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21. NCAA Division II Men's Basketball Home Page Scores, schedules, national and regional rankings, conference standings, information on tournaments and the Elite Eight. Maintained by the University of Missouri at Rolla. http://www.umr.edu/~sports/bbindex.html | |
22. Country Studies-home This website contains the online versions of books previously published in hard copy by the Federal Research division of the Library of Congress under the http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/cshome.html | |
23. BASEBALL-LINKS.COM: College Baseball: Division II Skilton's Baseball Links is the World Wide Web's most comprehensive collection of links to baseball related resources, containing over 4600 unique links. http://www.baseball-links.com/links/College_Baseball/Division_II/ | |
24. Division TEACCH - Treatment And Education Of Autistic And Related Communication http://www.teacch.com/ | |
25. Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference Baseball Official site, including NCAA division II and PSAC standings, composite schedule, featured players, statistics, and baseball notes. http://www.psacsports.org/baseball.htm |
26. Quia - Division Facts Match the quotient to the matching division problem. http://www.quia.com/jg/65651.html | |
27. US Track Coaches Association - Division III Official site for the US Track Coaches Association in NCAA division III. http://personal4.stthomas.edu/samathre/D3/index.html | |
28. NIST: Time And Frequency Division - Division 847 About the division The Time and Frequency division, part of NIST s Physics Laboratory, maintains the standard for frequency and time interval for the United http://www.boulder.nist.gov/timefreq/ | |
29. Division III Baseball Web Site Polls, Links to regional web rings, schedules, and history http://odac.bridgewater.edu/div3base/baseball.htm | |
30. NCAA Div. II XC/Track & Field Coaches Website Online home for both the NCAA division II Cross Country Coaches Association and the NCAA division II Track Field Coaches Association. http://www.unf.edu/sports/track/div2coaches/index.htm | |
31. Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division - Dihydrogen Monoxide Info WELCOME Welcome to the web site for the Dihydrogen Monoxide Research division (DMRD), currently located in Newark, Delaware. The http://www.dhmo.org/ | |
32. Columbus Multimedia Dedicated to division III and high school sports since 1988. Well known for their Team Efficiency Ratings system (TER). http://www.columbusmultimedia.com/ | |
33. Binghamton University Athletics Meet the BearCats, new to division I, and find photos and plans to expand the program. http://athletics.binghamton.edu/cheer.html | |
34. Team Power Ranking Power rankings for division I schools. http://www.teampower.org/ | |
35. Flash Redirect The official site for the Ohio division of Travel and Tourism is the ultimate source for ohio travel information. From the world s http://www.ohiotourism.com/ |
36. NCAA Division II Home Page Sports having championships at the division II level. Alphabetical school list, schools by conference, schools by state, SID contacts, national champions list, membership changes, governing bodies and the Sears Directors' Cup. Maintained by Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. http://www.siue.edu/ATHLETIC/d2/ | |
37. Australian Institute Of Urban Studies (AIUS) - Western Australia - Home Page Independent nonprofit organization concerned with urban affairs. Includes information on objectives, committee members, membership, activities, and news. http://www.aiuswa.org.au/ | |
38. State Of New Jersey Division Of Taxation http://www.state.nj.us/treasury/taxation/ | |
39. Michigan Collegiate Hockey Conference MCHC is a league of ACHA division III teams in the Michigan area. http://www.mchc-hockey.org/ | |
40. NJDEP Division Of Fish & Wildlife New Jersey division of Fish Wildlife, Be Wild. 5/12/04 division and Council Announce Proposed Changes to 2004-05 Game Code. 5/12 http://www.state.nj.us/dep/fgw/ | |
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