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  1. A web-based multimedia spatial information system to document Aedes aegypti breeding sites and dengue fever risk along the US-Mexico border [An article from: Health and Place] by R. Moreno-Sanchez, M. Hayden, et all 2006-12-01
  2. Neutralizing antibodies after infection with dengue 1 virus.(RESEARCH)(Disease/Disorder overview): An article from: Emerging Infectious Diseases by Maria G. Guzman, Mayling Alvarez, et all 2007-02-01
  3. Dinamica poblacional de los estadios inmaduros del vector del dengue Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae): un estudio longitudinal (1996-2000).: An article from: Revista de Biología Tropical by María V. Micieli, Juan J. García, et all 2006-09-01
  4. The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Dengue: A Revised and Updated Directory for the Internet Age by Icon Health Publications, 2002-08
  5. Dengue hemorrhagic fever--U.S.-Mexico border, 2005.: An article from: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report by A. Abell, B. Smith, et all 2007-08-10
  6. The Arboviruses: Epidemiology and Ecology : African Horse Sickness to Dengue by Thomas P. Monath, 1988-10-31
  7. The dengue fever of 1880 in Savannah, Georgia by Louis A Falligant, 1881
  8. History of the dengue epidemic in Galveston in 1897 by C. H Wilkinson, 1897
  9. Studies of dengue fever virus by electron microscopy by Reginald L Reagan, 1952
  10. Environmental assessment of dengue haemorrhagic fever project, Thailand: Appendix to Environmental assessment of malaria control project, Thailand by Eugene J Gerberg, 1978
  11. Researches into the etiology of dengue by J. W McLaughlin, 1886
  12. Response of the baby chick to dengue fever, pseudorabies, and herpes simplex viruses by Reginald L Reagan, 1953
  13. The prevention of dengue fever: A manual for public health staff, nurses, health educators and community development officers (Handbook / South Pacific Commission) by Bushra Jabre, 1980
  14. An outbreak of dengue fever in Peri Urban slums of Chandigarh, India, with special reference to entomological and climatic factors. : An article from: Indian Journal of Medical Sciences

101. Epidemias: Dengue - Departamento De Biología - ESCCP
Translate this page dengue. Mosquito Aëdes. El dengue es endémico en algunas zonas de los trópicos y han aparecido epidemias en países tropicales y templados.

También llamada fiebre rompehuesos, enfermedad infecciosa tropical caracterizada por fiebre y dolor intenso en las articulaciones y músculos, inflamación de los ganglios linfáticos y erupción de la piel. El agente causal es un virus filtrable trasmitido de persona a persona por el mosquito Aëdes . El dengue es endémico en algunas zonas de los trópicos y han aparecido epidemias en países tropicales y templados. Es fatal y con frecuencia tiene una evolución de seis a siete días, pero la convalecencia es larga y lenta. Una forma más grave pero rara es la fiebre hemorrágica del dengue. Carece de tratamiento específico
Descripción de la Enfermedad Métodos de Control A. Medidas preventivas:
  • Educación de la población respecto a medidas personales tales como destrucción de los criaderos y protección contra la picadura de mosquitos de actividad diurna, incluso el empleo de mosquiteros, ropas protectoras y repelentes. Encuestas en la localidad para precisar la densidad de la población de mosquitos vectores, identificar sus criaderos (respecto a Ae. aegypti por lo común comprende recipientes naturales o artificiales en los que se deposita por largo tiempo en agua limpia, cerca o dentro de las viviendas, por ejemplo, neumáticos viejos y otros objetos, y fomentar y poner en practica programas para su eliminación.
  • 102. Dengue/DHF-Table Of Contents
    This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them. Situation of Dengue/Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in the South-East Asia Region Reported cases in SEAR from 1985-2000(Graph) Case fatality rate of Dengue/DHF in SEAR (1985-2000) (Graph) Regional guidelines on Dengue/DHF Prevention and Control ( Regional Publication 29/1999 ) ... Contact Us Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
    Last Modified : 17-10-2003
    WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia

    103. Dengue Bulletins Volumes 20-23
    dengue Bulletins Volumes 2023 (1996-1999). dengue Bulletins Volumes 20 (1996). dengue Bulletins Volumes 21 (1997). dengue Bulletins Volumes 22 (1998).
    Dengue Bulletins Volumes 20-23 (1996-1999) Dengue Bulletins Volumes 20 (1996) Dengue Bulletins Volumes 21 (1997) Dengue Bulletins Volumes 22 (1998) Dengue Bulletins Volumes 23 (1999) Dengue Bulletins Volumes 24 (2000) ... Contact Us Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
    Last Modified : 17-10-2003
    WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia

