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Home - Basic_D - Dogs Wild Endangered & Threatened Species |
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61. Breeding And Conserving Endangered Canids - National Zoo| FONZ most faithful companion, the domestic dog, are rapidly are listed as threatened or endangered, and several compared to other carnivores (the wild cats and http://natzoo.si.edu/ConservationAndScience/ReproductiveScience/Canids.cfm | |
62. Vermont Endangered And Threatened Species Vermont endangered and threatened species List; Statutory Authority to http://www.animallaw.info/statutes/stusvt10vsa10.htm | |
63. ESA Regs - Part 222 - General Endangered & Threatened Marine Species species Act Regulations Part 222 - General endangered and threatened http://www.animallaw.info/administrative/adus50cfr222_101_308.htm | |
64. Quolls Of Australia - Threatened Species Day 2003 Fact Sheet of the Quoll population, already threatened by continuing by foxes, cats and wilddogs; and perhaps an Queensland subspecies is nationally endangered and the http://www.deh.gov.au/biodiversity/threatened/information/factsheets/quolls.html | |
65. Tasmanian Conservation Trust aggressive wild dog extermination programs hybridisation with other dogs;. hasnominated key dingo populations for listing as endangered populations under http://www.tct.org.au/n23n.htm | |
66. Investigating Endangered Species In The Classroom An organization concerned with protecting the future of endangered species throughpublic group dedicated to the protection of America s wild lands and wildlife http://eelink.net/EndSpp.old.bak/ES.lesson.html | |
67. Glossary sheep, goat, cattle, horses and kin, cats and dogs. in charge of programs on federallyendangered and threatened wild Areas Portions of state land that are http://www.timberwolfinformation.org/info/wolfmanplan/glossary.htm | |
68. Glossary depredation would include fences, guard dogs, scare devices of wild animal or wildplant which of scientific evidence to become endangered (Wisconsin Statutes http://www.timberwolfinformation.org/info/wolfmanplan/final/plan8.htm | |
69. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Oblivion Threat To 12,000 Species The wild population of the St Helena boxwood currently rabbit, also uplisted to criticallyendangered status, is trapping, and hunting by feral cats and dogs. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3278179.stm | |
70. CITES If your dog has even a small wound, be sure to have it treated before Under the Conventionon International Trade in endangered species of wild Fauna and http://english.customs.go.kr/hp/eng/protection/edg__000/edg__000.html | |
71. Education & Science: Conservation endangered species born or hatched in our Zoo and reintroduced to the rhino is onthe brink of extinction in the wild. African Hunting Dog Conservation Work. http://www.scz.org/educate/conserve.html | |
72. Welcome To The San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park! of habitat and the poisoning of prairie dogs has caused Listed as an endangered speciesin 1967, by the mid1970s it was thought to be extinct in the wild. http://www.sandiegozoo.org/wap/condor/exhibit/exhibit_animals.html | |
73. Natural Resources Commission - Fish And Wildlife endangered and threatened species of fish are include falconry licenses, nuisancewildanimal control scientific collector permits, and dog training ground http://www.in.gov/nrc/wildlife/ | |
74. Wild Things At Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Plains population of the piping plover be changed from threatened to endangered. flowsduring the nesting period); (2) reducing human, dog, and vehicle http://www.fwp.state.mt.us/wildthings/t&e/threatened.asp | |
75. Black-footed Ferret Detailed Information - Montana Animal Field Guide The wild mammals of Montana. of a symposium for the management of prairie dog complexesfor endangered and threatened wildlife and plants Establishment of a http://www.fwp.state.mt.us/fieldguide/detail_AMAJF02040.aspx | |
76. Animals This doglike fox lives in rainforests of South the ESA are classified into two categories, endangered or threatened how many are left in the wild) and how http://www.col-ed.org/echo2002/Indiginous Webguide/endangered1.html | |
77. Knoxville Zoo Animal Listings fox (II) *Red wolf (E) *African wild dog (E) Black E) = species in danger of extinctionThreatened (T) = species likely to become endangered in the http://www.knoxville-zoo.org/animallisting.htm | |
78. Endangered Species Act destruction and introduction of nonindigenous animals such as livestock, rats anddogs. wild Echoes Encounters with the Most endangered Animals in North America http://www.awionline.org/wildlife/esa.htm | |
79. Articles On The Topic Wildlife, Endangered Species From High Service agrees that the blacktailed prairie dog needs protection decides not to listit as endangered yet. The Alliance for the wild Rockies has launched the http://www.hcn.org/archivesbysubject.jsp?subject=Endangered Species&category=Wil |
80. Endangered Animals Resources At Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base California Condor, Black Rhinoceros, African wild Dog, Gray Wolf endangered Specieslist of endangered and extinct threatened Animals of the World list of http://www.erraticimpact.com/~ecologic/html/animal_endangered.htm |
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