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21. Ontario Ministry Of Health And Long-Term Care - Health Care Providers Section guidelines suggest an approach that manufacturers of pharmaceuticals can use to satisfythe information needs of the drug Quality and programs and projects. http://www.health.gov.on.ca/english/providers/providers_mn.html | |
22. RAND Drug Policy Research Center | Research Projects | Prevention Completed projects. ImpacTeen State Illicit drug Surveillance System. PI RosaliePacula Funded by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. programs to reduce teen http://www.rand.org/multi/dprc/projects/prevent.html | |
23. Rotary International: Drug And Alcohol Abuse Prevention Home programs drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Club projects from aroundthe world. Rotary International joins VP Al Gore in antidrug initiative. http://www.rotary.org/programs/abuse/projects.html | |
24. The California Hispanic Commission On Alcohol & Drug Abuse to promote a better understanding of alcohol and drug use and abuse Following is alist of culturally specific/appropriate programs and projects, which are http://www.chcada.org/welcome.htm | |
25. Safe And Drug Free Schools And Communities Program Overview - Requirements Disseminate information about drug and violence prevention programs, projects,and activities conducted within the boundaries of the LEA. http://www.esc20.k12.tx.us/sdfsc/overview2.htm | |
26. Student Wellbeing - Drug Education - Research Projects projects have been initiated to further investigate and extend the participationof students in the development and delivery of drug education programs. http://www.sofweb.vic.edu.au/wellbeing/druged/research.htm | |
27. Targeting Drug Abuse Treatment Programs To The Homeless NIDAfunded research projects are examining treatment options for Patients in a Birminghamprogram are offered housing and taught as long as they stay drug free http://www.nida.nih.gov/NIDA_Notes/NNVol12N4/homeless.html | |
28. Institute For Policy Studies Drug Policy Project such programs on the poor and disenfranchised. Domestically, the project works toreform national drug policies in Washington, but it also has local projects http://www.ips-dc.org/projects/drugpolicy.htm | |
29. Archived: Drug Prevention Programs In Higher Education and implementation of monthly drug and alcohol Wide and Special Focus programs through TheDissemination of Successful projects program, which supports projects http://www.ed.gov/pubs/Biennial/534.html | |
30. Academic Links For Class Papers & Projects: Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drug Preven Academic Links for Class Papers projects. For more information Alcohol, Tobacco Other drug Prevention programs Station B 6206 Nashville TN 37235 http://www.vanderbilt.edu/alcohol/academic.html | |
31. Illicit Drug Diversion State And Territory Diversion Programs Northern Territory A review of all three projects funded under the ÂTough on Drugs Illicit DrugDiversion Program has commenced and will be completed by the end of May 2004. http://www.health.gov.au/pubhlth/strateg/drugs/illicit/diversion/nt.htm | |
32. Georgia Consolidated Drug Purchasing Program, 2001 list was expanded from 186 to 857 drug products, allowing is in place for many stateMedicaid programs today Georgia projects annual savings of $13 million as a http://www.ncsl.org/programs/health/ga-pharm.htm | |
33. Programs but works with others interested in education and drug prevention including the foralmost all of the fishery management programs and projects which the http://sfbpc.fws.gov/programs.htm | |
34. CP Programs And Projects programs and projects. Head Start On Reserve Indian Residential Schools InjuryPrevention and Control National Native Alcohol and drug Abuse Program. http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fnihb/cp/programs_projects.htm | |
35. TERMS OF REFERENCE NATIONAL NATIVE ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE PROGRAM 6.6 Relationship of NNADAP projects/Services with other of other community orientedDrug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment/Prevention programs and other MSB http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fnihb-dgspni/fnihb/cp/nnadap/terms_of_reference.htm | |
36. NAPAFASA Projects of Selected NAPAFASA projects. Funded by the California Department ofAlcohol and drug programs, this NAPAFASA project offers to API organizations...... http://www.napafasa.org/projects/main.htm | |
37. NAPAFASA Projects - API TA Project Sponsor California Department of Alcohol and drug programs www.adp.cahwnet.gov.Get Arobat, Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view or print PDF documents. http://www.napafasa.org/projects/api.htm | |
38. Salus Foundation Â Programs And Projects Â Problem Solving For Better Heal of participants  55, number of projects supported financially Solidarity Foundation for drug addicted, Peer within Harm reduction program of prevention of http://www.salus.org.ua/eng/projects/psbh/ivano-frankivsk.2001/ | |
39. Salus Foundation Â Programs And Projects Â Problem Solving For Better Heal 2426, 2002 Number of participants - 60, number of projects supported financially inyour unsafe behaviour, harm reduction program for injection drug users. http://www.salus.org.ua/eng/projects/psbh/lviv.2002Oct/ | |
40. 93.279Â -Â Drug Abuse Research Programs RELATED programs EXAMPLES OF FUNDED projects (1) Kinetics of Morphine and itsDerivatives; (2) Epidemiology of drug abuse among minority populations; (3 http://www.cfda.gov/public/viewprog.asp?progid=1234 |
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