    SURINAME EDUCATIONAL dengue CAMPAIGN Feti dengue Campaign. Draag kleding die je lichaam zo veel mogelijk bedekken. Sranang Feti dengue. Feti dengue.
    Feti Dengue Campaign The information provided via this site comes from the Pan American Health Organization Representation in Suriname We encourage you to download the pictures and files from this Feti Dengue Information Package for wider distribution within your company, to members of your church, your service group and your community, to your family, friend and acquaintances. This will help the Feti Dengue campaign by increasing the awareness of the people in Suriname, that removing and preventing the breeding sites of the Aedes aegypti mosquito and preventing its bites, are the only effective ways to actively curb the epidemic of Dengue Fever and prevent future outbreaks in Suriname. It is in your own interest and your community. Feti-Dengue Campagne De informatie op deze web pagina is U aangeboden door de Vertegenwoordiging van de Pan Amerikaanse Gezondheids Organisatie in Suriname Wij moedigen U aan de informatie en de files van dit Feti Dengue Informatie Pakket te downloaden en af te drukken voor distributie binnen uw bedrijf, naar leden van uw kerkgemeenschap, uw servicegroep, uw buurtgemeenschap en naar familie, vrienden en kennissen. Uw medewerking zal de Feti-Dengue voorlichtings campagne ondersteunen om het bewustzijn van de mensen in Suriname te verhogen dat de enige effectieve acties, waarop wij de epidemie van dengue fever kunnen stoppen en toekomstige uitbraken kunnen voorkomen, zijn:
  • het verwijderen en voorkomen van broedplaatsen van de Aedes aegypti muskiet en
  • 105. Dengue Bangladesh
    dengue the Deadly Killer. So, the worries deepen. dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever have emerged as a major public health problem.
    Dengue the Deadly Killer Government statistics put the latest figure of afflicted at 1,227 with 16 among them having died. Children have proved to be the most vulnerable group. Monsoon which is the high risk season is not even half-way through. So, the worries deepen. Dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever have emerged as a major public health problem. The primary vector mosquito has spread throughout the tropics and into susceptible human populations in urban areas. The urbanization process, which has left many without adequate water, sewer systems or waste management, and created new breeding grounds for the vector, has hastened the spread of the disease. Vector control has not halted the explosion in transmission of the disease. Basically, statistics, whether of official or unofficial origins, can hardly depict the inherently alarming dengue situation that faces us today. It is the scientific surveys carried out in Dhaka rather belatedly one must say after the alarm bell has actually started ringing and not before that which conjure up the real gravity of the situation. A DCC survey last month found out that eight out of its 10 zones have an alarming concentration of Aedes mosquito. More to the point, the normal larvae presence of 20 per container on the bruteax index (BI) has been dangerously outstripped by 215 larvae found in a single container. Little wonder, the number of adult Aedes in the city has risen five to ten times the normal level. Unchecked infestation of eggs and larvae has allowed zillions of adult mosquitoes to grow. If anything, the receding flood waters will only give them newer hang-outs.

    106. Dengue Fieber
    Translate this page dengue-Fieber, Verbreitungskarte. Das dengue-Fieber (engl. Dandy Übertragung Das dengue-Fieber wird durch Stechmücken übertragen. Die
    Dengue-Fieber Verbreitungskarte Das Dengue-Fieber (engl. Dandy fever, break bone fever) wird durch Viren verursacht. Das „klassische Dengue“ ist eine kurzdauernde, selbstlimitierende, fieberhafte Erkrankung mit starken Muskel- und Gelenkschmerzen. Ernste Verlaufsformen, die zur Blutungsneigung (hämorrhagisches Dengue) und zum Dengue-Schocksyndrom führen können, werden bei wiederholter Infektion beobachtet und betreffen in den meisten Fällen die einheimische Bevölkerung, selten jedoch den Reisenden. Die Gesamtzahl der jährlichen Erkrankungen wird auf 30 bis 60 Millionen geschätzt. Übertragung:
    Das Dengue-Fieber wird durch Stechmücken übertragen. Die Krankheit tritt v.a. in den tropischen und gemäßigten Zonen Afrikas, Asiens, Australiens, Ozeaniens und Nord- und Südamerikas auf. Kleinere Ausbrüche wurden auch aus Europa gemeldet. Größere Ausbrüche werden zumeist in den tropischen Zonen im Anschluss an Monsun- und Regenzeiten beobachtet. Bei Reisenden nach Südostasien und in die Karibik wurden bislang die meisten importierten Denguefälle berichtet. Schutz:
    Gute Mückenschutzmaßnahmen
    (Hautbedeckende Kleidung, Mückennetze, Mückenabweisende Cremes, Lotionen, Sprays, Räucherspiralen, Coils, etc) ! Eine Impfung für Reisende existiert leider noch nicht.

