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61. Czech Culture - History: 1948 To 1989 - From ExpatCities.com An overview of the history of the czech republic. Cultural exchanges between czechs and expats living in the czech republic. history http://expatcities.com/cz/history5_cz.htm | |
62. Czech.cz | Welcome Official site of the republic; includes a guide to the country and its people, institutions, culture, and history. http://www.czech.cz/ | |
63. The History Of Wine In The Czech Republic - Food & Drink - - Prague Hip Guide The history of Wine in the czech republic. Recently there was a successful exhibition for czech wines at the London International http://www.hiptravelguide.com/prague/article-14.html | |
64. EUROPA - IDA Interchange Of Data Between Administrations eGovernment Factsheet czech republic - history. Main developments and key milestones (in reverse chronological order). The contents http://europa.eu.int/ISPO/ida/jsps/index.jsp?fuseAction=showDocument&documentID= |
65. Weather Underground: Prague, Czech Republic Forecast Current Conditions. Updated 330 AM CEST on May 14, 2004 Observed at Prague, czech republic (history). 45 °F / 7 °C Mostly Cloudy. Windchill 41 °F / 5 °C. http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/11518.html | |
66. Prague History - Czech Republic Here we offer a brief history of Prague Prague history 1993 January 1, czechoslovakian Federation splits up, formation of the czech republic. http://www.pragueexperience.com/information/history.htm | |
67. MSN Encarta - Czech Republic 1918) Tomá Garrigue Masaryk and other czech leaders began state for the first time in modern history. The new republic included Bohemia and Moravia, part of http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761556878_5/Czech_Republic.html | |
68. CZECH Mail List On RootsWeb Highly recommended reading. WWWVL history czech republic; Ãeská archivnà spoleènost Addresses of czech Archives (In czech); http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~elainetmaddox/czgenealogy.htm | |
69. The Situation Of The Roma After November 1989 26.02.2000, The Situation of the Roma in the czech republic in 1997, history of the Roma. 13.06.00, The history of the Roma Minority in the czech republic. http://www.romove.cz/en/article/18279 | |
70. Matematicka Vedecka Sekce Jednoty Ceskych Matematiku A Fyziku One of the oldest societies in the czech republic. The site includes the society's history, organization, conferences, links and job opportunities. http://www.ms.mff.cuni.cz/acad/kam/mvs-jcmf/ | |
71. The History Of The Roma Minority In The Czech Republic The history of the Roma Minority in the czech republic 1306-2000. 3643, 13.06.00, The history of the Roma Minority in the czech republic. http://www.romove.cz/en/article/18913 | |
72. The Czech Republic  A Substantial Part Of European History And Future - EU-Erw on the other part (known also as the Association Agreement), which is one of the most important agreements the czech republic has signed in its short history. http://www.bpb.de/themen/7EYSUJ,,0,The_Czech_Republic_Â_a_substantial_part_of_E | |
73. A Prague Guide - Czech Literature And It's History The leader in the study of the czech language and history was Josef Dobrovský. from 1989 to 1992 and was elected president of the czech republic in 1993. http://www.happycat16.freeserve.co.uk/file15literature.htm | |
74. Czech Republic -- Related Web Sites page presents a wide range of information for the traveler who is going to the czech republic, including information on the czech republic s history and culture http://www.iearn.org/hgp/www-czech-republic.html | |
75. History Of The Czech Republic Around the 4th century BC the presentday czech republic was populated by Celts Church expanded, proving to be decisive in the course of the history of Bohemia http://cz.avisit.com/English/62.html | |
76. Rogaining History In Czech Republic Rogaining history in czech republic. Rogaining history in czech republic The very first experience of rogaining was gained by runners http://www.top.cz/wrc2002/english/history.php | |
77. Projekty - Radio Praha A brief history of czech music, from the Middle Ages to the 20th century; Biographies and work of important composers. (Radio Hudba, czech republic) http://www.radio.cz/hudba/indexeng.html | |
78. World Press Review - Vilem Precan - Czech Republic - History he met his wife and acquainted himself with the history of the Slovak uprising. He went on to compile two volumes of documents on the subject. czech republic. http://www.worldpress.org/Europe/1332.cfm | |
79. Ron's Furby Family History Web Site - Czech Republic Last Updated 9 Aug 2003. Furbys in the czech republic On the 17th january 1782 an Anna Maria Ferby was born at Urspitz, Mikulov in Maehren. http://members.ispwest.com/ronsmith/furby/fur_czr.htm | |
80. Promotion & Test Banknotes, Notes, Engravings ... My name is Ji¸ from czech republic where I collect banknotes for 12+ years (czechoslovakia, czech republic), promotion and test banknotes, history and nowadays of money printing factories. http://www.sweb.cz/sberatele/english/ | |
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