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61. Leisure Class - Hula Dance , Recreation, Parks Community Services Home. hawaiian HULA dance CLASSES. Explore the exotic dance techniques of the hawaiian Hula dance. http://www.co.saint-marys.md.us/recreate/Leisure/classes/huladance.asp | |
62. Leisure Class - Hawaiian Hula Dance Classes hawaiian HULA dance CLASSES. BEGINNERS CLASS CODE 240130A. Explore the exotic dance techniques of the hawaiian Hula dance. http://www.co.saint-marys.md.us/recreate/Leisure/winter03-04/huladance.asp |
63. Paul Waters Hawaiian Learning Center Hula Paul Waters links Hula, hawaiian dance, history of the hula and its significance from the hawaiian Halau masters perspectives. Hula in Hawaii. http://www.paulwaters.com/hulaenc.htm |
64. Merry Monarch Remembered - Hula Dancing Of Hawaii What makes a hula halau authentic? What makes a dance successful and exciting to watch, while preserving its essential hawaiian qualities? http://www.coffeetimes.com/apr97.htm | |
65. Hawaiian Language nountransitive verb} 1. A dance characterized by rhythmic body movements, a hula dancer; to dance the hula. kanaka maoli {noun} Full-blooded hawaiian person. http://www.hawaiiguide.com/freedo~1/hawspk.htm | |
66. SURFING FOR LIFE -- Hawaiian Music & Hula The authentic native hawaiian dance form has had a curious history over the past 180 years. At one time, there were some 300 distinct http://www.surfingforlife.com/hula.html | |
67. SURFING FOR LIFE -- Hawaiian Music & Hula the Harry Owens dance orchestra with Webley Edwards as producer and Master of Ceremonies. The show s purpose was to showcase real hawaiian music performed by http://www.surfingforlife.com/music.html | |
68. WeddingSolutions Forums - First Dance Song Posts 24. Send a message via AIM to hawaiian Bride. My fiance and I still don t have our first dance song picked out either. Him http://forums.weddingsolutions.com/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=1104 |
69. WeddingSolutions Forums - First Dance Song Posts 25. Send a message via AIM to hawaiian Bride. My fiance and I still don t have our first dance song picked out either. Him http://forums.weddingsolutions.com/showthread.php?goto=lastpost&t=1104 |
70. Aloha-Hawaii.com: Native Tongue The Language Of The Hawaiian Islands dance characterized by rhythmic body movements, a hula dancer; to dance the hula distinguished from a visitor. kanaka maoli {noun} Fullblooded hawaiian person http://www.aloha-hawaii.com/hawaii/native tongue/ | |
71. Green Street Studios -- Hawaiian/Tahitian Students will learn the basic Hula (hawaiian dance) and Tahitian movements, dances in the ancient (Kahiko) and modern......Intsructor Marta Moussa http://www.greenstreetstudios.org/classes/hawaiian.html | |
72. Hollywood Portrayals Of Hawaiian Music And Dance Hawaii search guide and directory for Hollywood Portrayals of hawaiian Music and dance with all of the best sites for Hawaii on the Internet. http://www.hawaii-search.com/detail.php?id=3693 |
73. San Francisco Bay Area Hawaiian Events June 26, 2004 (Saturday) Hula Halau ÂO PiÂilani presents 40th Anniversary hawaiian Lu au IFES by Hula Halau O Pi ilani 730 pm 900 pm dance Music 9 http://pw1.netcom.com/~halkop/events.html | |
74. Hawaiian Dolls And Figurines Presents. hawaiian HULA danceRS, SURFERS AND PA U RIDERS. Below Small and Medium hawaiian Hula dancers (2 6 high). Hula means dance in hawaiian. http://www.enchantedfantasies.com/hawaiian2.html | |
75. And Hawaii Culture, Traditions, And Language Information The Hula The hula is a beautiful flowing hawaiian dance that tells a story. The music is comprised of repetitive chants, called http://www.andhawaii.com/hawaii/vacation/culture/traditions.html |
76. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HAWAIIAN MUSIC AND DANCE Exotic Hula hawaiian dance Entertainment in postWar Australia. Perfect Beat 2/1 (July 1994), 68-87. Visible and Invisible in hawaiian dance. In Human http://www-personal.umich.edu/~akstill/Publications/Bibliography.html | |
77. Hawaiian Music / Waena Boyz - Get Up And Dance Artist Waena Boyz Title Get Up and dance Category Reggae To order Choose how many items you would like to purchase and then click on the cart button to add http://www.hawaiianmusicstore.com/cds/cd292.html | |
78. Sunset: Art Of The Hula - History Of Popular Hawaiian Dance - Brief Article You are Here Articles Sunset April, 2001 Article. Art of the hula.(history of popular hawaiian dance)(Brief Article) Sunset, April, 2001, by David Choo. http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m1216/4_206/72704345/p1/article.jhtml | |
79. Voice Of Dance - Insights - Features The logistics involved in interviewing Patrick Makuakane, artistic director of Na Lei Hulu I Ka Wekiu, the hawaiian dance company, were complicated on one hand http://www.voiceofdance.com/Insights/features.test.cfm?LinkID=25000000000000069 |
80. Hilton Hawaiian Village Arts Celebration Hilton hawaiian Village will celebrate Hawaii Arts Season with an array of free including poetry readings and storytelling, ballet and modern dance, and jazz http://www.travellady.com/Issues/May04/HiltonHawaiianVillageArtsCelebration.htm | |
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