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         Debate Activities:     more books (100)
  1. Behind the scenes at the debate over product liability. (attempts to pass the Product Liability Fairness Act in the Senate): An article from: National ... & Casualty-Risk & Benefits Management by Mary Jane Fisher, 1992-05-25
  2. SUNY debates standardized tests.: An article from: Community College Week
  3. NAIC credit scoring debate heats up. (Top Stories of the Week).(National Association of Insurance Commissioners ): An article from: National Underwriter Property & Casualty-Risk & Benefits Management by Michael Ha, 2003-06-30
  4. Representatives debate Iraq, but is anyone listening?(WASHINGTON NOTEBOOK) : An article from: National Catholic Reporter by Joe Feuerherd, 2005-09-30
  5. Warrior Chic; The House debates Iraq, day three.: An article from: The Weekly Standard by Matthew Continetti, 2007-02-15
  6. New tape fuels debate over partisan politicking by Christian Coalition.: An article from: Church & State
  7. Pension simplification under debate.: An article from: National Underwriter Property & Casualty-Risk & Benefits Management by Mary Jane Fisher, 1991-08-12
  8. U.S. House Debates Shays-Meehan Restrictions On Free Speech About Politicians.(Brief Article): An article from: National Right to Life News
  9. Religious Rhetoric Sparks Debate In Campaign 2000.(Brief Article): An article from: Church & State
  10. Border debate shifts to states.(Legislature)(In Oregon and around the country, lawmakers tussle over immigration reform as the federal government fails ... from: The Register-Guard (Eugene, OR) by Gale Reference Team, 2007-06-10
  11. Let the debate begin.(Editorials)(Congress appears ready to wrestle with Iraq war)(Editorial): An article from: The Register-Guard (Eugene, OR)
  12. Health care reform debate heats up in halls of Congress. (Column): An article from: National Underwriter Property & Casualty-Risk & Benefits Management by Mary Joe Fisher, 1992-06-29
  13. ACLI Draft Opens Debate Over Federal Chartering.(The American Council of Life Insurers)(Brief Article): An article from: National Underwriter Property & Casualty-Risk & Benefits Management
  14. House Will Again Debate Bills To Restrict Free Speech About Politicians.(Brief Article): An article from: National Right to Life News

61. UMD Debate Calendar Of Activities
Here you will find the debate Teams Schedule for the next few semesters,including tournaments, training sessions, trips and activities.
Here you will find the Debate Teams Schedule for the next few semesters, including tournaments, training sessions, trips and activities. The current season has ended, however summer preparations shall begin soon, along with other related events! The 2002-2003 Debate Calendar August
ADI Debate Camp!!!!
July 29 - August 13
Sept. 9: First meeting of the year! Kings College
Debate Tournament
Sept. 20-22 October
Oct 15: General Meeting Oct 19: Retreat Oct 24: General Meeting November
Wayne State Debate
Tournamen t
Nov. 2-4 Wake Forest University Debate Tournament Nov.16 - 18 December Laura's Birthday!!!! John Carrol University Debate Tournament December 6-8 January California State Univeristy - Fullerton Debate Tournament January 1 - 4 Miami University Debate Tournament January 17 - 19 US Navel Academy Debate Tournament January 24 - 26 February NDT District Tournament Februray 14 - 16 March ADA National Tournament March 7 - 9 CEDA National Tournament March 21 - 23 Barbara Jordan Youth Debates - Detroit April National Debate Tournament April 4-7 Barbara Jordan Youth Debates - Detroit May Barbara Jordan Youth Debates- Pittsburg Amit's Birthday!!!!

