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161. Bettas 'R Us - Disease Research by Disease. I have written up a directory of diseases explainingsymptoms, indepth information as well as how to treat them properly. http://www.bettasrus.com/disease/ | |
162. Focus On Plant Diseases Information by host plant on diseases and damages affecting trees and perennial flowers from the University of Illinois Extension. http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/focus/ | |
163. Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Home Original, peerreviewed articles on clinical, laboratory, immunologic, epidemiologic, sociologic, and historical topics pertaining to sexually transmitted diseases and related fields. Table of contents, author guidelines, editorial board and subscription information. http://www.stdjournal.com/ | |
164. EPIDEMIC | The World Of Infectious Diseases Museum Shop. epidemic the world of infectious diseases. (c)1999.American Museum of Natural History. All Rights Reserved. Search http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/epidemic/ |
165. Prion Diseases Information about scrapie and other diseases in which a protein is the infective agent. http://www-micro.msb.le.ac.uk/335/Prions.html |
166. Sheep Diseases Brief comments help diagnose, treat and prevent some of the more prevalent health problems of sheep. http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/livestocksystems/DI1877.html | |
167. StemCells, Inc., A Leader In Stem Cell Biology And Cell Transplantation Researches, develops, and markets cellbased therapies to treat diseases of the central nervous system, liver, and pancreas. (Nasdaq STEM). http://www.stemcellsinc.com/ | |
168. Medical Dictionary Definitions Of Popular Medical Terms policy. MedicineNet home, diseases and conditions, Symptoms and signs,Procedures and tests, Medications, MedTerms medical dictionary, http://www.medterms.com/script/main/alphaidx.asp?p=A_DICT |
169. Home Page Nonprofit, natural healing website promoting the works of Dr. Richard Schulze and Dr. John Christopher. http://acereader.4t.com/ | |
170. ImmunoFacts Offers a wide variety of resources, including international vaccine recommendations, adverse event reporting, training, and information on numerous specific vaccinepreventable diseases such as plague, cholera, rabies, and rotavirus. http://www.immunofacts.com/ | |
171. Environmental Diseases From A To Z Explores how air, water, sun, dust, plants, animals, chemicals, and metals can make people sick. http://www.niehs.nih.gov/external/a2z/home.htm | |
172. GeneCards Homepage GeneCards™ is a database of human genes, their products and their involvementin diseases. complete gene list disease genes hot genes . http://bioinformatics.weizmann.ac.il/cards/ | |
173. Genealogy Quest: Genealogical Research Assistance - Diseases Features a glossary of archaic medical terms used in vital records and documents. http://www.genealogy-quest.com/glossaries/diseases1.html | |
174. Www.iwannaknow.org | STDs - The Basics - Find A Sexually Transmitted Disease (ST Disease (STD) What Are Sexually Transmitted diseases? STDs are infections thatcan be spread by having sex with another person who is infected. http://www.iwannaknow.org/basics2/ | |
175. USA Today (Magazine): UMBILICAL CORD BLOOD BANKING: Insurance Against Future Dis Researchers are continuing to seek answers to the scientific and ethical questions surrounding this experimental and controversial medical procedure. A long, detailed artilce from USA Today magazine online. http://www.findarticles.com/m1272/2658_128/60868324/p1/article.jhtml | |
176. Salk Institute For Biological Studies The Salk Institute is a private, nonprofit, research organization dedicated to fundamental research in biology and its relation to health, studying such challenging problems as the organization and operation of the brain, the control of gene activity, and the molecular origins of cancer, AIDS, and other diseases. http://www.salk.edu/ |
177. U Of MN Extension - Gardening And Commercial Horticulture Offers articles, news and briefs from the University of Minnesota Extension Service. Topics include bacterial leaf diseases, powdery mildew and root rot. http://www3.extension.umn.edu/topics.html?topic=5&subtopic=163 |
178. ClickItNews.com - News-Views-Opinions-Discussion NEW Emerging diseases Forum Editor Thu, Apr 10, 2003, 213932 link. We re buildinga NEW Emerging diseases Forum Editor - Thu, Apr 10, 2003, 144643. http://www.clickitnews.com/emergingdiseases/ | |
179. Enzon, Inc. Develops, manufactures and markets enhanced therapeutics for lifethreatening diseases through application of proprietary technologies. (Nasdaq ENZN). http://www.enzon.com/ | |
180. International Classification Of Diseases International Classification of diseases. Return to the WolfbaneCybernetic Home Page Contents List. ICD decoder; ICD Revision 1 http://www.wolfbane.com/icd/ | |
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