    107. Dengue Fever
    dengue fever is characterized by the rapid development of a fever that may last from three to seven days, intense headache, joint and muscle pain, loss of
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    Dengue Fever
    What is dengue fever?
    Dengue fever is a disease caused by a virus spread by the bite of an infected mosquito, uncommon in Wisconsin. The disease is common in most tropical and subtropical areas (including some islands in the Caribbean, Mexico, most countries of South and Central America, the Pacific, Asia and parts of tropical Africa). Cases originating in the United States are virtually unknown, but occasionally residents from or visitors to countries where dengue fever occurs may arrive in this country and develop dengue fever. Who gets dengue fever? Dengue fever may occur in people of all ages. Children usually have a milder disease than adults. How is dengue fever spread? Dengue fever is spread by the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes. It cannot be spread from one person to another.

    108. Dengue. Enfermedad Emergente  - Fascículos Y Newsletters - Publicaciones Médi
    Translate this page Publicaciones Médicas. dengue. Enfermedad emergente. Parte 1 (Septiembre, 1998) Descargar el archivo (94 KB) Archivo en formato PDF.
    Warning : Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/www/ in /usr/local/www/ on line
    Mapa del Sitio Contáctenos Buscar TODO EL SITIO Ed. Médica Ext. Comunidad Publicaciones Investigación Sitios Relac. Bienvenido, Usuario Anonimo Médicas Comunidad Publicaciones Médicas Dengue. Enfermedad emergente Parte 1 (Septiembre, 1998)
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    Archivo en formato PDF Estas publicaciones son auspiciadas por
    Laboratorios Elea.
    TODO EL SITIO Ed. Médica Ext. Comunidad

    109. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
    dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is an acute infectious viral disease usually affecting infants and young children. dengue Video Clip.
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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is an acute infectious viral disease usually affecting infants and young children. It is characterized by fever during the initial phase and other symptoms like headache, pain in the eye, joint pain, muscle pain, and other pain, followed by signs of bleeding such as petechiae (red tiny spots on the skin), nosebleeding and gumbleeding. If there is blood in the stools and/or blood in the vomitus and accompanied by shock, this is called Dengue Shock Syndrome and is often fatal.
    Dengue Video Clip
    Aedes Aegypti, the transmitter of the disease is a day-biting mosquito which lays eggs in clear water container, such as flower vases, cans, rain barrels, old rubber tires, etc. The adult mosquitoes rest in dark places of the house.
    What are the symptoms of Dengue H-Fever?
    1. Sudden onset of high fever which may last 2 to 9 days
    2. Joint and muscle pain and pain behind the eyes
    3. Weakness
    4. Skin rashes - maculopapular rash or red tiny spots on the skin called petechiae

    110. II Congreso Internacional De Dengue Y Fiebre Amarilla
    Translate this page II Congreso Internacional de dengue y Fiebre Amarilla / 31 de mayo al 3 de junio del 2004 / English / Español.

    111. II Congreso Internacional De Dengue Y Fiebre Amarilla
    II International Congress of dengue and Yellow Fever / May 31th Jun 3rd 2004/ English / Español.

    112. Dengue Fever
    dengue fever is a viral disease which is transmitted between humans by the bite of infected mosquitos. This dengue FEVER. Background
    This site uses Javascript for its navigation, if you have javascript turned off please use the buttons on the left hand side of the page. Please select a topic from list... Alcohol Australia's Biosecurity Health Response Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) Breastfeeding National Child Nutrition Program Communicable Diseases National Comorbidity Project Disaster Medicine Environmental Health Falls Prevention for Older People Initiative Folate Food Policy Group Food Regulation Secretariat Health Inequalities Research Collaboration (HIRC) Hepatitis C HIV/AIDS Illicit Drug Diversion Initiative Immunise Australia Program Injury Prevention JETACAR Lifestyle Prescriptions National Drug Strategy National Illicit Drug Strategy (Tough on Drugs) National Health Strategy Papers Obesity Guidelines Physical Activity Pituitary Hormone Initiatives Population Health Social Marketing Promoting Healthy Weight Tobacco
    Dengue fever is a viral disease which is transmitted between humans by the bite of infected mosquitos. It is the most significant mosquito borne disease in the world today with millions of cases occurring each year and the number of cases and their distribution is increasing each year. The illness is characterised by a sudden onset of fever, intense headache, joint and muscle pain, loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhoea, and rash. During recovery, fatigue and depression may be experienced. The illness lasts between three to five days and is rarely fatal unless it progresses to dengue haemorrhagic fever.