62. Dáil Éireann - Volume 40 - 09 December, 1931 - Adjournment Debate. - Activitie
Adjournment debate. activities of Gárda Síochána in North Mayo. Dáil Éireann40 Adjournment debate. activities of Gárda Síochána in North Mayo.
Dáil Éireann - Volume 40 - 09 December, 1931 Adjournment Debate. - Activities of Gárda Síochána in North Mayo. Mr. Clery Mr. Clery Mr. Clery: I put a question which appeared on the Order Paper last Wednesday, and the Minister for An Ceann Comhairle Michael Hayes An Ceann Comhairle: The Deputy is dealing with the Minister, not with Deputies. He can deal with the Minister only now. Mr. Clery Mr. Clery Mr. Clery: Mr. Fitzgerald-Kenney Mr. Fitzgerald-Kenney Mr. Fitzgerald-Kenney: That is absolutely untrue. Mr. Clery Mr. Clery Mr. Clery: An Ceann Comhairle Michael Hayes An Ceann Comhairle: What is the connection of that with this question? Mr. Clery Mr. Clery Mr. Clery: It was at this meeting the Gárda got information. An Ceann Comhairle Michael Hayes An Ceann Comhairle: The Minister is not responsible for the Cumann na nGaedheal Organisation. He is only responsible for the Gárda. A Deputy A Deputy A Deputy: That is the same thing. An Ceann Comhairle Michael Hayes An Ceann Comhairle: It is not the same thing. This is a very important question. The scope of debate here is wide enough without debating what different political parties do.

63. Activities - Conservation Debate
(** Throughout this section, click on the upper left icon to return to the ActivitiesMain page **) Conservation debate. Form teams of 2 students each.
Learning Outcomes
(** Throughout this section, click on the upper left icon to return to the Activities Main page **) Conservation Debate
  • Form teams of 2 students each. As a class, decide on a clear "resolution" for the debate (one team will have to argue for this resolution, and another team will have to argue against it). Prepare information and arguments about both the pros and cons of salmon conservation for a debate about this issue. An example of a resolution for this debate is: "Be it resolved that more money should be spent on salmon conservation."
  • Each team must have two arguments to make per team member. You will have to find supporting information by reading through parts of Haig-Brown's books , other books about salmon conservation, and this web site. Consider the perspective of the government, commercial fishermen, First Nations people, and conservationists. First Nations Symbol Roderick Haig-Brown
  • Five minutes before the debate is about to begin the instructor tells the teams which side they will represent.
  • A "pro" team and a "con" team will assemble at the front of the class. Each student must make their arguments for whichever team they represent plus a rebuttal (where the student makes statements which counter information and arguments the opposing team has presented). There must be a timer. The order of events is:
  • 64. Healthy Pet | Pet Care Tips: The Declaw Debate
    Pet Care Tips The Declaw debate, Cats use their pain. Patients can thusexperience a quicker return to their normal activities. It s best
    Pet Care Tips:
    The Declaw Debate
    Cats use their claws to climb and scratch, to defend themselves, and to hunt. Displaying their claws and scratching objects are also considered by many to be a social behavior of our feline friends. Outdoor cats may scratch trees to mark their territory and to remove frayed or worn outer layers from their claws. Unfortunately, this can pose a problem when indoor cats choose their owners' furniture or curtains as tree substitutes. What can you do about your cat's destructive scratching?
    A variety of options are available; however, owners often choose declawing as a means to end destructive scratching in the home. Declawing is controversial, as it provides no health benefit to the cat and is done strictly for human benefit. Opponents say it is unnatural and cruel, and can result in psychological damage to the cat. Proponents say that declawing has no more negative effects than does any other surgical procedure, and that by ridding unwanted behavior, it could increase the chances for a cat to enjoy a safe, permanent indoor home. Your options
    To help caring cat owners decide the best option in their situation, we've provided some facts on declawing and on alternative methods that address the problem of destructive scratching by house cats.

    65. - Debate In Dáil Éireann On Paramilitary Activities - Kenny - The
    debate in Dáil Éireann on Paramilitary activities Kenny Thursday, April 08.Taoiseach. Discuss Taoiseach on the Forum. More news from Taoiseach.

    66. School Of Communication At Northwestern University :: Debate :: On-campus Activi
    Oncampus activities In addition to the intercollegiate program,there are frequent opportunities to debate on campus. Each year
    var iconPath = ""; Text only version
    • Debate Home Overview On-campus Activities
      In addition to the intercollegiate program, there are frequent opportunities to debate on campus. Each year, the Northwestern Debate Society sponsors the Owen L. Coon Memorial Debate Tournament, the largest intercollegiate tournament in the nation. The society also hosts the National Novice Debate Tournament to decide the national championship for first-year college debaters. In addition, the society often sponsors public debates on a variety of issues that interest the campus community.
      Each spring, the Society sponsors the Clarion Dewitt Hardy National Invitational Tournament for high school students. Northwestern also sponsors debates with students from Japan, Great Britain, and Russia.
      SEARCH School of Communication Northwestern University PEOPLE SEARCH Communication Studies Performance Studies Radio/Television/Film ... Feedback

