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41. Computer Jokes, Internet Jokes, Software Humor, And Cartoons Computer acronyms list; What movies teach us; Internet Microsoft; Celebrating theY2K; Play chess on an Medical, Kids and Parents, current events, Politics, Sports http://www.ahajokes.com/computer_jokes.html | |
42. Prophecy And Current Events - The Daily Prophetic Times Added y2k Real Audio Update. http//abcnews.go.com/sections/tech/FredMoody/moody.current.html. rebuildingof the Temple will bring the major endtime events to a http://prophecyandcurrentevents.com/thglory/dn090199.htm | |
43. National Review: The Misanthrope's Corner - Column When in the course of current events have we been left us together. Now that we couldteach the Balkans a in the mediagovernment complex saw in y2k what the http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1282/is_3_52/ai_59244975 | |
44. Millennium And The Year 2000 plenty of time to integrate information related to y2k into your An indepth lookat the major events of the look at the various ways you could teach about the http://k6educators.about.com/blmillennium.htm | |
45. Term Papers www. Term Papers. Term Papers Home. current events. Suicide Solution. One of theevents happened to a student of a fellow GISA school. Now the m. The y2k Problem. http://ltd.vg/essays/Current_Events/index2.shtml | |
46. WVIZ/PBS Educational Services - Computer Connections Database Everything you would need to teach them is included EDUCATION WORLD TWENTYFIVE GREATIDEAS FOR teachING current events This article from Education World will http://www.wviz.org/edsvcs/newsletter/archdb3.asp?general=Teacher Resources&spec |
47. FAQ Online different from the other current events programs available? Or what to makeof the y2k bug? behind today s headlines gives a current, relevant context http://www.newscurrents.com/nco/faq.html | |
48. PropheZine - Bible Prophecy & World Events (TOP 100 Christian Web Site In The Wo reporting the rapid fulfillment of these prophesied events, such as event is required),it is this current roar of of society to the warnings of y2k, and it http://www.prophezine.com/search/database/Issue69/is69.2.html | |
49. Apocalypse No! (Right To Fight? Part 4) timetable and can definitively match current events with biblical But the y2k crisisdisappeared with not even a want to believe that the events of September http://www.pastornet.net.au/jmm/articles/1150.htm |
50. Current Events current events. One of the events happened to a student of a fellow GISA school. They2k Problem The y2k Problem y2k Nearing Disaster or Minor Computer Flaw? http://www.co.cx/essays/Current_Events/index2.shtml | |
51. EBlue, Sacra Blue Online Magazine to pull in data, film strips, pictures, animations and current events. 1999, so youknow that to be current, you have We are inviting you to test y2k bugs by http://www.sacpcug.org/archives/9912/env1299.html | |
52. Sp1/24 NEWS FROM LARA REDDY IN teach FOR AMERICA. SCOTT RUTHFIELD SAYS HI. LOOK OUT, THEY2K BUG IS GONNA BITE YOU! Discussions of current events and other issues,. http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~soci/sp/Volume3/sp1_24.html |
53. WORLD May 1, 1999 Mailbag not directed any of them to store up for y2k. Sunday morning; why do we let them teachour kids have used your magazine to supplement my current events studies http://www.worldmag.com/world/issue/05-01-99/opening_1.asp | |
54. Everything Counts 2000 The essence of any goal is to expand your life beyond current boundaries. Formore E2000 stories, click here news events y2k today s news. http://www.everything2000.com/life/everythingcounts.asp | |
55. Frenchy's Clueless Links an amusing site dedicated to analyzing current events and fitting 1, 2000 there wereno y2k links on own prophecy to return before the current generation was http://tftb.com/deify/clueless.htm | |
56. [[ MemeStreams ]] Strange News And More current Topic Technology. mehack. y2k Bug Bites 105 Year Old. in the more undergroundelements of technology can meet, exchange ideas and hopefully teach/learn. http://www.memestreams.net/users/stowbari/technology | |
57. Steve Davis - Community Y2K Preparedness - May 25, 1999 - Senate Y2K Suncoast Community Institute of Noetic Sciences events Coordinator (727 of Change(Juneau, Alaska) sees y2k as a lack of sustainability in our current way of http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/hearings/990525/coalition2000.htm | |
58. Horoscopes, Astrology And Charts - StarIQ.com 2000 Mercury retrograde, and astrological events of 2001. of Astrology, astrologicalenergy of y2k, and Taurus line 7 week course designed to teach students to http://www.stariq.com/Main/Astrologers/A0000367.HTM | |
59. Pre-Trib Research Center A current casein-point is Reconstructionists1 Gary North that Dr. North has jumpedupon the y2k bandwagon be brought on by various contemporary events at the http://www.pre-trib.org/article-view.php?id=62 |
60. WAM - Washington Area Midrange The topics will cover the current AS/400 and PC related issues along with some managementsessions Ron, is currently the y2k manager for GEICO. Upcoming events. http://www.wash-midrange.org/nl9709.html | |
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