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61. Coping With Drought In The Landscape Because of Florida s sandy soils, plants may experience drought or when conditionsindicate a drought may be imminent, the water management districts have http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/BODY_MG026 | |
62. Ohio Agronomy Guide, Water Management Pewamo, populations on sands, eroded knobs, and other droughtprone soils shouldbe may be able to justify irrigation as a water management practice in http://ohioline.osu.edu/b472/water.html | |
63. Water Portal | Links concerns food security and fight against droughts and desertification results. toWebsite (Added 200107-19 Hits 213 ). soil and water management and Crop http://www.unesco.org/water/water_links/Water_Issues/Water_and_society/Water_and | |
64. Drought Resistant Soils To minimize the impact of drought, soil needs to capture store as much of that wateras possible These conditions can be achieved through management of organic http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/drought.html | |
65. Soils & Compost: ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service drought Resistant soils, soil and water Quality Protectingwater Quality on Organic Farms, http://attra.ncat.org/soils.html | |
66. Drought, Water, Forages And Cattle Litter, insulates rangeland by keeping soil temperatures lower and by reducing waterloss. During drought, grazing at normal stocking levels will hasten http://www.agric.gov.ab.ca/agdisaster/0106l.html | |
67. X3996e21 ie the prevention of loss of water through evaporation from the soil, and from course,most important to choose plants with drought tolerance and http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/003/X3996E/x3996e21.htm | |
68. I. INTRODUCTION, SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS under rainfed agriculture, special soil and water conservation measures plant varietiesmost adapted to sandy soils and especially drought resistant ones http://www.fao.org/docrep/x5869e/x5869e02.htm | |
69. Drought Tip 92-51 and how much water to apply is crucial during a drought. is determined by monitoringor estimating the soil water depletion and applying water when the http://lawr.ucdavis.edu/irrigation/drought_tips/dt51.htm | |
70. Alfalfa Management During Drought Alfalfa is one of the most droughtresistant crops. root system which can get to moistsoil, if it When it does not find water, alfalfa goes dormant rather http://alfalfa.okstate.edu/webnews/variety698.htm | |
71. Publications drought contingency planning and implementation at the local Report to the NationalSoil and water Guelph, Ontario Rural water management Group, Department of http://www.uoguelph.ca/gwmg/pubs.htm | |
72. Yellow River Basin of flood prevention, antidrought, soil conservancy, constructing and managementof important hydraulic projects, performing water related legislation http://www.waterforfood.org/BB_Yellow_River_Basin.asp | |
73. Water, Water Everywhere... To combat droughts, biologists on the CNWR staff began a new water management programin 1989. This program, referred to as moist soil management, calls for http://www.assateague.org/plover/1-99-c.html | |
74. Template.gif Erratic rainfall and poor soil and water management, including relentless groundwater extraction has led to cycles of droughts and ongoing water scarcity. http://www.farmingsolutions.org/successtories/stories.asp?id=160 |
75. Developing Management Packages For Acid Sulphate Soils Based On Farmers And Expe rice, and the associated water management practices. Land quality (potential) soilacidity is important Land qualities flood hazard , drought hazard , salt http://www.dow.wageningen-ur.nl/ssg/publ/Tri.htm | |
76. Landscape Drought Survival for the grass to take full advantage of the water. To improve soil, add severaltopdressings of dirt or New growth is less drought-tolerant and less cold http://www.swfwmd.state.fl.us/waterres/drought/landspsurv.htm | |
77. Drought Assistance For Tree Fruit Production system in place to avoid any droughtstress problems. of system applies a high volumeof water over the top of trees and can correct soil-moisture deficits http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/disaster/drought/dro-23.html | |
78. Drought Management For Trees & Shrubs trees and shrubs will generally survive long periods of drought without too much becauseyou may not be getting as much water in dry compacted soils as you http://www.msue.msu.edu/reg_se/roberts/drought/ | |
79. Great Plains: Water Use And Quality On The Prairies Recent droughts have stimulated interest in additional water management projects.Unless the water is wisely used soil salinity problems may be experienced. http://www.iisd.org/agri/GPwater.htm | |
80. NIE WORLD Special Feature: Hot Issues And Cool Ideas (Drought, Uncommon Cold Bri numbers from the KeetchByram drought Index, which district conservationist for thesoil and water water, said Jeff Cole, water management district spokesman. http://www.nieworld.com/special/hotcold/2001/water2.htm | |
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