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         Duathlon:     more detail
  1. Training Plans for Multisport Athletes: Your Essential Guide to Triathlon, Duathlon, XTERRA, Ironman, and Endurance Racing by Gale Bernhardt, 2006-12-18
  2. The Complete Guide to Duathlon Training: Intelligently, Effectively, Successfully by Kuno Hottenrott, 1998-11
  3. Triathloning for Ordinary Mortals: And Doing the Duathlon Too, Second Edition by Steven Jonas, 2006-07-03
  4. Inside Triathlon : Training Diary : A 52 Week Log of Your Triathlon or Duathlon Fitness by Joel Friel, 1997-10

21. World & European Management GmbH
Ausschreibung der Europameisterschaften im duathlon mit OnlineAnmeldung, Starterliste, Ergebnissen, Bildern und Pressemitteilungen.
Die WEM GmbH übernimmt Rechte oder Aufträge von Vereinen, Verbänden, Institutionen, Kultureinrichtungen, Personen und Veranstaltungen mit dem Ziel, Vermarktungsstrategien zu entwickeln, diese umzusetzen sowie Gelder für diese Strategien zu akquirieren.

22. Deutsche Duathlon Nationalmannschaft - German Duathlon Team
Alles rund ums Thema duathlon und über die Deutsche duathlon Nationalmannschaft Offizielle Seite der Deutschen duathlon Nationalmannschaft
duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon duathlon presents Intro

23. Triathlon News Duathlon
3 Sport News. Triathlon news updated frequently. home search about duathlon. Menu ·Top Stories ·Results ·Race Photos ·Training ·Ironman ·duathlon ·Mountain Bike ·Europe ·Down Under ·Canada ·Asia. Pools in Sweden? 05/03

24. 9. Trossinger Summertime Duathlon, 11. DM Ärzte Und Apotheker Und 12. World Med
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Letzte Aktualisierung:
9. Trossinger Summertime Duathlon
12. World Medical Duathlon
Samstag, 19. Juni 2004
12:30 Start Schulstaffelduathlon
14:10 Start des Trossinger Summertime Duathlons / Mixteam
14:15 Start Jedermann / -frau
Summertime / Mixteam: 6,5 km Lauf I - 38 km (3 Runden) Rad - 5,5 km Lauf II
Junioren / Jedermann: 4 km Lauf I - 12 km (1 Runde) Rad - 4 km Lauf II

25. Rye By The Sea Duathlon Rye Hampton NH - New Hampshire Running Bicycling Events
Annual running and cycling event in the Seacoast Region. Includes course maps, online results, message board, online registration, sponsors, and photo gallery.
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    2004 Press Release
    Feedback Welcomed Shop Online Rye By The Sea
    Duathlon Welcome to our site
    NOTICE: The 2004 Race Results are posted Help Us improve, please fill out this short survey and tell us about your race experience. We use this feedback in our efforts to improve next year's race. Visit the 2004 Photo Gallery
    Have a photo to share? Email it to us: email_user("photo", "ryebythesea", "org" , "Web-site_Inquery", "link"); What is a Duathlon? For those that don't know, a duathlon is a road race that includes both running and cycling. In this race there is one 5K* run, then a 17-mile bike, and then another 5K run. CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION Ron Burton, who died this year, empowered The Ron Burton Training Village, located in Hubbardston, MA, is a summer training camp designed specifically for inner-city, underprivileged youth.
    Through athletic and educational programs, it provides an environment that builds self-esteem, self-reliance, respect for others, and racial harmony.

