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81. Celebrate Earth Day 2004!!!
This earth day, April 22, 2004, Amnesty needs your help in organizing events around a national day of action invites your group to organize teachins, public

Just Earth
> Earth Day 2004
Celebrate Earth Day 2004!!!
This Earth Day, April 22, 2004, Amnesty needs your help in organizing events around a national day of action to address human rights abuses linked to fossil fuel extraction projects in Indonesia and Ecuador. The newly merged Business, Environment, and Human Rights Program invites your group to organize teach-ins, public information tables, and other actions to educate the public and generate letters in support of environmental defenders and communities at risk in Indonesia and Ecuador. This page includes a short action guide with materials to promote your event.
The situations in Indonesia and Ecuador are symptomatic of the dilemmas created when large multinational oil companies do business in politically unstable regions and under the protection of ill-trained and unaccountable armies that have little or no respect for human rights. For over four decades, Indigenous communities have witnessed multinational oil companies cutting through the Ecuadorian Amazon, leaving dead rivers, road-scarred forests, polluted air, and daily discharges of millions of gallons of toxic waste in their wake. In order to fill a new oil pipeline, Ecuador will have to double its current oil production, setting off an unprecedented boom in new oil exploration and production, a boom which faces opposition from many communities which will be affected. Traditionally, the Ecuadorian military providing security for oil installations has taken orders directly from the companies and restricted access of campesinos and Indigenous peoples to their own lands. These activities have sparked outrage and protest across the country, yet the concerns of thousands of affected people have been met with repression.

82. AIUSA: Just Earth: Earth Day 2000 Newsletter
Sierra Club and Amnesty members are holding teachins and speak-outs to raise public awareness and generate action to defend those that give the earth a voice
Message from the Director

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Message from the Director Justice is the core issue The world is in crises at so many levels. Many communities are struggling against the worldwide impact of economic globalization, environmental destruction, and the weakening of governments and political leadership. The indigenous, the poorest, the least well organized and powerful of society are most often the ones that pay the heaviest price for rapid economic change. Non-sustainable development projects and the depletion of the earth's resources often occur in countries where governments are repressive and corrupt, making communities and their leadership that try to resist the destruction extremely vulnerable to government and corporate oppression.
Participants in the NE Regional Activist Training The Just Earth! Network was established for interested individuals and groups to take action on critical issues and campaigns that link human rights and environmental concerns. The response has been overwhelming. In just four months, since the launch of the program, we have had over 1000 individuals and groups join our Network. Similarly, Amnesty International USA's current campaign with the Sierra Club, sponsored by the Goldman Fund, to protect the rights of environmental defenders worldwide has brought together activists from these two organizations to mobilize action on behalf of environmentalists and communities at risk in Mexico, Russia, Burma, Chad and Cameroon. All around the US, in Minneapolis, Austin, Fairbanks, Denver and Boston, Sierra Club and Amnesty members are holding teach-ins and speak-outs to raise public awareness and generate action to 'defend those that give the earth a voice'.

83. Teach Children Value Behind Recycling
teach children value behind recycling. Many of the projects for Art day used materials brought from well aware that they can be artistic and earthfriendly at
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Movie Times

Contact Us
The St. Cloud Times is owned by Gannett , publisher of USA Today. PART TWO
The process of recycling
Teach children value behind recycling 21 April, 2003
Elizabeth Verdick
Times columnist
Every year, my daughter's Montessori school has a fund-raiser called Art Day, during which students display their works of art in the hallways as if it were an art gallery. Parents, relatives and friends walk the halls, examining the work like art patrons, deciding which priceless treasures to add to their collection. This year, we acquired a battery-operated candle decoupaged with tissue paper, a Japanese lantern adorned with ribbon, a drum made from paper plates and beads, among other items. Our young artist not only helped raise money for her school, but also developed her creativity and fine-motor skills all while transforming junk into beautiful art. Many of the projects for Art Day used materials brought from families' homes.