    67. B-CC High School: Activities: Clubs: Debate Team
    debate Team. 20032004. Club Function All are welcomed to join thedebate Team. Listen to the announcements for the meeting
    Honor Societies


    Main Activities
    Debate Team
    Club Function
    All are welcomed to join the Debate Team. Listen to the announcements for the meeting date and simply attend a meeting. In addition, e-mail to join the Debate Team e-mail list to learn more about our practices, meets, and various strategies. Currently, we have over 20 members. Meeting time and place
    Mondays or Thursdays (listen to announcements/check e-mail), during lunch, in room A308. Club Sponsor
    Mr. Virden
    Upcoming Meets
    December 4th - Topic: "When in conflict, academic freedom in U. S. high schools ought to be valued above community standards"
    January 8th - Topic: TBA February 5th - Topic: TBA, but it will be the same as January's topic Finals March 5th- Topic: TBA Meet Information Constructing Your Arguments Each debater must write both the affirmative and negative sides of the topic. The debate should include the topic, definitions, a core value, and around three contentions (arguments). Use as much research as possible. If you want more detailed information, attend meetings and e-mail

    68. U Of M Debate - Navigation System
    UM debate is located in the office of Student activities and Leadership within theDepartment of Student Affairs at the University of Michigan, the premier Big
    CURRENT EVENTS 2004 Michigan Debate Camps Including the return of Roger Solt USE the INSTITUTES Tab above to find more information about each of our CX Debate Camps, and to apply for any of our camps! If you would like to make your payments by phone using a Visa or Mastercard feel free to call (734) 763-5903. If we are not in the office leave a number and we will call you back ASAP. Numbers/Addresses Parents will want: Dorm Office (Lloyd House room 111): phone: 734-767-8808 WQ Front Desk (Thompson Street): phone: 734-764-0185; fax: 734-936-3153 Mailing address for the camp:
    Michigan Debate Institute
    To: person's name
    West Quadrangle Dormitory
    541 Thompson Street,
    Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1360
    Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions: When/where is check in and check out? When: Arrival and Departure Times and Dates
    Students should arrive at the West Quad on the University of Michigan campus between 12:00 noon and 6:00 p.m. on your Arrival Date and depart the Residence Hall between 7:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on your departure date.
    Arrival Date Departure Date
    MNDI June 20 July 10
    MNDI/Extension week J une 20 July 17 Michigan Classic J uly 11 August 7 Seven Week June 20 August 7 Where: DIRECTIONS TO THE WEST QUADRANGLE - LLOYD/WINCHELL RESIDENCE HALLS Arriving from the East or West (I-94)

    69. Introducting The Technophobia/Technophilia Debate - Beatriz Santana
    Computers are devices present in almost all day to day activities. More specifically,I would like to focus on the debate which polarizes positions regarding

    UCLA Department of Education

    Introducing the Technophobia/Technophilia Debate:
    Some Comments on the Information Age
    Beatriz Santana June 1997

    Manuel Castells in his book, "The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture - The Rise of the Network Society", points to a dialectical interaction between technology and society: "Technology does not determine society: it embodies it. But neither does society determine technological innovation: it uses it"
    According to Castells (1996), the present phase of capitalism has become possible because of developments in information technology. The introduction of innovations in the area of microelectronics, telecommunications, digital electronics, and network computing represent the rise of a new technological paradigm which becomes the basis of socio-economic relations. These new technologies effect pervasively all levels of production in different sectors as well as the whole of society. This paradigm shift requires new practices in production. A new kind of worker and a new style of management is needed in order to adjust production to the dynamism imposed by information technologies. Castells comments on the dynamic characteristic of the new global society caused by the introduction of information technology: Schools are asked to prepare students to perform in this new environment which has been highly affected by new advances in information technologies. Computers are devices present in almost all day to day activities. The dynamism of the present phase of capitalism requires computer literacy.

