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161. Digital Communication Services Specializes in hightech communications for home and business. http://www.dcssolutions.com |
162. Data Acquisition From Microstar Laboratories Data Acquisition Processor boards with onboard DSP commands for PCbased, real-time data acquisition, digital signal processing and control systems. http://www.mstarlabs.com/ | |
163. Quality Custom Maps By KennKart Digital Mapping, Beeton, Ontario, Canada Custom maps for outdoor recreation and adventure, real estate, web design, tourism and environmental education. http://www.kennkart.com/ | |
164. Digital Dialect Video game development company which develops new game titles, translates existing games between platforms and licenses 3D game development tools. http://www.digitald.com/ | |
165. GIS & Mapping For Photogrammetry, Surveying, And GIS Professionals. Supplier of aerial camera, analytical photogrammetry, digital photogrammetry, scanners and mapping systems for the acquisition of image information. http://www.lh-systems.com/ | |
166. Express Digital - The Platform On Which Photography Performs Provides software solutions for the professional photographic industry, including integrated workflow, and ecommerce and fulfillment connectivity applications. http://www.expressdigital.com/ | |
167. Index Of / Bryce 4 gallery with links to other Bryce and related sites. http://www.hines7.freeserve.co.uk/ | |
168. ACE Indexes: Camera Manufacturers, Digital Cameras, Photo Equipment And Photo Ac Huge collection of links to manufacturers of cameras and accessories, darkroom equipment, digital imaging products, and archival storage supplies. http://www.acecam.com/cr-menu.html | |
169. KODAK: Members Gallery, Creating Digital Collages A commercial site maintained by the Kodak company with tips on creating digital collages from photographs. Offers a membership which allows the use of sample pictures for noncommercial creations as well as feedback from a Kodak employee who hosts the site. http://www.kodak.com/US/en/corp/membersGallery/collages/collagesMain.blind | |
170. DGS- Main Offers complete content production services from inhouse network. http://www.digital-ghost.com/ | |
171. 1st Encounters: Surreal, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, And Fantasy Art, Artwork And I this collection of hundreds of JPG images that covers a wide range of science fiction, fantasy and religious themes in these illustrations, art, and artwork. http://duncanlong.com/science-fiction-fantasy-art/ | |
172. Digital Imaging One, Inc. Produces multimedia presentations on miniature CDs. http://www.digitalimagingone.com/cdrom.htm |
173. DICTA2003 DICTA 2003 is the seventh biennial conference on digital Image Computing, techniques and applications, to be held in Sydney by the APRS. http://www.tip.csiro.au/dicta2003/ | |
174. Www.MultipointUSA.com Manufacturer of audio workstations, enclosures, preamps, line conditioners, and turn key systems. http://www.multipointusa.com | |
175. Theo Digital Gallery System - Software For Gallery Web Sites Provides Web hosting, and a range of galleryoriented software solutions. http://www.theodigitalgallery.com/ |
176. Arte Digital Desde Cuba Translate this page Reúne obras e información sobre los Salones y Coloquios Internacionales de Arte digital organizados http://www.artedigitalcuba.cult.cu/ |
177. Digiplay Initiative Brief information on this initiative by Digiplay, and a call for participation. http://www.digiplay.org.uk/dga.php | |
178. Untitled Document Operates multimedia network designed to provide media distribution and related services to the broadcast industry by linking content providers to radio and television stations. (Nasdaq DGIT). http://www.dgsystems.com/ | |
179. ENC Online: Web Links: Digital Dozen Each month the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse selects a dozen useful math and science sites for teachers and students. Includes archives. http://www.enc.org/weblinks/dd/ | |
180. Digital Workshop Producers of graphics and multimedia software including Opus Presenter and Paint Shop Pro. Windows http://www.digitalworkshop.com/ | |
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