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41. CBS News | Electronic Voting Causing Concern | January 3, 2004Â 20:31:43 There are many things that we teach in Security 101 that were not understood After the controversial election of 2000, voters may have little tolerance for http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/01/03/eveningnews/main591185.shtml | |
42. Home Then, in 2000, when we were about to direct our organizational arm, to finally teach America how to participate in their neighborhood precinct election, go to http://www.votefraud.org/ | |
43. Public Affairs Report: January 2000 1, January 2000. Black Elected Officials Can teach Whites Too many police forces have stayed intact despite the election of a black mayor for this type of http://www.igs.berkeley.edu/publications/par/Jan2000/Hajnal.html | |
44. Kelley Ross For State Assembly, 2000 Pages One bit of good news in the 2000 election. Beat the teachers Unions with School Vouchers 2000! in history, rather than a degree in education, to teach history. http://www.friesian.com/ross/ca40/2000.htm | |
46. CA Secretary Of State - Primary Election 2000 - Rebuttal To Argument In Favor Of agency. We teach our children that there is a RIGHT WAY and a WRONG WAY to do everything. The same is true with ideas for new laws. http://primary2000.ss.ca.gov/VoterGuide/Propositions/17yesrbt.htm | |
47. ACM SIGGRAPH 2000 Elections their contributions through this nomination and election process coordinating our presence for SIGGRAPH 2000 now, and I have been fortunate to teach at schools http://www.siggraph.org/gen-info/elections/2000/ | |
48. Election 2000 You have to teach it as something more momentous, more said she got involved in the election reform movement One Standard Way to Ballot (November 15, 2000). http://www.law.stanford.edu/publications/lawyer/issues/60/election2000_dean.html | |
49. Economics Resources For College Teachers Currently featured Forecast of the 2000 presidential election (see Presidential Vote Equation); forecast of US economy (see US modelForecast Memo). http://ecedweb.unomaha.edu/teach-ec.htm | |
50. ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE - BETTER ELECTIONS EVERY DAY. unwelcome national attention that the 2000 election brought to Florida, Anderson and other elections supervisors plan to do more than ever to teach people how http://www.essvote.com/index.php?section=news_item&news_id=17&rightnav=news |
51. CongressLink html State of the Union Address http//www.congresslink.org/sources/GWSOTU.html APSA election 2000 - http//www.apsanet.org/teach/election2000/index.cfm http://www.congresslink.org/lessonplans/SPProganda.htm | |
52. CongressLink you can use these resources to teach and learn Project Vote Smart Presidential election 2004 (http//www.vote a great directory of the 2000 candidates with http://www.congresslink.org/Campaign2004.htm | |
53. Advocate Archives election 2000 It Ain t Over . Every Vote is Important - Bob October 2000 Issue. teacher and Administrator Exodus Continues - Who Will teach The Children? http://www.sdea.org/Advocate/advocate_archives.htm | |
54. Middle East Institute: Policy Brief What Does Libya s Disarmament teach About Rogue States? could have proceeded more quickly, possibly concluding prior to the 2000 election season, had the http://www.mideasti.org/articles/doc192.html | |
55. O'Reilly Digital Democracy Teach-In -- Monday, February 9, 2004, San Diego, CA This session will teach participants the essentials of successful blogging. and Transparency The vote counting problems of the election in 2000 created much http://conferences.oreillynet.com/et2004/edemo.csp | |
56. November 6, 2000 -- SSTI Weekly Digest Grant Fund which would restructure Training 2000 funds and is not running for reelection) have included to use school computers to teach technology workshops http://www.ssti.org/Digest/2000/110600.htm | |
57. Democracy Matters - Press Release Library - Teach-in Focuses On Finance Reform to Democracy Matters, discussed the Florida controversy from election 2000, and the Audience response to the teachin was positive; those present seemed truly http://www.democracymatters.org/PressRoom/DemocracyMattersArchive/press110502Cor | |
58. Grace To You What does the Bible teach about election? Occasionally someone will suggest that God s election is based on His foreknowledge of certain 2000 Grace to You. http://www.gty.org/IssuesandAnswers/archive/election.htm | |
59. Teaching About Presidential Elections. ERIC Digest. years prompt increased interest among students in the electoral process and offer an opportunity to teach about a The American President election 2000. http://www.ericdigests.org/2001-2/elections.html | |
60. Harris Interactive | News Room - Republicans Are Not Alone In Supporting Charact These are the key findings about education from the latest Harris Interactive election 2000 survey of Schools do not teach enough about character and morals, 61. http://www.harrisinteractive.com/news/allnewsbydate.asp?NewsID=32 |
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