84. Science Classes Should Not Teach Creationism
1 says that on the second day God created God periodically allows to fall to earth as rain. Obviously, to teach biblical creationism would require schools to
Science Classes Should Not Teach Creationism A bill introduced in the Ohio General Assembly would require public schools to teach competing "theories" about the origin of life when evolution is taught. Critics of the bill recognize that it is a thinly veiled attempt to interject biblical creationism into science classes. Passage of this bill could make Ohio a national laughingstock. The state would likely be depicted on late-night talk shows and elsewhere as a scientifically ignorant and narrow-minded backwater. Moreover, the economic repercussions on the state could be severe. Corporations are unlikely to locate or expand in places where workers lack the knowledge necessary to understand modern science and technology. An examination of the biblical creation accounts shows that they do not belong in science classrooms. Contradictions A basic requirement for scientific theories is that they must be consistent in order to have validity. That is not met by the biblical creation stories. The Bible contains two creation tales, which scribes had attempted to combine into a single story. The first account runs from the beginning of Genesis chapter 1 through the third verse of chapter 2, and the second account starts at the fourth verse of chapter 2. Due to the two separate traditions used in compiling the biblical story, it contains contradictions.

85. Be Constructive
If we can teach young kids will be distributed to television stations across the country, for use on the evening news or as part of followup earth day stories
Earth Day 2004
The abundance of North American forests was top of mind for many Americans this morning, as WPN partners Dr. Patrick Moore and Chuck Leavell shared their positive Earth Day messages with television, radio and print media across the country. PATRICK MOORE REACHES MILLIONS OF TELEVISION VIEWERS
Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace informs millions of television viewers about the positive benefits to the earth by using wood to build homes. Moore kicked off the celebration with a satellite media tour live from New York's Central Park-one of America's largest urban forests. "We've made tremendous progress in the last 35 years," he said. "We now have cleaner air and water, and-contrary to popular opinion-our forests are abundant and growing. In fact, there's about the same area of forest in the U.S. today as there was 100 years ago, and the volume of trees has grown 20 percent since the first Earth Day was observed in 1970." Between 6 and 9 a.m., Moore spoke live via satellite to 20 television stations, reaching millions of viewers in key markets such as Denver, Houston, Buffalo, San Diego, New York and Phoenix. "Earth Day was created to remind us of the impact that our choices have on the environment-both negative and positive. We can be proud of the choices we've made in the last 35 years."

86. Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium
on Friday, April 23, from 930 am – 2 pm This special field trip, called “Passport to Conservation Wild earth day 2004,” will teach students about the

See It's PPG
Zoo Offers Behind-the-Scenes Look this Saturday!
New This Summer - Enter the Land of Dragons!

Zoo Gala This Saturday Night - Zoo to Close Early to Prepare
Buy 84 Lumber Golf Classic Tickets and Help the Zoo!

Tickets for the 84 Lumber PGA Golf Classic, Thursday, September 23 through Saturday, September, 26, can be purchased through the Zoo for only $10!
Pittsburgh Zoo Among Best in Country for Kids!

Kids - Help Solve a Caper this Weekend at the Zoo!

Salsa, Shake and Jam at Choh Sahn this Weekend!

Get Mom a WILD Gift!

Need a gift for Mom? Starting at only $30, the Zoo's Adopt an Animal packages are perfect for your wild mom. To guarantee Mother’s Day delivery, adoption packages should be purchased by May 6. Earth Day Celebration This Saturday! Schools - Celebrate Earth Day at the Zoo! Zoo Lets the Cat Out of the Bag on Animal Names Zoo Considers Change to "No-Name" Policy for Animals DUE TO OVERWHELMING RESPONSE WE HAVE SET UP A SPECIAL EMAIL ACCOUNT: PLEASE SEND YOUR OPINION TO:

