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81. Network For Good :: Gift Baskets :: Drug Prevention Close Window. drug prevention. Add To Cart National Center for TobaccoFree Kids. To improve the public health by reducing tobacco use by children. http://www.networkforgood.org/giftbasket/detail/drugprevent.aspx | |
82. Drug Prevention Book Free drug prevention Book. The Columbia Police Department in cooperation with LAW publications out of Texas is offering a wonderful http://www.gocolumbiamo.com/Police/Educational/drugbook.html | |
83. Extension's Role In Drug Prevention Programs Extension s Role in drug prevention Programs. Douglas Here are some guidelines for creating and maintaining a drug prevention group. The http://www.joe.org/joe/1984july/a2.html | |
84. Home Page PROGRAMS AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. drug prevention Resources, Inc. Copyright® 2002 drug prevention Resources Inc. Site design by wendymoore designs. http://www.dpri.com/ | |
85. Drug Prevention University Counseling Service Services. drug prevention Program. Director Eric Nickens, MS (enickens@howard.edu). This Program provides http://www.howard.edu/services/counseling/drug_prev.htm | |
86. Ocean County College > Party Drug Prevention Project Student Life Party drug prevention Project, Ocean County College is a resource site for the Club drug prevention Project. The http://www.ocean.edu/studentlife/club_drug/ | |
87. Yazoo Youth A website sponsored by the Gateway MAP Coalition for drug prevention in adolescents and teens in Yazoo County, MS. http://www.yazooyouth.org |
88. 16.728Â -Â Drug Prevention Program 16.728 drug prevention Program. FEDERAL AGENCY OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS, OFFICE OF JUVENILE JUSTICE AND DELINQUENCY PREVENTION, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. http://www.cfda.gov/public/viewprog.asp?progid=564 |
89. PRC - Prevention Research Center - A Center Of The Pacific Institute For Researc Prevention in the News (Updated Hourly). The following alcohol and drug prevention related news articles are provided as a courtesy by Moreover Technologies. http://www.prev.org/press.html | |
90. Drug Prevention Education Programs Public Service Activities. drug prevention Education Programs. The Department of Human and Community Development provides statewide http://ness2.uic.edu/UI-Service/programs/UIUC181.html | |
91. USAID: CAR Infectious Disease Network drug prevention. Central Asia Declaration on HIV/AIDS Prevention (Adobe Acrobat PDF). drug prevention AND HIV/AIDS EPIDEMIC IN CENTRAL ASIA. http://www.usaid.gov/locations/europe_eurasia/car/hiv_aids/hiv/drugprev.htm | |
92. Drug Abuse Information Rehabilitation And Research Centre D.A.I.R.R.C. is drug prevention and treatment centre based in Mumbai, India. It includes treatment, detoxification, rehabilitation of addicts. http://www.sanskritiindia.com/dairrc/home.html |
93. LLUAHSC Security Handbook: Alcohol And Drug Prevention Policy contents, Alcohol and drug prevention policy. Loma Linda University is committed to providing an educational environment which is http://www.llu.edu/llumc/security/alcohol.html | |
94. The Louisiana Commission On Law Enforcement Home Page Provides information on important topics such as missing children network, juvenile justice and deliquency, violence against women, drug prevention, crime victims reparations and criminal justice statistics. http://www.cole.state.la.us/ | |
95. Drug And Alcohol Abuse, Treatment, Prevention At SAMHSA's National Clearinghouse Resource for current and comprehensive information about substance abuse prevention and treatment. http://www.health.org/ | |
96. UNODC - United Nations Office On Drugs And Crime The UN Office for drug Control and Crime prevention web site provides information on drug control and crime prevention. Specific topics include drug abuse and demand reduction; drug supply Terrorismmore United Nations Commission on Crime prevention and Criminal Justice Concludes Its Thirteenth Session in to talk to kids about drugs.more HIV/Aids and drug Abuse http://www.undcp.org/ | |
97. Drinkanddrugs.net Resources for anyone working with clients with drug and alcohol problems, as well as those providing substance misuse education and prevention services. http://www.drinkanddrugs.net | |
98. Welcome To The Office Of National Drug Control Policy - ONDCP TheAntidrug.Com Online prevention resources for parents and caregivers. Freevibe.com drugrelated information for youth, Go to State and Local, http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/ | |
99. NCADD-NJ: National Council On Alcoholism And Drug Dependence - New Jersey Offers addiction news and information source featuring resources and information on substance abuse treatment and prevention. http://www.ncaddnj.org | |
100. ADAPT Home Page Peer education group dedicated to addressing the issues of alcohol and other drug abuse in an effort to create a healthier university community. http://www.student.virginia.edu/~adapt | |
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