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41. The Ad Council : Community Drug Prevention (Campaign) Community drug prevention. Issue Community drug prevention Web Site http//www.helpyourcommunity.org Sponsor Organization Office of National Drug Control http://www.adcouncil.org/campaigns/Community_Drug_Prevention/ | |
42. NIDA - Research Monographs - Monograph 170: Meta-Analysis Of Drug Abuse Preventi of Drug Abuse Prevention Research1 William J. Bukoski Meta-Analysis of Adolescent drug prevention Programs Results of the 1933 Meta-Analysis-5 Nancy S http://www.nida.nih.gov/pdf/monographs/monograph170/download170.html | |
43. Drug And Alcohol Prevention Journeyworks Publishing Alcohol and Other drug prevention Click on any of the pictures to get a close up view and ordering information. Hot Off the Press! http://www.journeyworks.com/drug.htm | |
44. Drug Prevention Kit - Parenting Freebies Forums. Help. Stay Current. Subscribe to the About Freebies newsletter. Search. Freebies drug prevention Kit Parenting Freebies. Freebies Blog. http://freebies.about.com/b/a/058580.htm | |
45. ED341886 1991-12-31 Are School-Based Drug Prevention Programs Working? ERIC Dige The effectiveness of many specific drug prevention strategies is not known yet, primarily because of poor program evaluation design. http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed341886.html | |
46. Narconon International - Drug Prevention And Rehabilitation News And Information News of Narconon activities around the world, including drug information, testimonials from graduates and commentary by professionals. http://www.narconon-news.org/ | |
47. Links To Other Web Sites Related To Addictions Alcohol and Other drug prevention Information. Project ADAPT is the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Team at the University of Missouri, Columbia. http://www.well.com/user/woa/aodsites.htm | |
48. Drug Free AZ :: Welcome Intro The product of a partnership between the Maricopa County Attorney's Office, law enforcement, drug treatment providers, and drug prevention agencies throughout Arizona. http://www.drugfreeaz.com |
49. DanceSafe: CN SN: Seminar Participants Told Drug Prevention Begins At Home DanceSafe.org Raves and Club Drugs in the News CN SN Seminar Participants Told drug prevention Begins At Home. Pubdate Wed, 19 http://www.mapinc.org/safe/v04/n755/a09.html | |
50. Church Of Scientology S Drug Prevention of Columbia (DC), the director of the Office for Substance Abuse Prevention of the US Department of Health commended the Church for its drugfighting initiative http://www.drugfreemarshals.org/introdp.htm | |
51. Drugstory | Prevention And Treatment | Drug Prevention | Youth Prevention drug prevention Youth Prevention. American Council for Drug Education http//www.acde.org/ Offers drug prevention resources for youth, parents and educators. http://www.drugstory.org/prevention_treatment/prevention_youth.asp | |
52. Drugstory | Prevention And Treatment | Drug Prevention | National Programs drug prevention National Programs. Athletes Training and Learning to Avoid Steroids (ATLAS) A drug prevention program designed for high school male athletes. http://www.drugstory.org/prevention_treatment/prevention_national.asp | |
53. Brooklyn Diocese / Drug Prevention DIOCESE OF BROOKLYN DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION PROGRAM Program for the Development of Human Potential (PDHP). There is no simple answer to drug use and drug abuse. http://www.dioceseofbrooklyn.org/catholic_ed/dept_of_ed/drug_prevention/ | |
54. Alcohol & Other Drug Prevention - Health Services Prevention & Planning - County Includes information on alcohol and other drug prevention programs. Ellen Bauer, (707) 5656617 Â Alcohol and Other drug prevention. ebauer@sonoma-county.org, http://www.sonoma-county.org/health/prev/aod.htm | |
55. Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drug Prevention - Health (CA Dept Of Education) Home » Learning Support » Health » Alcohol, Tobacco Other drug prevention, Printerfriendly version. Alcohol, Tobacco Other drug prevention. http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/he/at/ | |
56. Narconon Drug Prevention And Education Program Of Southern California Narconon drug prevention and Education drug prevention and Drug Education programs for schools, youth and community groups and businesses. http://www.drug-prevention.org/ | |
57. Church Of Scientology Clearwater 'Drug Free Marshal' Volunteer Group Describes drug prevention program, its activities, and a contest to help motivate kids not to take drugs. http://www.drugfreemarshals.org/ | |
58. Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drug Prevention Programs: Vanderbilt University The homepage for the Office of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other drug prevention at Vanderbilt University. http://www.vanderbilt.edu/alcohol/ | |
59. Teenage Drug Abuse And Drug Prevention For Parents A drug prevention site for parents and teachers with free educational drug photos of actual drugs seized from teenagers. http://drugfreeteens.bizhosting.com/ | |
60. Fe.DARE.text Reason Online, drug prevention PLACEBO How DARE wastes time, money, and police. Fortunately, a promising new drugprevention program was at hand Project SMART. http://reason.com/9503/fe.DARE.text.html | |
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