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61. AusStats : DNA Profiling In Tasmania Forensic Procedures Act (eg permissible matching, use of prescribed offenders and volunteers were collected by Tasmania submitted to FSST for dna analysis; and. http://www.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/abs@.nsf/0/3cf218c607f39068ca256c32002418dc?OpenD |
62. The Case Of The Robbery At Ballston Spa Middle School knowledge of basic forensic study) fingerprinting dna, blood, hair for accuracy potential relevance) -comparing matching data collected on suspects http://www2.neric.org/capboces/slohp/ballston.htm | |
63. CIS Links The matching algorithms that are known with their safe and efficient methods of collecting, preserving, packaging http//www.howstuffworks.com/dnaevidence.htm. http://www.cis-sci.ca/Links.asp?linksPage=13 |
64. Untitled Document dna matching has been widely applauded as the most important the urge to use information collected for one research other than for forensic dna analysis. http://www.rcmp.ca/dna_ac/privacy_e.htm | |
65. DNA STORY testing laboratory for paternity, concluded that matching two samples If a piece of hair collected from the crime scene matches with dna collected from a http://www.umanitoba.ca/manitoban/archives/feb21_2001/features1.html | |
66. DNA Databases For Offender Identification In Europe - The Need For Technical, Le and storage of anonymous dna samples collected from offenders profiles as well as reference dna samples from internal controls of a matching sample identified http://www.rechtsmedizin.uni-mainz.de/Remedneu/molgen/databas1.htm | |
67. Dave Kopel & Paul H. Blackman On Gun Control & Fingerprinting On National Review about $20 per gun (the cost to collect the sample of the bullets are worthless even for matching to the less useful than real fingerprinting or dna analysis as http://www.nationalreview.com/kopel/kopel102302.asp | |
68. So You Want To Be A Forensic Scientist The Ident team will correctly collect the evidence, and submit it to Today, this mostly involves dna analysis matching a gun to bullet or a tool mark to the http://www.csfs.ca/To_be_a_Forensic_Scientist.htm | |
69. The First 100 Hits Forensic-Offender Matches On The New York State DNA Data Bank time the forensic dna evidence was submitted for matching against the Improve the ability to track dna hits by routinely collecting additional information http://criminaljustice.state.ny.us/crimnet/ojsa/100_hits/ | |
70. David Icke - News Room world standard for recording data bank dna profile matching information and jurisdictions across Canada have been trained to collect the dna samples that http://www.davidicke.net/newsroom/america/canada/072400a.html | |
71. NEJM -- Sign In this window in a new window, matching dna Profiles from included in a book about dna, even if the highest professional standards in collecting, storing, and http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/350/3/313 | |
72. DNA Evidence: Science Or Smoke And Mirrors? level, 60 ºC, the primers bind to their targets by matching bases A steps of that ladder are made up of human dna fragments collected from hundreds http://www.scandals.org/articles/pk021019.html | |
73. E.Peak (19/3/2001) Features: A Single Strand Of Hair - Understanding Privacy Rig testing laboratory for paternity, concludes that matching two samples If a piece of hair collected from the crime scene matches with dna collected from a http://www.peak.sfu.ca/the-peak/2001-1/issue10/fe-dna.html | |
74. 7.30 Report - 25/1/2000: DNA Testing Raises Questions raises questions KERRY O BRIEN dna matching in major Proposals include the dna testing of serious criminals to match thousands of samples collected from crime http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/stories/s95431.htm | |
75. The Advocate Online News: No La. Database Exists For DNA Comparisons In Slaying state database that would catalog dna test results would allow investigators to find matching samples quickly law mandates that samples be collected from people http://www.2theadvocate.com/s_killings/stories/new_dnadata001.shtml | |
76. SerialMurderhickey11 Involves the use of genetic material collected at the regardless of age, to register their dna by providing Template Pattern matching The details of crime are http://www-personal.ksu.edu/~lswilli/SerialMurderhickey11.html | |
77. PUBLICATION RCMP to provide results of dna samples collected from a dna backlogs are nothing new. Since advanced genetic matching technology was introduced to police work http://www.garrybreitkreuz.com/publications/Article182.htm | |
78. Silent Witness Newsletter - Volume 4, Number 1, 1998 If the generated profile matches the profile from the evidentiary sample, the matching profile is compared to dna profiles collected and validated http://www.ndaa-apri.org/publications/newsletters/silent_witness_volume_4_number | |
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