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21. RAND | Classroom Drug Prevention Works: But Left Unchecked, Early Substance Use Classroom drug prevention Works But Left Unchecked, Early Substance Use Haunts Older Teens and Young Adults. drug prevention in Schools and Public Health. http://www.rand.org/publications/RB/RB4560/ | |
22. Tackling Drugs : Home This is the crossgovernment national drug strategy website for drug prevention and treatment professionals and others interested in the drug strategy. http://www.drugs.gov.uk/ | |
23. Tackling Drugs : The DPAS Drug Prevention Compendium The DPAS drug prevention Compendium. The DPAS drug prevention Compendium (01/01/2002) Author Drugs Prevention Advisory Service. A http://www.drugs.gov.uk/ReportsandPublications/DPASPublications/1033750735 | |
24. Youth Program Dedicated To Drug Prevention - Drugs Bite Stephen Arrington s Drugs Bite Statically many drug education programs don t truly change youthful opinions. This one works check my references. http://drugsbite.com/ | |
25. Automatic Page Redirection Notice - Victorian Government Health Information Premier s drug prevention Council. The Premier s drug prevention Council site has moved. The Premier s drug prevention Council site http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/phd/pdpc/ | |
26. Premier's Drug Prevention Council - Rural And Regional Health And Aged Care Serv DHS home Rural home Business units Drugs Policy and Services Branch Premier s drug prevention Council. Related sites. Premier s drug prevention Council. http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/rrhacs/drugspremcoun.htm | |
27. Narconon International - Narconon Drug Prevention And Education Materials Narconon drug prevention and Education Services for Adults, Children, K12 Education, Youth and Community Centers. http://www.narconon.org/narconon_materials.htm | |
28. Alcohol And Other Drug Prevention Program The Alcohol and Other drug prevention Program helps promote constructive lifestyles that discourage alcohol and drug abuse and promote development of social http://www.metrokc.gov/health/atodp/ | |
29. Alcohol And Other Drug Prevention Program - Reports And Presentations Home » Alcohol and Other drug prevention » Reports and presentations. Alcohol and Other drug prevention (AODP) Reports and presentations. http://www.metrokc.gov/health/atodp/research.htm | |
30. 4/95 Summary Circular number 4/95. drug prevention and Schools. Reprint. This circular has been reprinted. You can download it below in PDF format. Reprint4_95.pdf (350kbs). http://www.dfes.gov.uk/publications/guidanceonthelaw/4_95/summary.htm | |
31. 4/95 Contents policy on substance use and misuse Annex 6 Drug or solvent misuse recognising the signs Annex 7 Summary of an LEA s schools drug prevention charter Annex 8 http://www.dfes.gov.uk/publications/guidanceonthelaw/4_95/contents.htm | |
32. Drug Prevention And Education For Children drug prevention, education and training from Hope UK a Christian charity. Drugs Education and Prevention for Children and Young People. http://www.hopeuk.org/ | |
33. Drug Free Ambassadors - Leading The Way To A Drug-free Australia Church of Scientology drug prevention in Australia. Includes program history, facts on drugs and specific programs to help youth stay off drugs. http://www.drugfreeambassadors.com.au/ | |
34. Media Literacy For Drug Prevention With The New York Times www.nytimes.com/learning/teachers/NIE/medialiteracy Center for drug prevention Research the general public; and 3) Consultation to inform public policy concerning alcohol, tobacco and other drug use problems and their prevention within specific http://www.nytimes.com/learning/teachers/NIE/medialiteracy/ | |
35. Prevention And Education - ONDCP Central to drug prevention is the development and implementation of programs that prevent illicit drug use, keep drugs out of neighborhoods and schools, and http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/prevent/ | |
36. "The Mendez Foundation - The Innovator In Drug And Violence Prevention Education A substance abuse and violence prevention organization, focuses on alcohol, tobacco and drug prevention education among children and teenagers. http://www.mendezfoundation.org/sitemap.htm | |
37. Prima-News Scientology Human Rights Director, interviewed in Russia on human rights, religious descrimination and the Church's drug prevention programs. PrimaNews http://www.prima-news.ru/eng/news/articles/2002/7/18/16308.html | |
38. Drug Prevention & Youth Safety Resources Drug Information. Community Service for Suspended Students. Drug Statistics. School Tools. Prevention Treatment. Teacher Talk. News Events. Protective Schools. http://www.drugstats.org/ | |
39. International Association Of Scientologists Describes the association and its programs to protect Scientology, and support education, drug prevention and rehabilitation and freedom of religion around the world. http://www.iasmembership.org/ | |
40. The Ad Council : Community Drug Prevention (Issue) Community drug prevention. You can even help start a drug prevention coalition in your community. Get involved. Community Involvement. http://www.adcouncil.org/issues/Youth_Drug_Prevention/ | |
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