    26. ECO :: DUATHLON COSWIG :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Translate this page duathlon, Coswig

    27. Triathletes Of The D.R.S. ListServ
    An email list for all who have an interest in triathlon, duathlon and multisport events.
    Welcome to the Triathletes of the Dead Runners Society website.
    This site is maintained in dedication to the founder of the tri-drs list, Loreen Kail

    28. Sport-Tech Online
    Neben Informationen zu Triathlon und duathlon findet der Ausdauersportler Software zur Trainingsplanung und Trainingsauswertung.
    Sport-Tech Online Sie benutzen einen Browser der keine Frames darstellen kann.
    Momentan ist mit Ihrem Browser kein ordentliche Besichtigung dieser Seiten möglich.
    Trotzdem hier ein paar Links.... Aktuelle News

    PC-Tria für Windows

    Sporttimer Pro
    Wellbrocker Weg 103
    32051 Herford

    29. Apple Duathlon
    Apple duathlon Home. Apple 2004 Apple duathlon Online Registration click here! Entry Confirmation click here! Is this going to be your FIRST duathlon?
    2004 Apple Results Click Here!
    2004 PHOTOS Click Here!
    Race day info CLICK HERE! ...
    Online Registration click here!
    No Raceday registration!
    Entry Confirmation click here!
    Is this going to be your FIRST DUATHLON ? The Apple Duathlon is the perfect race for you. We have a ton of very friendly volunteers to help you through the race. Click here to learn a little more about the sport of Duathlon. The Apple Duathlon will award prize money totaling $3000. Click here for a breakdown. Send us an email if you've already registered and want to be a part of the ELITE wave Only Elite wave athletes will be eligible for prize money. Run 3.1 miles - Bike 20 miles - Run 3.1 miles
    Date: Saturday, June 5, 2004
    Start Time: 8:30 AM
  • 2nd of 10 events in Midwest Multisport Series
  • Part of the 2004 USAT Duathlon Grand Prix Series
  • 2004 Midwest Regional Duathlon Championships
    More Info...
    • As part of a sponsor of the USAT Grand Prix series, Computrainer has developed a 3d course for the apple! Click here to download the course for the series races (including the Apple). Thanks Computrainer!
  • 30. Team Saturn Of Toledo Home Page
    Promotes, supports and coordinates athletic competition in the sport of triathlon, duathlon, and multisport in Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, and Ohio. Links, calendar, results are provided.
    The MidEast Region Site has moved to

    31. Hamlin Beach Duathlon, 2002 - Race Results
    Race results from the 2002 Hamlin Beach duathlon in Hamlin (Rochester), NY. Hamlin Beach duathlon. Hamlin, NY. 25 August, 2002
    Hamlin Beach Duathlon
    Hamlin, NY
    25 August, 2002
    Race timing by PCR Timing.

    32. High Altitude Sports
    The Leadville High Altitude duathlon 7K run, 65K bike, 10K run, at an altitude of over 10,000 feet - will be held this July (2002). Information and registration at this site.
    Tuesday, June 08 Home About Us What's New Feedback ... 2003 Race Results Our Newest Sponsers
    HELLO RACERS!!! THE THIRD ANNUAL "Leadville High Altitude Duathlon"
    4.3mi Run/25mi Bike/6.2 mi Run
    Saturday, September 11th, 2004
    Come, enjoy and test yourself at the highest Duathlon in America. Leadville, Co. Elevation: 10,200 ft. Share in the adventure of Leadville’s mining history and bask in it's subtle beauty, which lies down every street and alley. The running course is a mix of both paved and county dirt roads. The bike portion is completely paved with a stunning counterclockwise lap around Turquoise Lake. Spectators are welcome to relax on the Court House lawn as well as take a leisurely stroll through town to visit Leadville's many shops and attractions. For your overnight accomodations, we recommend early registration at the CHARMING and centrally located Timberline Motel Our preferred lunch stop for fantastic coffee, desserts, sandwiches and a shot at the OXYGEN BAR, is the one and only
    Cloud City Coffee House.