    70. FOSI ROM - Debate Program - Program Activities
    debate program Program activities. debate PROGRAM PROGRAM activities.activities conducted in July 2003. The 9 th annual IDEA
    Debate program DEBATE PROGRAM - PROGRAM ACTIVITIES Activities conducted in July 2003. The 9 th annual IDEA Summer Debate Forum took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia between July 21 st and August 1 st . It is the biggest debate tournament for high-school students in the world. Forty-five teams and 135 debaters participated at this tournament. Montenegro was represented with a team: Petar Markovic-Budva, Marija Klacar-Pljevlja and Simonida Subotic-Herceg Novi. The tournament was consisted of two parts. First part was national competition with a resolution: The nations of the world should strengthen the International Criminal Court. After the national competition, mixed teams have been made with debaters from different countries. Five days preparation workshops were organized and mixed teams competed on a resolution: Determination between the public and the private is detrimental to women rights. Montenegrin team had achieved a great success. They were octo-finalists. Beside this, Simonida Subotic was the third best orator at the national competition and she won ninth place at the tournament of mixed teams.

    71. FOSI ROM - Debate Program - Program Activities
    debate program Program activities. debate PROGRAM PROGRAM activities.activities conducted in August 2003. Under the Save the
    Debate program DEBATE PROGRAM - PROGRAM ACTIVITIES Activities conducted in August 2003. Under the Save the Children UK –Trafficking Project- Summer camp had been organized at Ivanova korita, Cetinje, between 14 th and 21 st August 2003. Representatives of Debate clubs participated at this Camp. The Summer camp was organized for the abandon children from Bijela, foster families and high school students. Debate trainers organized workshops, introducing the rules of debating, and mini-tournament for the Summer camp participants. Participants for continuing debating in their own communities have showed a great interest.

    72. Language Arts - Speech And Debate
    debate Plan/Participate The learner will be able to plan and participatein a formal debate as a culminating speech activity. Source, activities.
    Index Language Arts Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 ... American Literature Speech and Debate British Literature AP English Poetry Workshop Creative Writing
    All Rights Reserved.
    Made with
    Curriculum Designer by
    EdVISION Corporation
    Avon Grove School District Avon Grove L.A. Curriculum K-12 Pilot Language Arts - Speech and Debate Speaking/Listening
    Speaking/Listening Speechmaking: Skills
    The learner will be able to acquire and practice the skills of speechmaking. Source Activities Avon Grove School District(a) Classroom Listening: Skills
    The learner will be able to acquire and practice the skills of listening. Source Activities Avon Grove School District(a) Classroom Discussion: Participate
    The learner will be able to acquire and practice the skills of group discussion. Source Activities Avon Grove School District Classroom Excercises: Participate
    The learner will be able to participate in various types of speaking, listening, discussing, and debating exercises. Source Activities Avon Grove School District(a) Classroom Multimedia: Use
    The learner will be able to use multimedia for learning purposes.

    73. The Scientist - Scientists Debate RNA's Role At Beginning Of Life On Earth
    Scientists debate RNA s Role At Beginning Of Life On Earth. Researchers are recreatingearly Earth conditions, discovering new RNA activities, and uncovering
    The Scientist 11[7]:11, Mar. 31, 1997
    Scientists Debate RNA's Role At Beginning Of Life On Earth
    By Ricki Lewis Sidebar: RNA's Role at Beginning of Life - For Further Information Before there was life, there were chemicals. The idea that ribonucleic acid (RNA), because of its catalytic capability and multiple roles in protein synthesis, was the chemical that led directly to life is termed the RNA world hypothesis. Although the phrase "RNA world" is generally attributed to Walter Gilbert, Harvard University's Carl M. Loeb University Professor, in a short 1986 paper, the idea of RNA's importance at the beginning of life was discussed two decades earlier.
    MINING FOR RNA: James Ferris's group at Rensselaer re-creates how nucleotides might have joined on ancient mineral surfaces. The RNA world hypothesis has fueled diverse research approaches, drawing from geology, biochemistry, and evolutionary biology. RNA world studies have been strong and steady for a decade. Researchers are re-creating early Earth conditions, discovering new RNA activities, and uncovering clues to life in the most ancient rocks. Yet the central role of RNA at life's debut is hardly settled. "The world is divided into those who say it was RNA and those who say no because it is hard to make RNA nucleotides and conditions on the prebiotic Earth were not favorable for that," says Leslie Orgel, senior fellow and research professor at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego. Orgel-and, independently, Francis Crick at the University of California, San Diego, and Carl Woese at the University of Illinois in Chicago-suggested a role for RNA in the origin of life in the late 1960s.

