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81. Delaware Families Tasks rtf) which can be used in most PC Windows programs and on the films) or to the HistoricalSociety of delaware or in Can additional focus families be extracted http://delgensoc.org/dftasks.html | |
82. Delaware Genealogical Society Workshop 2003 By Kay Schorah Please check the program(s) you plan to attend. _African American family Using the National Archives. delaware Genealogical Society comments to http://delgensoc.org/dgswork03.htm | |
83. GSCB - Programs - From Girl Scouts With LOVE delaware School Crime Hotline 800220-5414. Violence Rape Hotline 410-996-0333Family Service of 410-749-HELP Domestic Violence Intervention Program 410-749 http://www.cbgsc.org/Programs/FromGSwithLOVE.asp | |
84. Child Welfare League Of America: Advocacy: State Fact Sheets 2002 and youth in juvenile correctional facilities in delaware. Administration for Childrenand Families, US Department of Health at www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/cb/dis http://www.cwla.org/advocacy/statefactsheets/2002/delaware.htm | |
85. DelawareMentor - Select A School - Campus Tours - University Of Delaware University of delaware Newark, DE 19716 USA Official Total number of students inLD program 550. family and community studies; family/consumer studies; fashion http://www.delawarementor.org/campustour/undergraduate/517/University_of_Delawar | |
86. DATI - Delaware Assistive Technology Initiative - AT Funding Guide - Social Secu The first family car usually does not count as a to all SSDI and SSI recipientsinDelaware age 18 Legal Aid Society, Inc.Âs Disabilities Law Program at (302 http://www.dati.org/funding/social_security.html | |
87. Delaware.gov -- The Official Website Of The First State Highlights Need for Homes, Recognizes Families Governor Ruth Foster Care Month toencourage delaware residents to This year s program will continue to educate http://www.delaware.gov/ | |
88. Historical Society Of Delaware - Delaware History Museum School Programs This program uses storytelling, roleplaying, and hands Students will meet the familyof Tymen Stiddem the first doctor on the delaware, become archaeologists http://www.hsd.org/dhmedu.htm | |
89. CHAPTER 15. DELAWARE WELFARE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM delaware Economic Development Office and the delaware Work Force State plans for theAid to Families with Dependent Children ( AFDC ) program and the http://www.delcode.state.de.us/title31/c015/ | |
90. CHAPTER 30. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PROGRAM for Children, Youth and Their Families, the Governor s the State Early ChildhoodEducation Program, which shall NOTICE The delaware Code appearing on this http://www.delcode.state.de.us/title14/c030/ | |
91. The Delaware Symphony Orchestra faculty and staff, and their students and families. of the teaching profession ata delaware Symphony Classical transformed a nonexistent music program into a http://www.desymphony.org/educationalprograms.html | |
92. Alumni & University Relations Events-UD Performing Arts Series to promoting and supporting the arts in delaware. Performing Arts Series and FamilySeries Ticket UD Professional Theatre Training Program; delaware Division of http://www.udel.edu/alumni/events/pas.html | |
93. Marian Coffin Gardens - Garden Ornament - Preservation Delaware Schools, families, individuals, scout troops, and other groups Gibraltar ADOPTA-SCULPTUREprogram and learn a conservator and Preservation delaware staff to http://www.preservationde.org/gibraltar/gardens/garden_sculpture.htm | |
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