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21. SchoolAsthmaAllergy.com: Just For Teachers! index. Asthma Awareness curriculum for the Elementary Classroom. This is a wonderful downloadable program for the elementary school teacher. http://www.schoolasthmaallergy.com/2002-2003/sections/teachers/ | |
22. Matthew Henson Website Index Complete index. Matt s famous friends ChronologyÂof Matt s life Conwell Middle SchoolÂdrawings of Matt curriculumÂteacher s resources Diary http://www.matthewhenson.com/matt2.htm | |
23. Entomology Index: K-12 Educators' Recommended Entomology index of Internet Resources (you are currently viewing in moving from a traditional teacher facilitated, textbook driven curriculum to a http://www.ent.iastate.edu/list/k-12_educator_resources.html | |
24. Centre For Innovation In Mathematics Teaching - Mathematics Enhancement Programm including tables to generate National curriculum levels from includes two practice books and teacher support material http//www.ex.ac.uk/cimt/tests/index.html. http://www.ex.ac.uk/cimt/mep/ | |
25. Research Index Health. Health Education. Suicide Awarness; AntiDrug Campaign. ESSENTIAL curriculum RESEARCH STRANDS K-12. BALTIMORE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS. teacher TIPS TOOLS. http://www.bcpl.net/~sullivan/modules/ | |
26. PRO-ED Online Store 9336, Individual Transition Plans The teacher s curriculum Guide for Helping Youth with Special Needs Second Edition, $59.00, + Add to Cart. http://www.proedinc.com/store/index.php?mode=product_detail&id=9265 |
27. Technology In Education At AEL: 170 Ideas And Resources For Teachers http//web.mit.edu/invent/index.html. for a newbie or an experienced teacher techie. The Association for Supervision and curriculum Development (ASCD) posts http://www.ael.org/rtec/ideas.htm | |
28. Teacher Channel - DiscoverySchool.com On TV. Lesson Plans. teacher s Store. Custom Classroom. Teaching Tools. curriculum Center. Homework Helpers. Brain Boosters. Clip Art Gallery. Puzzlemaker. http://school.discovery.com/teachers/ | |
29. Www.pamorbadai.be Indonesian Martial Art based on the teachings of master teacher A.D. Nelson as they are taught in Belgium. Information on Pencak Silat history, schools, curriculum, picture gallery, and contact facilities. http://pamorbadai.be | |
30. Pencak Silat | Pencak Silat USA | Silat America | Seni Silat Haqq - Pencak Silat Led by master teacher Waleed Leonardo, the curriculum is based on several styles mainly of Minangkabau origin. Site provides data on history, training schedule and locations, workshops, and seminars. Java menu http://umich.edu//~silat | |
31. Teachnet.com Lesson Plans Subject Index Teachnet.com Lesson Plans Subject index Teachnet.Com Smart Tools for Busy teachers Lesson Plans, Resources Links, teacher2-teacher Conference Boards, Free Power Tools downloads, bulletin http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.teachnet.com/lesson/index.html&y |
32. National Curriculum Online Resources, teaching guidance and ideas, information from National curriculum teacher handbooks, and nonstatutory guidelines, offered by the Qualifications and curriculum Authority. Includes subject and cross-curricular resources, and inclusion information. http://www.nc.uk.net/ | |
33. New Teacher , Online Curriculum, Law In The Classroom, Administrator, K-12, Libr Kids know how to use technology but teachers don t. Teachers who participated in the is still only an add on and not really a seemless part of the curriculum. http://www.edu-cyberpg.com/Teachers/Home_Teachers.html | |
34. Michigan Teacher Network--English/Language Arts Education Offers K12 language arts teachers 350+ reviews of Web resources correlated to Michigan curriculum standards, including reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, speech, journalism, and literature. http://mtn.merit.edu/english.html | |
35. Teacher Tools teacher Tools teacher Tools exists to offer quot;practical solutions for making the lives of the average teacher a little easier. quot; The site serves as a forum where educators can share ideas http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://teachertools.org/index.html&y=0218AD |
36. Kathy Schrock's Guide For Educators Kathy Schrock's guide for educators This World Wide Web (WWW) site, developed for teachers of grades K through 12, lists hundreds of Internet sites designed to enhance curriculum and teacher http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/&y |
37. Eco-Troubadour Stan Slaughter teacher and seasoned performer who travels throughout the U.S. performing for children and adults at schools, museums, libraries and festivals. Combines innovative environmental education with lively, fact filled assemblies and workshops supported by curriculum resource materials. Website has extensive program information and links. http://www.stanslaughter.com | |
38. Language Arts curriculum Units, grouped by themes, are a collection of hundreds by teachers at the YaleNew Haven Teachers Institute. For an index of al units dating back to http://www.csun.edu/~vceed009/languagearts.html | |
39. ISTE Standards In a unique partnership with teachers and teacher educators, curriculum and education associations, government, businesses, and private foundations, ISTE has http://www.iste.org/standards/ | |
40. ISTE - The Leading Organization For Educational Technology Professionals ISTE is contributing NETSbased curriculum content, online formative assessments, and professional development for teachers and teacher-trainers. http://www.iste.org/ | |
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