87. Could Animals Teach Us How To Appreciate The Earth?
an animal had anything of spiritual value to teach him beauty and abundance that nature offers us every day. those who conserve and protect the earth, they call
Could Animals Teach Us How to Appreciate the Earth? by Allen and Linda Anderson During a radio interview we did a few months ago, the host asked if listeners were learning spiritual lessons from animals. One young man called in and said he loved his dog, but didn't think she was teaching him anything spiritual. He thought he could only get spiritual insight from the one source that illuminated his religious beliefs. How could a dog ever demonstrate a spiritual principle? Then the host asked him if he thought he'd learned anything by sharing his home with this animal. The man said he was looking at the dog, resting comfortably on his couch, as she patiently waited for him to take her for a walk. He said as much as this dog loved her walks, no matter how busy he became doing graphics out of his home office, the dog never pestered him. He said he often wished he could be as patient as she is. We smiled, listening to this man describe a spiritual qualitypatiencewhile denying that an animal had anything of spiritual value to teach him. He was demonstrating something that we've seen in the hundreds of stories we've collected from around the world and which we share in our newsletter, book, interviews, and workshops. Repeatedly, people who are willing to put the human ego aside, tell us how animals show from their heartsnot through animal instinct, behavior or trainingunconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, and joy. If we want to understand how to appreciate Mother Earth, respecting all life and treasuring gifts from the Creator to creation, we have to look no further than our furry, flying, flowing, and feathered friends. Animals offer us some of the most enduring and endearing examples of gratitude. And if we're grateful, we'll do everything possible to preserve the beauty and abundance that nature offers us every day.

88. ALFY - Teach Learn Communicate
Home Page Builder, Fábrica de Diplomas, Escolas Parceiras, Classroom You are here teach Thematic Units earth day. ALFY s Picks for earth day,
You are here: Teach Thematic Units Earth Day
ALFY's Picks for Earth Day
Earth Day Online Games

Planetpals Earthzone

EPA Kids’ Page

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Kids' Pages
Earth Day Crafts

89. Nature Connected Learning Education And Counseling Helps People Think Responsibl
for stress release and management; each day was fulfilling their newly grown sensory roots in earth, the global or backcountry, people use and teach NSTP at
FREE: A gift you can enjoy and give
A unique, welcome conribution for any occasion
A U.S.Presidential Candidate's Platform
: a key to creating responsible relationships.
Project NatureConnect: Ecopsychology in Action
Learn how to add the intelligent power of your sensory origins to how you think and feel
Institute of Global Education
Special NGO consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council
Department of Intetgrated Ecology: Project NatureConnect
Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director "The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." - Albert Einstein 1. select Orientation 2. select Overview 3. select Outcomes 4. select Degrees 5. select Courses 6. select Books 7. select Discussion 8. select Free tools 9. select Eco IQ test 10 select Earthspeak 11 select Freecourse 12 select Homepage 13 select Meditation 14 select FAQ 15 select S cholarships 16 select Earth Day 17 select Releases 18 select President 19 select Certification 1. select

90. Contra Costa Times 01/03/2003 Creeks Teach Lessons On Nature S
Creeks teach lessons on nature s resilience. When the class celebrated earth day this year by cleaning up San Pablo Creek at Kennedy Plaza Park, it found the