    33. Triathlon Web Nederland
    Informatie over alles wat te maken heeft met triathlon, duathlon en andere combinatieduursport in Nederland. Met o.a. nieuws, wedstrijdinformatie, Nederlandse en buitenlandse triathlonlinks en nog veel meer.
    Woensdag 9 juni 2004 Stein klaar voor Open NK lange afstand 2004
    8 juni - Volgende week zondag vindt voor het tweede achtereenvolgende jaar in het Limburgse Stein het Open Nederlands Kampioenschap triathlon over de lange afstand plaats. Momenteel telt de startlijst zo rond de 400 atleten. Bovenaan de lijst prijkt de naam van de tweevoudig winnaar van Stein (en Almere): Gerrit Schellens. De matrassenmaker uit Lommel geldt ook dit jaar weer als grote favoriet voor de .... [ Wieke Hoogzaad en Dennis Looze nieuwe Nederlandse Kampioenen OD
    7 juni - De nationale triathlontitels 2004 zijn opgeëist door twee inmiddels oude rotten. Wieke Hoogzaad en Dennis Looze pakten in het verleden al meerdere NK-titels, maar moesten deze de laatste jaren aan zich voorbij laten gaan. In Zundert pakten de routiniers de titels vakkundig terug. De overallwinst in de wedstrijd ging echter wederom naar enkele buitenlanders: de Nieuw-Zeelander Shane Reed (die ook .... [ Van der Smissen sterkste in Rijkevorsel
    6 juni Bert Flier en Judy van den Berg winnen Heerenveen
    6 juni - Bert Flier en Judy van den Berg hebben gisteren de Tempo-Team Triathlon van Heerenveen gewonnen. Beiden deden dat overigens in een nieuw parcoursrecord. De wedstrijd in Heerenveen was voor Bert Flier de eerste sinds lange tijd omdat hij er een jaar .... [

    34. Welcome To UpHill Productions. Please Click The Race Or Category
    Please click the race or category in which you are interested. Contact for dirty duathlon is listed below. Due to spam, I ve had to close that email account.
    Welcome to UpHill Productions. Please click the race or category in which you are interested. Contact for dirty duathlon is listed below. Due to spam, I've had to close that email account. Contact us: email to jon at or call 512.797.7581 our mailing address is 2104 Cuernavaca, Austin, Texas 78733

    35. 220 Triathlon
    UK's leading multisport magazine bringing news and features on triathlon and duathlon from around the world.
    S U B S C R I B E

    to subscribe online
    call us toll-free
    Welcome to the 220 Triathlon magazine website with all the latest news from the UK's only dedicated triathlon magazine. As well as some great subscription offers and free gifts, you'll find a comprehensive list of forthcoming triathlon events to enter, special offers on triathlon books you need to read, links to our favourite triathlon websites and a forum where you can chat and swap training tips with other tri-athletes.
    Friendly, helpful and fun chat
    Huge triathlon events listing
    Stay in touch with 220 news BOOK SHOP Triathlon books you must read SUBSCRIBE Do it online and save money! WIN STUFF Great prizes and new offers LINKS Other top triathlon sites ISSUE 170 CURRENT ISSUE SUBSCRIBE BACK ISSUES NEXT ISSUE 2 2 T R I A T H L O N B O O K S H O P Complete Triathlon Book Triathlon 101 Going Long Triathlete's Training Bible F R E E E - N E W S Click here to sign up Buy Triathlon Books ORIGIN PUBLISHING Visit other Origin sites ...

    36. | All The Sports You Do!
    Search and Register Online for Running, Triathlon, duathlon, Cycling, Mountain Biking and Swimming events.

    The Active Network

    The Active Network

    duathlon. E-Mail. Links. 8. VBA-duathlon 11. September 2004.
    :: Nav :: VBA-Duathlon Die wilde Knappenjagd Hobby-Duathlon Staffel-Duathlon Anmeldung Dani - Olympia 2004 News Seminare Ergebnisse Duathlon Club E-Mail Links 8. VBA-Duathlon 11. September 2004
    :: Status ::
    Noch 93 Tage bis zum Duathlon :: Bilder:: :: Wetter::
    MEHR WETTER... :: TOP ::

    38. Berliner Schueler Duathlon
    Mit Veranstaltungshinweisen rund ums Olympiastadion.
    Berliner Schueler Duathlon

    39., Dnes je 05. 05. 2004,
    Obsah stránek byl pøesunut na
    Probíhá pøesmìrování !!!

    40. Canterbury Tri Club. Triathlon And Duathlon Club
    Develops and promotes triathlon and multisport in Canterbury. Contacts, what the club offers, membership, visitor information, events, results, race entry form, links, newsletter and athlete profile.
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