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Home - Basic_C - Current Events Y2k Lesson Plans |
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81. Sonoma County Unanswered Questions Oct; Astrological Highlights and their Influence on World events; location; SENATE REPORT DETAILS current y2k STATUS; YOURDON THE PENTAGON PAPERS OF y2k; Ice Storm http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-unanswered.tcl?topic=Sonoma County |
82. Converge Magazine Technology items related to y2k are beginning to flow and Training, a national organization addressing current issues and Not only was the lesson plan rich in http://www.convergemag.com/magazine/story.phtml?id=3842 |
83. Emergency Preparedness Digest, Selected Story: Office Of Critical Infrastructure NCPG s mandate, the results of the current risk assessment Canadians are kept abreast of y2k preparedness issues He suggests that such events, and the expertise http://www.ocipep.gc.ca/ep/ep_digest/aj_99_fea_e.asp | |
84. Millennium And The Year 2000 An indepth look at the major events of the of information to help you in your millennium lessons, including state y2k for Kids A look at the hoopla in language http://k6educators.about.com/blmillennium.htm | |
85. EconEdLink | Find A Lesson To look for a lesson plan by Concept, please use the Search function located at the top y2k, Currency, Banking, and the Fed, 912, 11, Economics Minute, 5/10/1999. http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/index.cfm?orderby=lessondate |
86. Feds Say Y2K Experience Aids In Cyberdefense on y2k should provide valuable lessons learned for in dealing with cyber incidents after y2k, said Michael and those reviews may change the current version of http://www.fcw.com/fcw/articles/1999/FCW_080299_879.asp | |
87. EconEdLink | Find A Lesson May 21, 2004. Marketplace Corporate Leap Frog. 68. 9-12. 9. Economics Minute. 5/18/2004. Lowell Workers and Producers Respond to Incentives. 9-12. 8. Economics Minute. 5/12/2004 http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/index.cfm |
88. Web Sites Of The Month 5 Star Links Frontline Apocalypse http//www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/apocalypse/ With all the talk of y2k being the end of the world, this is an http://www.cleveland.k12.oh.us/ETO/resources/december99.htm |
89. POST: Y2K y2k, 3/06/02, by Carolyn. http://teachers.net/mentors/humor/topic529/ | |
90. Literacy Assistance Center LAC / Publications / Update / Summer99 NYC MayorÂs Office of Operations, y2k Project Office http://www.lacnyc.org/publications/Summer99/y2k21.htm | |
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