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Home - Basic_C - Current Events Y2k Lesson Plans |
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41. SBC Knowledge Network Explorer : Online Learning : Blue Web'n Search Results War; History of Conflick; country info, activities, and lessons. site is a clearinghouse for y2k information. and related links on a variety of current events. http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/bluewebn/contentarea.cfm?cid=3&scid=96 |
42. SBC Knowledge Network Explorer : Online Learning : Blue Web'n : Updates : August site is a clearinghouse for y2k information. Content Area Community Interest (current events/News), Technology and discussion groups on current media related http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/bluewebn/updates_list.cfm?year=1998&month=8 |
43. JUST FOR TEACHERS Great for current events. suitable for all ages http//www.ocean98.org/ Links to current expeditions, news re becoming as jaded as I am about the y2k bug and http://eec1.scedk12.com/edu/curr/news/CRSnews7.htm | |
44. Millennium 2000 You can enter from the current week s feature, and you ll need the Shockwave Millennium.htm Here you can read an article that summarizes World events in AD y2k. http://eduscapes.com/42explore/millenn2.htm | |
45. Y2K y2k PROJECT IDEA My 7 th and 8 th grade classes are creating PowerPoint presentations on people and events in the You enter at the current week s feature. http://www.hardin.k12.ky.us/res_techn/Y2K.htm | |
46. Links Information Services State Jobs State y2k Information State in History WORLDWIDE HISTORIC DATES events An Internet US Harmonic tide and current predictor for http://www.spart5.k12.sc.us/SCALE/links.htm | |
47. Here Comes The Millennium week s feature, and you ll need the current Shockwave/Flash is the New York Times guide to events day by day y2k for Kids - Grades 4-8 - The Federal Emergency http://www.teachersfirst.com/2000.shtml | |
48. Current Events 2003 Did you do anything for y2k? Return to WWT (T is for Terrorism) menu About this page current a record of thoughts triggered by events in the http://www.ww2pacific.com/wwt/current03.html | |
49. Home Land Security Many of the current challenges and threats are also highly have been totally overshadowed by the events of September learned and to be learned from y2k can be http://users.rcn.com/pgordon/homeland/homeland_strat.html | |
50. Solar Cycle Update solar maximum dubbed the real y2k problem by Hathaway says that current technology allows space weather SpaceWeather.com follow the latest events on the http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2000/ast22mar_1m.htm | |
51. EconEdLink | Y2K, Currency, Banking, And The Fed This lesson addresses these questions. (By as much as 20 times their current holdings a but it does not touch upon the adverse effects y2k cash withdrawals http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/print.cfm?lesson=EM34&page=teacher |
52. NATIONAL Y2K INFORMATION COORDINATION CENTER businesses that failed to download y2k compliant credit These and other events that occurred were relatively and private sector to provide current status of http://www.y2k.gov/docs/ICClesslearn.html | |
53. Info Links: Science-- Love To Learn Place.com to Cool NASA Web Sites include y2k, Space Place of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of the exhibits, calendar of events, coupons for http://www.lovetolearnplace.com/Links/Science/ | |
54. The Columbus Dispatch, NIE Online Based on the information you have read in this lesson and in the newspaper, what are your predictions for y2k? How bad (or not bad) will it be? http://www.dispatch.com/NIEonline/NIEonline1999/current.html | |
55. The Columbus Dispatch, NIE Online far right), the first spot on earth to turn y2k. That doesn t mean local events aren t important, however Look in a current issue of The Columbus Dispatch for a http://www.dispatch.com/NIEonline/NIEonline2000/010300.html | |
56. Cover Page y2k readiness programs, both software and hardware that skills and methods being taught remain current. of technology training events, technology resources http://www.acorns.k12.tn.us/oot/TechPlan2002/TechPlan2002.htm | |
57. Preliminary Lessons Learned Vendor business lists should also be current. window; two hours for Phase 2 the y2k date rollover and managing three large community events with y2k http://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/mc/services/dfrs/y2kvideo/lessons.htm | |
58. Y2K Robert Theobald Articles the news and break through the current emphasis on events will play out quite differently if communities see y2k has moved up the timetable for learning this http://www.co-intelligence.org/Y2K_Theobaldarticles.html | |
59. File Not Found the threatening World Chaos of y2k and the from recipes to bible lessons even interactive Expect hardhitting articles on current events, prophecy, Christian http://www.goodnews.org.au/endtimes.html | |
60. ChildrenÂs Author profiles of authors and entertainers, current events, and historical Action events Truck and Tractor Pullers - Simon y2k - Raintree Steck-Vaughn - 1999. http://www.scbwinorca.org/bios/indivauthuillus/savage.htm | |
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