    113. Dengue Fmc2
    Accueil Recherche Nouveautés Email webmaster ... Page précédente DENGUE
    Arbovirose - Flavivirus
    Arbovirose transmise par les moustiques ( Aedes aegypti albopictus) autrefois appelée le ' petit palu" ou "grippe tropicale".
    La dengue, qui peut être provoquée par quatre virus, antigéniquement distincts : Dengue 1, 2, 3 et 4. a été à l'origine d'importantes épidémies. Elle sévit aujourd'hui dans la zone intertropicale. Soixante à 100 millions de personnes sont infectées chaque année dans le monde, et la forme grave de la maladie, la dengue hémorragique, en recrudescence dans plusieurs régions intertropicales, est responsable de plus de 20 000 morts annuelles.
    Selon l'Institut Pasteur [Lire] la forme hémorragique de la maladie est inconnue en Afrique. Dans ce continent, la maladie commence par une fièvre brutale. Cette fièvre est diphasique, accompagnée de céphalées, de douleurs lombaires et de courbatures généralisées. La reprise fébrile est accompagnée ou non d'un rash. C'est la seule forme connue en Afrique.
    Aprés une incubation de 3 à 4 jours :
    $ fébrile intense avec myalgies, arthralgies

    114. - Health Centre - Dengue Fever
    dengue Fever. Introduction dengue fever is a disease caused by infection with a type of virus called Flavivirus. There are
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    Dengue Fever

    Cause and Pathogenesis

    Symptoms and Signs

    Investigations and Diagnosis

    Dengue fever is a disease caused by infection with a type of virus called Flavivirus . There are four different subtypes of this virus producing varying manifestations of the disease. The disease is spread through the bites of mosquitoes belonging to the Aedes egypti species. The disease is essentially a tropical one and is endemic in large parts of Latin and South America. Of late, its incidence has been on the increase in Asian countries such as India.
    Cause and Pathogenesis Dengue fever is transmitted to humans by the bite of the infected Aedes egypti mosquito. The Aedes mosquito breeds in relatively fresh water, lives close to human habitations and bites during the day. The incubation period between the bite and the onset of symptoms is usually two to seven days. The Aedes mosquito is also responsible for the spread of diseases such as yellow fever and Chikungunya virus fever.

    115. Secretaria De Estado De Saúde Do Estado Do Rio De Janeiro
    Translate this page DIA D É TODO O DIA! O Estado do Rio contra o dengue. Vai ser o fim da picada! O que vem sendo o DIA D CONTRA O dengue? O DIA
    Informe ao Gestor Eventos LINKS CISA ...
    do SUS
    Informe ao Gestor CIB
    (Comissão de Intergestores
    Bipartite - RJ)
    CES ... Hemorio Eventos
    O Estado do Rio contra o Dengue. Vai ser o fim da picada! O que vem sendo o DIA D CONTRA O DENGUE?
    O DIA D nacional de combate ao Aedes aegypti Aedes aegypti
    Onde? Por quem? Moradores Locais de armazenagem de produtos Borracharias e locais que armazenem sucata
    Cuidados com a Saúde

    Cuidados com sua casa

    Eliminando o Mosquito
    Conduta Médica Boletim do Dengue Prioridades no Controle de Dengue para o Controle da Dengue

    116. Dengue Fever - Digestion: Health And Medical Information Concerning Digestive Sy
    What is dengue fever? dengue fever is a disease caused by a virus that is transmitted by mosquitos. It is an acute illness of sudden
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    Dengue Fever
    What is dengue fever? Dengue fever is a disease caused by a virus that is transmitted by mosquitos. It is an acute illness of sudden onset that usually follows a benign course with headache, fever, prostration, severe joint and muscle pain, swollen glands (lymphadenopathy) and rash . The presence (the "dengue triad") of fever, rash, and headache (and other pains) is particularly characteristic of dengue. Dengue (pronounced DENG-gay) is now reaching the peak of a roughly five-year cycle. It strikes people with low levels of immunity. An attack of dengue produces immunity for a year or more. Once this outbreak ebbs, more people will be resistant to the viral disease and the cycle will begin again. Dengue goes by other names including breakbone or dandy fever. Victims of dengue often have contortions due to the intense joint and muscle pain. Hence, the name "breakbone fever." Slaves in the West Indies who contracted dengue were said to have "dandy fever" because of their postures and gait.

