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1. Hospice Hospice Net Services Make a Donation, Find a Local Hospice, Frequently Asked Questions, The Hospice Concept, What Questions Should I Ask About Hospice Care. Preparing For Approaching death. Helping a Friend Who Is dying. Hard Choices For Loving People When a Coworker Is dying. The Caregivers Journey Through Hospice http://www.hospicenet.org/ | |
2. Beyond Indigo- Death And Dying: Support For Grief And Loss- Changing The Way You Beyond Indigo Grief Support provides information on caregiving, loss, grieving, and endof-life issues for family, friends, pets, and loved ones, with an emphais on the positive. death the Spirit. Funerals. Grief Support. Grieving Children. Healing From Loss. Sudden Violent death http://www.death-dying.com/ | |
3. Kearl's Guide To Sociological Thanatology SOCIOLOGY OF death AND dying. Global Ideas Bank s Reinventing SocietydeathWideranging collection of short essays on death and dying. http://www.trinity.edu/~mkearl/death.html | |
4. Death And Dying Interdisciplinary conversations on death and dying, including perspectives from the arts, humanities, and medicine. Sponsored by UC Berkeley's Townsend Center for the Humanities. http://seeingthedifference.berkeley.edu/ | |
5. Death & Dying From About.com About.com s complete site dedicated to death, dying, terminal illness, funerals, cryogenics, euthanasia, hospice, grief, bereavement, and pet loss. http://dying.about.com/ | |
6. Death And Dying Articles on grieving and unhealthy grief, palliative care, and pain, plus links to related channels. http://www.medbroadcast.com/channel_main.asp?channel_id=1012 |
7. MedlinePlus: Death And Dying National Institute of Mental Health The primary NIH organization for research on death and dying is the National Institute of Mental Health. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/deathanddying.html | |
8. Death And Dying - An Introductory'e-book'for Students with questions or comments about this web site. Copyright © 2002 Introduction to death and dying Last modified November 07, 2002. http://www.bereavement.org/ | |
9. Death, Dying Process And Grief Pages Provides information, links, and book reviews that deal with death and the dying process. http://www.elderhope.com/Death_Grief_Main.shtml | |
10. Kearl's Guide To The Sociology Of Death: Death's Personal Impacts death is oblivion and dying is an intense, unrelenting awareness. All too frequently death has come to affect members of my death and dying class. http://www.trinity.edu/~mkearl/death-6.html | |
11. Death Dying From About.com About's complete site dedicated to death, dying, terminal illness, funerals, euthanasia, hospice, grief, bereavement and pet loss. Every aspect of death, dying and loss is covered and there is a http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://dying.about.com/&y=0246F27FB03824D8& |
12. Afterhours Inspirational Stories : Death & Dying Inspirational story and poem collection about death, dying, and grievance. http://inspirationalstories.com/death-dying-1.html | |
13. Growth House Guide To Death, Dying, Grief, Bereavement, And End Of Resources for bereavement and grief, death and dying, death with dignity, euthanasia, hospice, palliative care, suicide, terminal illness, AIDS, HIV, and related topics. services for agencies working with death and dying issues. Health care providers may care, palliative care, pain management, grief, death with dignity, and quality improvement http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.growthhouse.org&y=025EDF1C41474D |
14. Beyond Indigo- Death And Dying: Grieving Children Helping Children with Developmental Disabilities Deal with death. by Deb Sims , MS,RNCS,LCSW. My husband is a behavioral specialist http://www.death-dying.com/children/ | |
15. Robbins' Enterprises A developing collection of articles contributed by experts on all issues related to death and dying with links and current news features. http://teresa_robbins.tripod.com/ | |
16. Death And Dying An indepth index to entries within the Global Ideas Bank on the subject of death and dying including woodland burial, cardboard coffins, palliative care at home, living wills and the arrangement http://www.globalideasbank.org/death.html |
17. Death & Dying From About.com More results from dying.about.com Growth House Guide To death, dying, Grief, Bereavement, and End Resources for bereavement and grief, death and dying, death with dignity, euthanasia, hospice, palliative care, suicide, terminal illness, AIDS, HIV, and http://dying.about.com/health/dying/mbody.htm | |
18. Death And Dying Guides The net s most comprehensive guide to death and dying. Searchable database with hundreds death And dying Overviews. Some of the resources http://www.growthhouse.org/links.html | |
19. Dying Without Shame, DyingWithout Panic Let's do something we can be proud of. information on just about every aspect of death, dying and grieving, mostly from the perspective of Living with death dying Dr. Elisabeth KüeblerRoss, in this guide to http://dharma-haven.org/five-havens/death.html | |
20. BuddhaNet Site Map: On Death And Dying Articles and links to Buddhist resources for death, dying, and bereavement. http://www.buddhanet.net/sm_bereaved.htm | |
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