91. USGS Participates In The Moloka'i Earth Day Festivities
to help teach them how their actions can affect coral reefs. Susie Cochran leads some eager minds through the Coral Reef Game at Moloka i earth day Festivities
Search all stories: Home Sections: Fieldwork Research Outreach Meetings ... Archives
USGS Participates in the Moloka'i Earth Day Festivities
By Susan A. Cochran
May 2001 in this issue: previous story next story
3-D stereo-photographs, created by the USGS Flagstaff imaging group, are always a big hit. As part of our community outreach for the Hawai'i Coral Reef Project, the USGS participated in the Earth Day Festivities on the island of Moloka'I on April 20th. The festival was sponsored by The Nature Conservancy of Hawai'i and included booths and displays, food and games, live music, and door prizes. Local radio celebrities emceed the event and kept the fun rolling. Susie Cochran (USGS Pacific Science Center, Santa Cruz) and Ceil Roberts (University of Hawai'i, Institute of Marine Biology, Coconut Island, HI) hosted the USGS booth and tables, focusing on telling the community about the USGS Hawai'i Coral Reef project. In addition to posters and information, our booth displayed underwater video footage from recent dive surveys, a computerized slide show, and 3-D aerial photographs and SHOALS lidar images. We also had a board game for the keikis (kids) to help teach them how their actions can affect coral reefs.
Susie Cochran leads some eager minds through the Coral Reef Game at Moloka'i Earth Day Festivities.

92. Press Release
Montana s Clean Start earth day project, restoring a hiking trail and cleaning river banks. In Guntersville, Alabama, RSVP volunteers will teach children and
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Sandy Scott April 18, 2001 202-606-5000 ext. 255
Spring Cleaning the Earth: National Service Celebrates Earth Day
(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Thousands of national service volunteers are taking part in the global celebration of Earth Day by cleaning rivers, monitoring groundwater, restoring hiking trails and teaching children about the environment.
The Earth Day projects involve citizens of all ages - from elementary students in service-learning classes to AmeriCorps members to Senior Corps volunteers. Environmental protection is one of the four main focus areas of national service. Thousands of AmeriCorps members and student and senior volunteers serve on environmental projects year-round. Earth Day is a chance to highlight their efforts and recruit community volunteers for intensive projects. Many national service programs engage young people in hands-on environmental work that encourages an ethic of stewardship.
"On Earth Day and every day, national service volunteers are on the front lines of environmental protection," said Wendy Zenker, Acting CEO of the Corporation for National Service. "I salute these citizens for getting things done to restore the environment for present and future generations."

93. Surfing The Net With Kids: Earth Day
The best earth day sites for kids, teachers and families, from the United Feature Syndicate. addition to a short history of earth day, you'll find earth day puzzles, postcards, games, activities
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Earth Day
Email this page to a friend with a personal message April 22, 2000 marks the thirtieth anniversary of the celebration of Earth Day. Earth Day Networks estimates that 500 million people from 4500 organizations in 180 countries will participate in Earth Day events during the month of April. I wonder if that figure includes Net surfers?

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earth day Similes Primary Level, earth day Crossword Puzzle, earth day Similes 1, Become an abcteach member to access the items above. learn more.
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Earth Day
Item Description Crossword Puzzle Earth Day Crossword (on-line) interactive Earth Day Every Day Award Earth Day Paper (with lines) Earth Day Reading Comprehension (Grade k-2) Earth Day Reading Comprehension (grades 3-6) ... Ways to help the Earth! Group Activity Web Word Search #1 Word Search #2 Write a Postcard The following documents are available for a b c teach members items log in learn more Item Description Earth Day Theme Unit Table of contents, report planner, report form, KWL, survey, and graph. See additional links to complete the unit. Earth Day Word Search /Word Find 2 Primary Venn Diagram Earth Day, Every Day

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Month to Month D. April earth day. Capella University earth day Similes 1. Become an abcteach member to access the items above
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Capella University. Education. Reborn.

Get into the head office. Don't give up your life.
- With a state-approved graduate K-12 leadership specialization from an accredited online university
- Get the competencies you need to succeed as an administrator,
- A program that works around your schedule
Capella University. Free University Guide
Earth Day
Item Description Crossword Puzzle Earth Day Crossword (on-line) interactive Earth Day Every Day Award Earth Day Paper (with lines) Earth Day Reading Comprehension (Grade k-2) Earth Day Reading Comprehension (grades 3-6) ... Ways to help the Earth! Group Activity Web Word Search #1 Word Search #2 Write a Postcard The following documents are available for a b c teach members items log in learn more Item Description Earth Day Theme Unit Table of contents, report planner, report form, KWL, survey, and graph. See additional links to complete the unit. Earth Day Word Search /Word Find 2 Primary Venn Diagram Earth Day, Every Day

