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61. SearchBug Directory: Business: Management: Management_Science: Management_Inform 392) Reference (37) Regional (31) Software Engineering (199) y2k (85). com/tpeist.htmKnowledge bases plus current news, events, publications, manufacturer http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Business/Management/Management_Science/M | |
62. Virtual School: Ask Vanderbilt: Events called for a ceasefire in the current math wars for families who cannot attend schoolevents because they at the site http//www.ed.gov/y2k/ Background The http://www.vanderbilt.edu/virtualschool/spnewsold.htm | |
63. 1998 News And Views Biblebelieving Christians of important current events which affect FOUNDATION Magazine current and Past Issues. Hoping To Thrive On The Millennium Bug (y2k). http://www.fundamentalbiblechurch.org/NewsViews/fbcnv002.htm | |
64. Recognition Notes classes and TekMatch projects, the most recent dealing with y2k compliant issues. updatesone of our more active centers on current Community events. http://bcn.boulder.co.us/volunteer/recognotes.html | |
65. Kent Events Your Guide To Events In Kent looking career work notice board details current Kent Click SCREEN IN HERNE BAY FORALL MAJOR SPORTING events. Membership for y2k is now only £1 and look http://www.kentonly.co.uk/events.html | |
66. Calendar Of Events Community 2000/y2k preparedness Coalition. Solar Electric./Ukiah,CA.These events areon the calendar Democracy WHEN 615p.m.; WHERE For current location call http://www.mecgrassroots.org/NEWSL/ISS32/32.13Calendar.html | |
67. TII | News | The Lighthouse | April 3, 2001 updates of the InstituteÂs current research, publications, events and media programs,plus comment on current affairs THE FEDÂS y2k RECESSION OF 2001. http://www.independent.org/tii/lighthouse/archive/0313Lighthouse.html | |
68. TII | News | The Lighthouse | January 10, 2000 you with updates of the InstituteÂs current research, publications, events andmedia absurd claim that his overstated costs of y2k corrections should http://www.independent.org/tii/lighthouse/archive/0201Lighthouse.html | |
69. Christian Prophecy Sites One period and those addressing the y2k issue from doctrines and implies that institutionsteach doctrines that up in love with knowing the latest current events. http://merlin.alleg.edu/employee/a/acarr/lsw/prophecy.html |
70. Course Technology -it.link - Course Technology S Magalog onto the beach sometime before the events of 9/11 its two Silicon Valley schools whentheir current classes of When the y2k issues peaked, hundreds of companies http://www.course.com/itlink/postsecondary/archives/spring03/forecast.cfm | |
71. SANS Global Incident Analysis Center > Current Report See http//www.cert.org/current/current_activity.html scans http Sun RPC Rule7 Detailed firewall events are logged from http//www.sans.org/y2k/120100-1100 http://www.sans.org/y2k/120600-1200.htm | |
72. THE BACK PAGE: Strengthening Our Weakest Link - Christianity Today Magazine Václav Havel and Alexander Solzhenitsyn teach me more up their own version of Y2Kfears, predicting leaders, intriguing articles on current events, and thought http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2001/009/30.64.html | |
73. Smoking Is Not Y2K Compatible But what is NOT y2k compatible You may also tend to light up at sporting events, parties,or The popcorn lover wants to change their current state or sensation http://www.quitsmoking.com/info/articles/y2k.htm | |
74. ALEX - Alabama Learning Exchange Could the y2k problem wreak havoc with our bank This specific case study mentionshow the events of September and other economic indicators, using current data http://alex.state.al.us/plans2.php?std_id=17909 |
75. Society > Issues > Survivalism survival, preparedness, the impact of y2k, and self Variety of topics designed toteach you how Offers information on survival, lifestyle, and current events. http://www.xasa.com/directorio/mozilla/Top/Society/Issues/Survivalism/ | |
76. The ARK Foundation Past Events current events, Available Programs, Past events. www.arky.org. Sample Past eventsof Interest to Biblical Feb 8* Prudent actions in preparation for y2k and ARK http://www.arky.org/current/past.htm | |
77. INFONEWS N°52 Du 24/10/99 Translate this page October 25) PROGRAM COMBINES STUDY OF y2k AND SERVICE NASA QUEST BROADCASTS LIVE,INTERACTIVE events (Ed.Net Web site also will offer current information from http://perso.wanadoo.fr/infonews/archives/52.htm | |
78. RIT News & Events : Top Stories and stalking, and will establish mandatory programs to teach students about Accordingto White, research on current norms and behaviors regarding violence http://www.rit.edu/~930www/NewsEvents/1999/Nov01/women.html | |
79. Oct 28th, Thursday; 635 - 745 Pm; 160, Union South Attendees current funds will last them till the end of this financial group will set a targetand plan events around it. Sale of diays (for Diwali), y2k Asha calendars http://www.ashanet.org/madison/docs/minutes/asha.minutes.10-28-1999 |
80. Prophecy And Current Events-Sept. 11, 1999-Is It The Rapture? [Free Republic] Disclaimer Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its management. If the Rapture doesn't get you http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a37c490127d3c.htm | |
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