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81. Colorado Springs Alumni Chapter - Kappa Alpha Psi GuideRight Hillside Teen Tutoring Program Every Monday and Wednesday during theY2K grade school year the Brothers current and Upcoming events http://members.aol.com/kappanupe3/kevents.htm | |
82. EconEdLink | EconomicsMinute | Y2K, Currency, Banking, And The Fed By as much as 20 times their current holdings a out several concerns about cash shortages,but it does not touch upon the adverse effects y2k cash withdrawals http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/index.cfm?lesson=EM34&page=teacher |
83. POST: Y2K I teach children who are learning disabled in grades 58 y2k, 3/06/02, by Carolyn http://teachers.net/mentors/humor/topic529/ | |
84. Help Desk Software Online - Current Issues improved online testing and the ability to search and register for classes and eventsonline. The current topic is Critical Thinking and y2k , and we http://www.trackfree.net/oldsite/nov30/article1.asp | |
85. Yale Bulletin And Calendar - Current Issue Yale s early preparation for y2k resulted in smooth transition OnNew Year s Eve, Vice President and Secretary Linda K. Lorimer http://www.yale.edu/opa/v28.n17/story6.html | |
86. Yale Bulletin And Calendar - Current Issue Leading architects to teach and talk at Yale this spring Each visiting professorwill teach a studio course and present a free, public lecture. http://www.yale.edu/opa/v28.n17/story21.html | |
87. The Millennium And Y2K All that is required to avert the y2k disaster is Why is this not emphasized in thecurrent teachings about end time because of the terrible events that will http://www.thelivingword.org/tlw/church_handouts/y2k_engl.htm | |
89. Free Reports, Term Papers & Research Paper Database current events. http://www.free-termpapers.com/tp/12/index.shtml | |
90. EconEdLink | EconomicsMinute | Y2K, Currency, Banking, And The Fed May 10, 1999. y2k, Currency, Banking, and the Fed. Read Banks are Concerned overConsumers y2k Fears at http//www.startribune.com/stories/535/53856.html. http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/index.cfm?lesson=EM34 |
91. Re: That Was Soooo Cute! On 3/06/02, Carolyn wrote I teach children who on this thread, including this oneY2K, 3/06 http://teachers.net/mentors/humor/topic529/ | |
92. Submit Your Original Article... Ideamarketers.com - Showcase Your Articles... Ten Ways to teach Values to Your http://www.ideamarketers.com/library/category.cfm?wherefrom=PROFILE&acatid=25 |
93. Submit Your Original Article... Ideamarketers.com - Showcase Your Articles... Dickson Public schools teach kids about http://www.ideamarketers.com/library/category.cfm?startnum=141&wherefrom=categor |
94. FindLaw For Legal Professionals related to his fitness and ability to teach. Morrill with regards to the currentevents that took http://caselaw.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=nh&vol=0101\morri006&invol=1 |
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