    74. Taxol® And Yew - A WebQuest Senate Debate - Teacher's Guide
    WebQuest activities. This activity is a mock Senate debate, followingthe WebQuest format. A WebQuest has been defined as an inquiry
      Taxol and Yew
      A WebQuest Senate Debate Menu WebQuest Activities
      Rules of Behavior

      Carrying Out the Activity

      Additional Teacher Information
      Relevant New Jersey State Science Education Standards
      WebQuest Activities This activity is a mock Senate debate, following the WebQuest format. A WebQuest has been defined as an inquiry-centered activity in which the students obtain most of the information they need to carry out the activity on-line. Normally, a WebQuest includes five basic components: an introduction, a well-defined task for students to accomplish, a list of resources to help them accomplish the task, a process for carrying out the task, and a conclusion in which the students summarize and draw conclusions on what they have learned. In this case, an evaluation section has been included to aid in assessment. This WebQuest activity is intended to encourage students to think critically about issues of concern to them and to society. It is important in today's society that individuals be knowledgeable enough about science to make judgments about science related issues that are important to them and the community at large. It is also important that the students learn how to weigh different opinions and formulate their own views in light of conflicting points of view. An activity like this could be assembled on nearly any topic in which there are conflicting opinions. Rules of Behavior for the Senate Hearing Central to the activity is the structure imposed by following the eight Rules of Behavior.

    75. Baylor University || Communication Studies || Debate FAQ
    How many classes are missed for tournament travel? College debate tournamentsare generally three day activities held Saturday through Monday.

    76. GN Online: Debate Held Over The Activities Of Summer Camps
    debate held over the activities of summer camps Sharjah By A Staff Reporter 2906-2002Print friendly format Email to Friend A debate involving a large

    77. Rochester Community Schools : Adams High School: Clubs And Activities: Debate Cl
    home Adams High School Clubs and activities debate Club. MENU. Bowling Club.BPA (Business Professionals of America). Dance. debate Club. DECA. DiversityClub. Club

    78. U.S. Catholic Bishops - Pro-Life Activities
    What can we expect from this debate in the near future? 2/9/98 Secretariat for ProLife activities United States Conference of
    Human Cloning Debate
    Raises Pro-Life Issues
    T he use of cloning to produce "Dolly" the sheep has prompted a public debate about cloning humans. This issue has quickly become linked with the issues of abortion and embryo research.
    What is cloning?
    Cloning is a way of producing a genetic twin of an organism, without sexual reproduction. The method used to produce Dolly the sheep is called "somatic cell nuclear transfer": the nucleus of a body cell ("somatic cell") is transferred into an unfertilized egg whose nucleus has been removed or rendered inactive. A tiny electric pulse may then stimulate development of the resulting embryo, which is an almost exact genetic twin of the creature that supplied the nucleus. It may be technically possible to use this procedure to reproduce human beings.
    What does cloning have to do with embryo research?
    A great deal. Cloning a human being or other large organism begins by artificially producing an embryo of that species. To produce one live sheep, "Dolly," scientists created 277 sheep embryos; 276 died or were discarded. Experiments in human cloning would involve the creation and destruction of human embryos on a massive scale.
    Didn't the National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC) propose a ban on cloning?

    79. Food Standards Agency - GM
    You can watch the videoon-demand of three of these activities byclicking on the links below. Citizens Jury. GM schools debate. Microsite

    80. Chantilly High School - Activities
    debate Team. The Chantilly School debate Team is an academic clubthat competes in local and state tournaments. In order to be a
    4201 Stringfellow Road, Chantilly, VA 20151 (703)222-8100 About CHS Academics Activities Administration ... Student Services Clubs/Activities
    Main Clubs/Activities

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    Debate Team
    For Lincoln-Douglas, the resolution is
    Resolved: When the United States is engaged in military conflict, the demands for National Security ought to supercede of conflicting claims of individual rights. For Policy, the resolution is
    Resolved: That the United States federal government should substantially increase public health services for mental health care in the United States. Sponsor:

    Ryan Pettit

    Don Drayer
    2002-03 Officers
    Captain: Katie Maskell Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Historian: Meetings: Dues: 2002-03 Upcoming Events:
    • Oct. 26 - Tournament at Massaponax High School
    Last Updated: 6/04/2004 Maintained by Web Page Class at Chantilly High School Contact: Mrs Audrey Kirtland

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