edu/USITASE | |
191. Home Provides information on resource consents, environmental issues, publications and responsibilities of the Regional Council. http://www.ebop.govt.nz | |
192. Jose Blanco Information Research into environmental changes in the area associated with the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) with particular interest in the latest cold/warm event. Comprehensive publications list. http://www.ccpo.odu.edu/~jlblanco/ |
193. ENFO Ireland's public environmental and sustainable development information service, presenting substantial information in categories, activity and school notes, details of publications and exhibitions, background, contact data and FAQs and a reference database. http://www.enfo.ie/ |
194. The Rural Technology Initiative Homepage Objective is to use better technology to manage forests in rural areas for increased product and environmental values in support of local communities. Links to projects, calendar, seminars and publications. http://www.ruraltech.org/ | |
195. University Of Nebraska Cooperative Extensions Offers researchbased educational programs, publications and resources in the areas of agriculture, family and child development, community leadership and development, food and safety, health and nutrition, and environmental resources. http://extension.unl.edu/ | |
196. Province Of British Columbia More news . May 12, 2004. The ministry s vision is a clean, healthy and naturally diverse environment that enriches people s lives, now and in the future. http://www.gov.bc.ca/bvprd/bc/channel.do?action=ministry&channelID=-8395&navId=N |
197. BNA - Environment, Health & Safety Products Environment, Health Safety Products. a Free Trial to specific electronic publications in this http://www.bna.com/products/ens/ | |
198. UNEP News Centre - United Nations Environment Programme UNEP news Centre. http://www.unep.org/MediaRoom/ | |
199. Effect Of Whey Protein On The In Vivo Release Of Aldehydes. Effect of whey protein on the In Vivo Release of Aldehydes. http//library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/ 326313 Weel, K.G.C. K.G.C. Weel Boelrijk, A.E.M. A.E.M. Boelrijk Burger, J.J. J.J. Burger http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://pubs.acs.org&y=025BA4B9E696BC84& |
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