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101. SOCCERWAY.COM | Results & Stats > England Tables, results, cups, statistics, and links. http://soccerway.com/results/?filename=soccer_data/tab/games3.eng1.html |
102. SOCCERWAY.COM | Results & Stats > England Tables, results, cups, statistics, and links. http://soccerway.com/results/?filename=soccer_data/tab/games3.eng2.html |
103. SEDIV Solo2 Divisional Series :.. Home Information on upcoming events, results from past events and pictures from these events. http://www.sedivsolo2.com/ | |
104. StarDivision Translate this page Stars with a vision. Tolle Angebote zu Stardivision und Infos zur Domain stardivision.de. Haben Sie Interesse am Internet-Domain-Namen www.stardivision.de? http://www.stardivision.de/ | |
105. Www.sedivracing.org Includes membership information, list of regions and news. http://www.sedivracing.org/ | |
106. New York State Division Of Criminal Justice Services , New York State Police. Â, Department of Correctional Services. Â, division of Parole. Â, division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives. http://www.criminaljustice.state.ny.us/ | |
107. NESCCA Official region site includes photos and schedules for events. http://www.users.fast.net/~nescca/ | |
108. SCCA Northeast Division Solo II Offers information on Solo II events in Northeast region. http://www.nedivsolo2.org/ | |
109. The Salvation Army Southern California Division A non profit charitable organization with numerous worship centers, social services and community programs. Find out more, volunteer, or make a charitable donation. http://www.salvationarmy-socal.org/ |
110. NAS Division Home Page May 14, 2004. Front view of NASA s SGI Altix supercomputer. NAS Altix System off to Promising Start NASAÂs new 512processor SGI http://www.nas.nasa.gov/ |
111. North American Division Official website offers news, information, comprehensive list of links to conferences, services and ministries of the NAD. http://northamerica.adventist.org/ | |
112. NCDOT, Division Of Motor Vehicles Accident Reports. http://www.dmv.dot.state.nc.us/ | |
113. Pacific Union Conference Territory includes Johnson island, Midway islands, and all other islands of the Pacific not attached to other divisions and bounded by the date line on the west, by the equator on the south, and by longitude 120 on the east; comprising the Arizona, Central California, Hawaii, NevadaUtah, Northern California, Southeastern California, and Southern California Conferences. http://www.puconline.org/ | |
114. Massachusetts Elections Division The Elections division administers all federal, state and county elections in Massachusetts from the distribution and receipt of nomination papers, to http://www.state.ma.us/sec/ele/eleidx.htm | |
115. Terex Corp. Earthmoving Division Makes articulated dumpers, mining trucks, backhoe loaders, front shovel hydraulic mining excavators, motor scrapers, tractor loaders, crushing and screening aggregate processing equipment. Connecticut, USA. http://www.terex.com/earthmoving.htm | |
116. Division Of Insurance Home The offical website of the division of Insurance Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Phone/fax numbers and directions to the division. http://www.state.ma.us/doi/home.html | |
117. Victorian Water Ski Association Waterski racing in Victoria, Canada. Calendar of events, results, profiles of competitors. http://www.vicwaterski.com.au | |
118. SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY HOCKEY Official web site for St. Louis University Billikens hockey. Information on the ACHA division I II teams from SLU. http://www.sluhockey.com | |
119. West Virginia Department Of Environmental Protection - Wvdep.org Thu 06/03 0600pm, division of Air Quality informational public meeting on Cabot Corporation s Ohio River Plant permit application R140021 Waverly Volunteer http://www.dep.state.wv.us/ | |
120. NCAA Soccer, College Soccer: News, Scores, Game Summaries, And National Coaches Includes news, scores, game summaries, and national coaches poll. Links to division I conference soccer sites. http://www.soccertimes.com/ncaa.htm | |
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