    117. - Dengue Fever Growing Hazard Of The Tropics - July 31, 2000
    The danger is from dengue fever, an acute viral infection transmitted by mosquitoes. Skip to main content dengue fever growing hazard of the tropics.
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    Dengue fever growing hazard of the tropics
    Mosquito-repellent a must for travelers
    In this story: Worldwide prevalence Disease sets in suddenly Precautions the best bet RELATED STORIES, SITES ATLANTA (CNN) A stroll through the streets of some exotic port of call in the Caribbean or Asia could pose a health hazard to unsuspecting travelers. The danger is from dengue fever, an acute viral infection transmitted by mosquitoes. Officials of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warn that more and more people worldwide are contracting dengue fever.

    118. MDTravel Health - Dengue Fever
    dengue fever. As a result, dengue is especially common in densely populated, urban environments, though it occurs in rural areas as well.
    Dengue fever Dengue fever is a viral infection that typically causes flu-like symptoms, including fever, muscle aches, joint pains, headaches, nausea, and vomiting, often followed by a rash. Most cases are mild and resolve uneventfully in a few days. However, dengue sometimes causes excessive bleeding (dengue hemorrhagic fever) or a dangerous fall in blood pressure (dengue shock syndrome) that may be fatal. The available evidence indicates that that children under age 15 experiencing a second dengue infection are at greatest risk for severe disease, which implies that adult travelers who have never been exposed to dengue are unlikely to develop these complications. Dengue is transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, which bite preferentially during the daytime, especially in the morning and late afternoon (in contrast to Anopheles mosquitoes, the vectors of malaria, which are most active after sundown). Aedes mosquitoes are usually found close to human habitations, often indoors. They breed primarily in man-made water containers, such as jars, barrels, cans, cisterns, metal drums, plastic containers, and discarded tires. As a result, dengue is especially common in densely populated, urban environments, though it occurs in rural areas as well. The disease has been spreading in recent years, due in part to increasing urbanization, and is now endemic in more than one hundred tropical and subtropical countries (see the dengue fever world map produced by the CDC). In the United States, most cases occur in travelers who have returned from the

    119. Deadly Dengue Epidemic Grows Ahead Of Rio Carnival
    dengue FEVER. Alarm as Indonesia dengue deaths leap to 322. Here it is again in 2004. See the following comments. Rio Declares War on dengue Fever.
    Alarm as Indonesia dengue deaths leap to
    • Here it is again in 2004. See the following comments. It is ridiculous that so many die. Massive doses of ascorbate would neutralize the killing free radicals.
    Rio Declares War on Dengue Fever
    • By March 9th, the score was 72,000 infected and 28 dead. You would think that someone would have tried massive doses of sodium ascorbate intravenously But No!!!, ascorbate is not a patentable drug and its use would wipe out a significant percentage of drug sales. So let them die. Don't try something that is bound to help. It would be a disaster for the drug industry and those who peddle them. This goes way back to when Klenner cured polio in 1948 and that had to be kept secret.
    Dengue epidemic transforms Rio
    Cuba Accuses U.S. of Dozens of 'Biological
    Attacks' - Immersed in a nationwide battle against an outbreak of dengue fever
    Dengue Epidemic Sweeps Through Rio
    • 18 people dead and an estimated up to 44,000 have had the disease since January. From my experience with other infectious diseases massive doses of sodium ascorbate intravenously would not only prevent the deaths of hemorrhagic dengue but it would also reduce the horrible pain associated with the disease. The pain of these diseases is caused by free radicals. All inflammations are medicated by free radicals and if their doctors are willing to neutralize those free radicals with massive enough amounts of electrons carried in by the ascorbate, the disease would be markedly ameliorated.

    120. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
    Linking Environment and Health The Spread of dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. The Populations at Potential Risk of dengue Fever. Especially
    Linking Environment and Health
    The Spread of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
    The World Health Organization estimates that the incidence of dengue fever a mosquito-borne disease causing fever, skin rashes, disabling joint and muscle pain, and even death has risen from about 30,000 cases per year in the 1960s, to some 20 million cases today, as the mosquito that carries the disease has adapted to rapidly expanding urban habitats. Although there are several factors contributing to this global increase, one of the most important is rapid urbanization in the tropical nations where dengue thrives. (Image: Aedes aegypti , the mosquito that carries dengue fever and yellow fever.) In the last 20 years, the incidence of dengue and its more severe, often lethal, formùdengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) has increased dramatically, especially in the tropical regions of the world. During the 1960s, dengue typically averaged about 30,000 cases per year . Some 30 years later, though, in 1995, 592,000 cases of dengue were reported, and the true number of people afflicted is believed to be several fold higher . The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 20 million cases occur each year, requiring 500,000 hospitalizations

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