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141. Afra's Home Page Wide selection of middle eastern dance music and performance videos. Based in the UK. http://members.tripod.com/akahira | |
142. Hassan And Nagwa Productions Philadelphiabased middle eastern dance Troupe with lessons taught in Philadelphia,New Jersey and New York City. Hassan and Nagwa Productions. http://www.nagwa.com/ | |
143. Juanitajohns.com middle eastern belly dance instructor and performer based in Pensacola, Florida. http://www.juanitajohns.com | |
144. The Official Rakkasah Web Site So, if you would like to learn about middle eastern dance or you simplylove to see the performing arts this is the show for you! http://www.rakkasah.com/ | |
145. Habiba's Page Habiba began her studies in middle eastern dance in 1985. She has taughtworkshops locally, in New England and North Carolina. Some http://www.bellydanceny.com/p_habiba.html | |
146. MIDDLE EASTERN AND INDIAN DANCE In RHODE ISLAND middleeastern INDIAN dance in RHODE ISLAND. middle eastern dance. RHODE ISLANDmiddle eastern dance COMPANIES Arabian Village dancers Dunya Zingari http://www.ridance.com/rime.html | |
147. Sheikhani Middle Eastern Dance Troupe Bellydance troupe, performance and membership information, costume tips. http://www.geocities.com/sheikhani_troupe/ | |
148. Middle Eastern In UK Directory: Entertainment: Other Dance Afra AlKahira middle eastern dance teacher and performer outlines her workshops,classes, dance holidays and events. Read her articles, profile and reviews. http://www.ukdirectory.co.uk/Dir/?Category=705469,705477,671062,706182,10168562 |
149. Raks Sharqi General Links. The Official Belly dance Home Page. The middle eastern danceResource Guide. YES! There IS middle eastern dance in the Midwest. http://home.sprynet.com/~apothecary/belly.htm | |
150. ASUW Experimental College 1605.204 middle eastern Belly dance April 13, 2004 - June 8, 2004 Mish Mish Sec1 (Beg) Tue 6 pm - 7 pm 4/13 - 6/1 Sec 2 (Beg) Wed 6 pm - 7 pm 4/14 - 6/2 http://www.peopleware.net/index.cfm?siteID=382&eventDisp=1605.204&branchExpand=E |
151. Fahtiem, Belly Dancer, Performer And Instructor Of Middle Eastern Dance Based in Rowland Heights, California, teaches belly dance, entertains at parties, offers middle eastern dance music CDs, and has a troupe of oriental bellydancers, The Sultan's Delites. http://www.bellydancemagic.com/ | |
152. AMAYA Cairo, Egypt. More recently (1998), she won dancer of the Year/ InternationalAcademy of middle eastern dance Award. Her mentor http://mandala.net/amaya/ | |
153. Belly Dance At Http://www.raqs-sharqi.com And Http://www.raqs-sharqi.co.uk - Mid Artifacts of ancient dancers have been found in Anatolia (modern Turkey) dating backto 10,000 BC This middle eastern dance form was found in the goddess cults http://www.raqs-sharqi.com/ | |
154. Crescent Dancers middle eastern belly dance troupe in western Massachusetts. Performers and teachers with ongoing classes in Pioneer Valley area. http://community.masslive.com/cc/crescentdancers |
155. Jawaahir - Educational Articles Like all great dance traditions, middle eastern dance is a living art formthat is always adapting and changing while staying true to its heritage. http://www.jawaahir.org/edu_dance.htm | |
156. Index Site contains pictures of Bangor's middle eastern dance troupe, information about classes, upcoming performances and workshops, and links to sites with middle eastern dance resources. http://desertdancers.tripod.com | |
157. Davina Aka Dawn Devine Brown - Author - Costumer - Dancer - Historian These books contain information and directions for creating beautiful dance wear.My website is a continuation of my love of middle eastern dance costuming. http://www.davina.org/ | |
158. Arabesque Studios Instruction in middle eastern dance (bellydance), music, and dance history. Home of Arabesque dance Company. http://www.arabesquedance.ca/ | |
159. Ruby Jazayre - Queen Of Beledi Information about Ruby Jazayre, a performer, instructor and choreographer of middle eastern dance based in South Bend, Indiana. http://www.rubyjazayre.com | |
160. Aie-wa! - Welcome Print magazine dedicated to middle eastern style dance. Site includes current article listings, and subscription information. http://www.aie-wa.technomages.net/ |
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