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41. Wilmette Public Schools District 39 A schoolcreated list of links to support the curriculum in grades K-2,grades 3-5, and grades 6-8 in Math, Science, and Language Arts. http://wilmette.nttc.org/wilmette/resourcepages/resource_index.html |
42. Schoolscience Homepage. Free Online Resources For Biology, Chemistry And Physics Student feedback My teacher recommended this site. I luv my teacher. . In assocaiation with ABPI, BAMA, British Energy, CDA, Corus http://www.schoolscience.co.uk/content/index.asp | |
43. Michigan Teacher Network - Michigan Curriculum Content Standards Michigan teacher NetworkMain Menu Michigan teacher Network is currently part of the Viewing the Future Aligning Internet2 Video to K12 curriculum project and is supported by the National http://mtn.merit.edu/mcf/ | |
44. High School Chemistry Curriculum Enhancer Outline of high school chemistry course curriculum with links to teacher generated assignments and pertinent web sites. Intended to help students and other chemistry teachers. http://www.angelfire.com/nj3/benchemistry/ | |
45. TeacherSource . Concepts Across The Curriculum . Native American Heritage | PBS Thursday, May 20, 2004 Concepts Across the curriculum. Many students and teachers alike refer to Native American Games http//www.nativetech.org/games/index.php. http://www.pbs.org/teachersource/thismonth/nov01/index.shtm | |
46. TNC | The New Curriculum, Home we are today (with some exceptions) teacher web pages are often created and then never updated; teachers resist the 20012004 The New curriculum All Rights http://www.newcurriculum.com/ | |
47. College Of Education Web Links Guide points to selected resources across the curriculum. Education maintains an excellent index of curricular resources for parents and teachers, and research http://edweb.sdsu.edu/links/ | |
48. Art & Ecology: Interdisciplinary Approaches To Curriculum (Getty Artsednet) Online exhibition and discussion that is both a set of resources for teachers and an online exhibition of contemporary ecological art. http://www.getty.edu/artsednet/resources/Ecology/index.html | |
49. JJohnny Press Resource for all teachers in any grade, any level, who sometimes need new ideas, or who need 'on the spot' lessons for those times when the regular curriculum is not available, such as supply teaching, offsubject teaching. http://www.jjohnnypress.com | |
50. Welcome To EdNA Online International Education. School curriculum Resources. School Education. New Today! VET. The secret is the teacher The learners view of online learning Part A. http://www.edna.edu.au/ | |
51. TagTeacherNet: Curriculum Online (COL), E-learning Credits (eLCs) Updates, Resou Poll. Are you using curriculum Online to search for elearning credit eligible products? the online community designed to meet the needs of teachers using the http://www.tagteacher.net/index.shtml | |
52. Sonlight: Christian Homeschool Curriculum, Resources, Education, Homeschooling M Complete, literaturebased, K-12 Christian homeschooling curriculum, including teacher's manuals, individual books, supplies, resources for all subjects. http://www.sonlight-curriculum.com/ | |
53. Connected Mathematics Home on selecting and implementing good curriculum materials will be are used in a preservice course for teachers. scope and sequence, and cumulative index for each http://www.mth.msu.edu/cmp/ | |
54. Mr Donn's Ancient History Page Greece Units Ancient Greece Across the curriculum UNIT. Projects THINKQUEST SITES Roman (index of entries). For Teachers (inexpensive, quality materials for sale http://members.aol.com/donnandlee/ | |
55. Teacher Education In Papua New Guinea A range of curriculum materials and teaching resources for elementary and primary teacher education programmes in Papua New Guinea. http://www.pngteachereducation.com | |
56. Educational Resources, Sample Lessons & Curriculum Development For Teachers Or S Educational resource site for teachers of marine science with sample lessons, elementary lesson plans and curriculum development tips from CITGO/TSA. http://www.aquariumteacher.com/teachers.html | |
57. NIEHS Support curriculum materials, kids' pages, and other educational resources from NIEHS. http://www.niehs.nih.gov/external/teacher.htm | |
58. Andrea Piccione High school physics teacher. Includes a curriculum vitae, a diagram of deep inelastic scattering and related links. http://www.ge.infn.it/~piccione/ | |
59. ENC Online: A K-12 Math And Science Teacher Center. More Picture Link to curriculum Resources, curriculum Resources. New Guide Helps High School Science Teachers Evaluate Electronic curriculums. More Poll http://enc.org/ | |
60. Keluarga Silat Nasional Indonesia PERISAI DIRI Founded by master teacher Dirdjoatmodjo, today this is one of the largest Silat schools in Indonesia, and one of the original members of Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia (IPSI, Indonesian Silat Federation). Information on history, teaching curriculum, schools philosophy, news, contact facilities. http://www.perisaidiri.or.id |
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