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seasonal fun. earth day Similes Primary Level, earth day Similes 1, Become an abcteach member to access the items above. learn more.
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D. April
Item Description April Word Unscramble April Wreath Frame (use for writing) April Writing Ideas How to make a daisy pattern ... Tulip Poem Form
The following documents are available for a b c teach members items log in learn more Item Description Earth Day Theme Unit Table of contents, report planner, report form, KWL, survey, and graph. See additional links to complete the unit. March Wordsearch (easy) no diagonals March Word Search more complex March Bookmarks shamrocks and kites Word Search: April March Bookmarks 2 April Bookmarks Earth Day Rap ... Earth Day Research Forms Help students direct and organize their Earth Day research with these great forms.

earth day HISTORY. The following proposal was submitted to Peter Tamaris on October 3, 1969. He. headed the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and had requested John McConnell, the originator of the
The following proposal was submitted to Peter Tamaris on October 3, 1969. He
headed the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and had requested John McConnell,
the originator of the idea, to write this proposal. The name "Earth Day" was not used
before this by anyone who has come forward with documented evidence.
The Board of Supervisors proceeded with approval and Mayor George Christopher
issued the proclamation which inaugurated the first Earth Day. A few other cities
in Northern California did the same.
As Earthians we need a day to celebrate our global unity and
destiny, and WHEREAS; The observance of EARTH DAY will alert concern and interest for our planet with its precious treasure of living things, and WHEREAS; EARTH DAY is to remind each person of his right, and the equal right of every other person, to the use of this global home and at the same time the equal responsibility of each person to preserve and improve the Earth and the quality of life thereon, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED;

98. Earth Day At Web Holidays
earth day is held on April 22. We have conservation tips, crafts, recipes, and more. earth day. The first earth day was held April 22, 1970 Gaylord Nelson was the driving force behind earth

99. Surfing The Net With Kids: Earth Day Pay Day Game
earth day Pay day Game. Get Shockwave More earth day Games earth day Concentration earth day Word Search Puzzle, Even More Games Puzzles.
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Earth Day Pay Day Game
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Many thanks to Adrian Hoad-Reddick of for creating this puzzle.
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Earth Day Concentration

Earth Day Word Search Puzzle

Learn how to make games like this for YOUR Web site,
with the Surfnetkids manual " How to Add Games to Your Site.
If you know the right sites, the Internet can be a powerful blessing that sparks a passion for self-directed learning. But which sites do you recommend? How do you find them? Let me help you.
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Listen to a message from Barbara: Sponsored Links Teach your students the quick and easy way to create online games. What do kids love more than doing word searches, jigsaws, and crossword puzzles? They love authoring their own!

For further information about Farm Aid, call 1800-FARM AID. (reprint, Carol Baxter January 2000). earth PATROL KIDS. I want to hear from you Kids!
With Carol Baxter
T ips for teachers, parents and kids on how to live "greener" everyday lives. Contact me at Hi! Thanks for stopping by. Every month, I will answer your questions on how to bring environmental studies into the classroom, how to deepen our environmental awareness and how to live more "green". I'll suggest seasonal activities that can help our children get closer to nature and give suggestions on how to encourage them to be loving caretakers of our great planet earth. I want to encourage our children (and ourselves) to fall in love with nature. When you love something, you will take care of it. I look forward to hearing from teachers and parents about environmental projects that you've done that have been successful. E-mail me at and I'll share with others what you are doing. Also, I want to hear from Kids! E-mail your poems and stories about nature, ecology and our great Planet Earth, to and I will share your feelings with other kids in the Earth Patrol Kids section at the end of this site. In my last column , I addressed the reasons why we should consider choosing organic foods. Following is an article in which I asked this question of Meryl Streep.

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