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21. Chad Cain: Teaching In The Twilight Zone My name is Chad Cain and I teach US History discussion about topics such as Constitutionalrights, current events, and the 1999Âat the height of the y2k scare http://www.rodserling.com/ccain2004.htm | |
22. For More Information Contact teachers to incorporate news and current events into the educate the public aboutthe y2k problem Character Matters Using Newspapers to teach Character  and http://www.usethenews.com/pressreleases/Y2KResults.htm | |
23. Hope For The New Millennium What problems will y2k produce? is more probable than ever because Jesus, speakingof current events such as house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of http://sxws.com/LIONJUDH/articles/article-05.html | |
24. Society: Issues: Survivalism on survival, preparedness, the impact of y2k, and self Page Offers information onsurvival, lifestyle, and current events. of topics designed to teach you how http://www.tatu.us/directory/index.php/Society/Issues/Survivalism/ | |
25. Society Issues Survivalism survival, preparedness, the impact of y2k, and self Page Offers information onsurvival, lifestyle, and current events.. of topics designed to teach you how http://world.ammissione.it/browse_/Society/Issues/Survivalism/ |
26. Lizard S Random Comments not to be blamed for, and that s the y2k problem, at What a thing to teach the kiddies along while while claiming I m writing about current events ) is the http://www.mrlizard.com/rants.html | |
27. Apologetics Research Resources On Religious Cults And Sects - Eckankar, Betty Ea y2k for Poodles? But this turned out to be Its pastors teach that God changes hismind, and Government will respond to actual current events, including crimes http://www.xs4all.nl/~ahein/e00.html | |
28. Survivalism @ Www.Sweden.org on survival, preparedness, the impact of y2k, and self Page Offers information onsurvival, lifestyle, and current events. of topics designed to teach you how http://www.sweden.org/Society/Issues/Survivalism/ | |
29. ENG 378: Cybermedia (Projects) Being Digital @ y2k (current events) J. Kirkland; K. Kurzendoefer; B. Marshall;B. Clark; A. Yelton. DO teach me, provoke me, surprise me. DO have fun with it. http://www.rch.uky.edu/~mgk/courses/spring2000/eng378/instructions.html | |
30. The National Research Council Study Of Y2K system; and to learn how current management structures endto-end testing mean thaty2k events will occur y2k Understanding the disruptions from y2k can teach http://www.gwu.edu/~y2k/categories/threats_opp.htm | |
31. Cable Co-op Channel 6 Schedule For Friday Aug 18, 2000 Stanford Development Plan teachIn Part One A slide y2k Spirituality Asha Praverof the Ananda Church Jed speaks his mind concerning current events and trends http://www.paloaltoonline.com/weekly/morgue/listings/2000_Aug_18.cable.html | |
32. AcaMedia: Current Issue It features an explanation of the y2k problem, how it on line at www.smith.edu/events/esr.html Facultyfellows teach, in either fall or spring semester, one http://www.smith.edu/acamedia/Archive98-99/aca031899.html | |
33. SANS Institute: Incident Handling Step By Step: Unix Trojan Programs - Version 2 compare the cryptographic hashes of the current system binaries so sometimes you mightneed to teach them too be the one doing the instructing as events unfold. http://www.sans.org/y2k/DDoS.htm | |
34. An Academic Calls For Retroactive Y2K Research Project. I Ask: Funded By Whom? - system; and to learn how current management structures endto-end testing mean thaty2k events will occur Understanding the disruptions from y2k can teach us http://www.garynorth.com/y2k/detail_.cfm/4977 | |
35. Project TEACH 21C - Home teach y2k teachers and University faculty and staff sponsored stations Using waterand water lifeforms to teach science in an Check out current Workshops. http://europa.tcs.tufts.edu/teach21c/events/etf/ | |
36. Dangerousmeta Archives of warblogging. we didn t just post current events after 9 an acquaintance, justprior to the y2k event, pointed ny times ohio plans to teach the evolution http://dangerousmeta.com/posts/02/20021015.php | |
37. EDUCATION PLANET - 181 Web Sites For Recycling y2k Community Informati Cache. Raymond, Maine current events Site Updates Tableof Contents Site Map. years ago he envisioned a nation-wide teach-in on http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Science/Environment/Ecology/Recycling?star |
38. EWTN Series Title teachings, moral issues, Faith, Church history, current events and politics. WhatDid Vatican II Really teach? this roundtable discussion on the y2k phenomenon http://www.ewtn.com/vondemand/audio/selectseries.asp?pgnu=8&T1= |
39. History Of The Middle East And North Africa - Current Political Events And Issue US State Department. current Political Headlines ( from the National Political Index One Sheik's Mission teach Hatred of West Sheik A rundown of the events of 199091 from staff of http://www.library.cornell.edu/colldev/mideast/histmod.htm | |
40. Current World Events A platform to discuss current world events, latest news, religion, history, geography, and overall help us to understand different cultures. WWI. WWII. y2k. Bush versus Saddam. 9/11 upon more http://www.network54.com/Hide/Forum/thread?forumid=187373&messageid=10722179 |
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