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41. Sport And Environment / General Information / Sport As Agent For Change and the general public the road to and the benefits of sustainability. Sportsorganizations can act as catalysts to protect and enhance the environment. http://www.unep.org/sport_env/General_Information/goal2.asp | |
42. Home Source of information on the North Carolina Department of environment and Natural Resources Stormwater Management Programs. Stormwater permits, manuals, factsheets, forms, and guidance documents. http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/stormwater.html | |
43. Environment - General Information SEARCH. environment general Information. Manitoba Hydro recognizesthat the economy and the environment are mutually dependent. http://www.hydro.mb.ca/environment/environment_index.shtml | |
44. Home Specialists in flora, fauna, fisheries and aquaculture, plus general environmental work. Main focus Ecological surveys and monitoring, environmental impact assessment (EIA), deskbased studies. http://naturalenvironment.co.uk/ | |
45. World Bank Group | Environment | General Reference Documents Search. Home Dev Topics environment Analytical and Advisory Assistance Strategic environmental Assessment general Reference Documents. About Us. http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/ESSD/envext.nsf/41ByDocName/AnalyticalandAdvisoryAs | |
46. The National Grange Rural family fraternity founded in 1867, the nation's oldest general farm organization. The Grange is comprised of families and individuals who share a common interest in community involvement, agriculture, and working together in a family environment. http://www.nationalgrange.org/ | |
47. Environment And Planning Law Association - Events Focused on advancing environmental law and practice among the New South Wales (Australia) legal profession and general community. Information about the organization and subscription form for publications on local government and planning law decisions. http://www.epla.org.au/ | |
48. The Netherlands Ministry Of Spatial Planning, Housing And The Environment (VROM) News, general information about the ministry, policy documents and an overview of international activities. http://www.vrom.nl/international/ | |
49. Earth & Sky : Browse Science Links - Environment (General) environment (general). Kids and Teachersto see only those links on thispage are best for you, click on one of the buttons to the right! http://www.earthsky.com/browse/index.php?c=Environment |
50. Cities Environment Reports On The Internet An UN inititative, and part of UNEP. A program to facilitate easy access to environmental information for sound decisionmaking and general awareness-raising in cities. http://www.grida.no/city/ |
51. The Festival Speech Synthesis System Festival is a general multilingual speech synthesis system developed at CSTR. It offers a full text to speech system with various APIs, as well an environment for development and research of speech synthesis techniques. http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival/ | |
52. Office Of The Inspector General - Environmental Protection Agency The Office of Inspector general is an independent office within EPA that helps theAgency protect the environment in a more efficient and cost effective manner http://www.epa.gov/oigearth/ | |
53. Emergency Prevention, Preparedness And Response To protect human health and the environment CEPPO develops, implements, and coordinates regulatory and nonregulatory programs. The Office carries out this work in partnership with regions, domestic and international organizations in the public and private sectors, and the general public. http://www.epa.gov/ceppo/ | |
54. Internet Security Tutorials - Security News Advice on how to identify the best type of intrusion detection system for a particular environment, develop organizational guidelines for passwords, set general computer security policies, and perform a security review and risk assessment. http://www.securitypronews.com | |
55. GM - GMability: General Motors' Citizenship & Responsibility GM Simplified Maintenance Banner. Our products and manufacturing facilitieshave an impact on the environment. Not only do internal http://www.gm.com/company/gmability/environment/ | |
56. [rhi] AspectS generalpurpose aspect-oriented extension to Smalltalk, in the Squeak environment. http://www.prakinf.tu-ilmenau.de/~hirsch/Projects/Squeak/AspectS/ | |
57. South Florida Spearfishing Club ~ Dedicated To The Sport Of Underwater Hunting Underwater hunting and preservation of the marine environment in South Florida. Many fishing accounts, tips, general South Florida information. http://www.spearfishing.org/ | |
58. ATS Hardware Environment - General Use The following table provides descriptions of the ATS general use computing environment.Applications Technical Services general Use Hardware environment. http://www.scs.nevada.edu/admin/environment/genhardware.html | |
59. Canadian Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse environment Canada's pollution prevention (P2) website and database featuring general information, tools, legislation, success stories, and technology. http://www.ec.gc.ca/cppic/en/index.cfm | |
60. CSU Libraries: Federal Government Resources For The Environment (General) Federal Government Resources for the environment (general). environmentalImpact Analysis Date Links Links to endangered species, energy http://manta.library.colostate.edu/research/docs/environmentgeneral.html | |
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