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21. LAUREUS WORLD SPORTS AWARDS For general sports news click on the following headlines, or if you want to accessnews on cycling, boxing, golf, ice hockey, baseball, basketball or motor http://www.sports-news-laureus.com/ | |
22. Brodart School Catalogs The sports includes Aquatic air sports, combat sports, general, skating/boarding/skiing,ball games, cycling/racing/running, and outdoor life. http://www.schools.brodart.com/arts_and_sports.htm | |
23. Targeted Sports Training Series: Cycling Instructional, sports, Instructional (general), sports (general), Fitness, Fitness. afansite for Targeted sports Training Series cycling Follow the http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/TargetedSportsTrainingSeriesCycling-1091193/abou | |
24. New Zealand Sports News - General - Cycling: Ulmer Close To World Record cycling Ulmer close to world record 15.05.2004 11.00pm By GREGTOURELLE SYDNEY - New Zealand cycling s golden girl Sarah Ulmer http://www.nzherald.co.nz/sports/sportsstorydisplay.cfm?storyID=3566653&thesecti |
25. New Zealand Sports News - General - Cycling: Armstrong Begins Quest For A Sixth cycling Armstrong begins quest for a sixth Tour de France 20.05.2004 US Postal sportsdirector Johan Bruyneel, who led Armstrong to his five successive Tour http://www.nzherald.co.nz/sports/sportsstorydisplay.cfm?storyID=3567467&thesecti |
26. General Cycling General Individual Sports Books Book Online Books Shopping Store general cycling general Individual sports Books Book Online Books Shopping StoreYour one stop shopping place for all Books and Magazines Online Shopping. http://www.booksmags.com/books/shop7168/Books/General/ | |
27. IBSA - International Blind Sports Federation - Technical Department Section / Technical Department Section / Tandem cycling. general Information Those who practicecycling as a sport participate in important classic races in which http://www.ibsa.es/eng/deportes/tandemcycling/presentacion.htm | |
28. IllumiRate Directory Sports Recreation Cycling Activities Editor Login. You are in Home/sports Recreation/cycling Activities/general(54), 1. KBWBRLVB Site with info about cycling in Belgium http://www.illumirate.com/cat_items.cfm?Cat_ID=416390 |
29. IllumiRate Directory Sports Recreation Cycling Activities Editor Login. You are in Home/sports Recreation/cycling Activities/general/cycling.cycling Contains the latest news from the world http://www.illumirate.com/opinions.cfm?cat_id=416390&item_id=12955 |
30. General Cycling Links - Clubs, CTC, Associations, Bike, Sources general Sources. BikeMagic. Bikecrawler. Chris Boardman. Pete s Bikindex. ProCycling. Velo News. Useful Sources. A must for the discerning sports enthusiast. http://www.sportslinks.info/directory/cycling/general.htm | |
31. Forum One's Online Community Index - Recommendations home \ online community index \ forum one recommends. general sports Forums.Found 19 results 5) Cyclery Interact For lovers of bicycles and cycling. http://www.forumone.com/index/display.php?t=8 |
32. Cycling Equipment Auctions / Sport Leisure / general sports / cycling UK based person to persononline auctions of unusual, rare collectable items including books, music http://www.spot-sport.co.uk/cycling/cycling-equipment.html | |
33. Sportsbook > Sportsbook Cycling Only On Earthtimes.org Shopping.com cycling Equipment Comparison shop for cycling equipment and sportsGambling Directory general sports gambling directory covers all aspects of http://earthtimes.org/et/sportsbook/id_217737.html | |
34. Cycling Injuries are described under the headings of aerobics, baseball, basketball, childrenand sports, contact sports, cycling, general fitness, golf, running http://altis.ac.uk/browse/cabi/190e678e13b41dd6757f4de34946ff87.page4.html | |
35. Cycling | (almost) All The New Zealand Web Sites You Will Ever Want! PIPERS Page NZ Sport; general Outdoors Activities; Rugby Union; Rugby League; Touch Rugby; AssociationFootball Swimming Water sports. Skating; cycling; Hiking; Camping; http://www.piperpat.co.nz/nz/sport/bike.html | |
36. R.B. House Undergraduate Library-News Feeds - Sports - Sports: General - Cycling sports general cycling SCOOP! SRAM 2005 kit from BIKEmagic Bigcycling weekend set at Infineon from sacbee 87th Giro d Italia http://www.lib.unc.edu/house/news_feeds.html?display=sports&topic=sports:_genera |
37. EdGate Summer Games Learn the latest cycling news or watch cycling video clips. general sportsLinks Olympians will compete in dozens of sports this summer. http://www2.edgate.com/summergames/spotlight_sport/cycling.php | |
38. --- CYCLING ULSTER --- General Information to placing underage cyclists at the centre of their club 5. cycling Ulster will proceduresand seeks to learn from the experience of other sports and statutory http://www.cyclingulster.com/info.php | |
39. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print $13.95 add to wish list, French Revolutions cycling the Tour de http://www.powells.com/subsection/SportsandFitnessBicyclingGeneral.html | |
40. Cycling All Topics General On SPORTQuest cycling All Topics general. 15 records were found in this category. Active.com- All The sports You Do (Eng) Search register online for cycling, triathlon http://www.sportquest.com/sports/quest3.cfm?sport=Cycling&CAT=All Topics&SCAT=Ge |
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