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Home - Basic_C - Current Events Y2k Lesson Plans |
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21. Curriculum Links American information, Women s Studies, current events, Newspapers and work; CP4 planning re January y2k. is a collection of webquests, lesson plans, and terrific http://www.teachingcompany.com/CurrHistory.html | |
22. Government news, White House history, current events, and links to career opportunities, and y2k information. Desk, This site includes lesson plans, education information http://www.monmouth.lib.nj.us/government.htm | |
23. AVU ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROGRAM and multimedia into her dynamic lesson plans, giving workshops the theme in the video episode, current events, or simply in days before the y2k crisis assuring http://www.avu.org/section/schedule/eLanguage.cfm | |
24. WVIZ/PBS Educational Services - Computer Connections Database NEW WEEKLY, EASYTO-USE lesson plans FROM PENCIL NEWS This site has easy-to-use lesson plans for linking current events to curriculum content. http://www.wviz.org/edsvcs/newsletter/archdb3.asp?general=Teacher Resources&spec |
25. WVIZ/PBS Educational Services - Computer Connections Database CNN FYI NEWS FOR STUDENTS, RESOURCES FOR TEACHERS current events are categorized by subject area. lesson plans, archives, and activities can be found easily. http://www.wviz.org/edsvcs/newsletter/archdb3.asp?general=Student Resources&spec |
26. ALEX - Alabama Learning Exchange Could the y2k problem wreak havoc with our Mathematics Statistics, Social Studies - current events/Issues, Social This journal-based lesson plan gives the http://alex.state.al.us/plans2.php?std_id=17918 |
27. ALEX - Alabama Learning Exchange When the lesson is complete, students will Mathematics Statistics, Social Studies - current events/Issues, Social Title y2k, Currency, Banking, and the Fed http://alex.state.al.us/plans2.php?std_id=17874 |
28. EducatorsCornerPg that discusses lesson planning and current events http//www resource site with a lesson plan about supply and asp; Science, technology and y2k resources - http http://www.mhs.mps.k12.mi.us/Resources/Teacher/EducatorsCorner.htm | |
29. Education World ® : Lesson Planning: Marching Into The Millennium: Classroom Ac a biographic profile, a timeline of important events in the Turnof-the-Century Child These interdisciplinary lesson plans use historic y2k RESOURCES ONLINE. http://www.education-world.com/a_lesson/lesson155.shtml | |
30. FAQ individual laptops as you conduct the lesson from the Newscurrents Online different from the other current events programs available what to make of the y2k bug http://www.newscurrents.com/nco/faq.html | |
31. MW Current Events Page 8 Mr. Wonderful Explains current events. 03/00 Lopez Loves Puffy Violence 1/02/00 y2k OK So That lesson is, consider if we were to have National Test Standards http://www.angelfire.com/az/nativebob/currevents8.html | |
32. Sample Lesson go far beyond the socalled y2k two digit the basis for dating religious celebrations and secular events. 5. Determine the number of the current year based http://www.angelfire.com/biz/tchpr/sample.html | |
33. Part 1 - Could Y2K Failures Bring Us Martial Law? The Administration Claims Victory over y2k bug Here Here s a civics lesson on Executive Orders! Biblebased ministry dealing with current events, the New http://www.ericbarger.com/Martial_Law_part_1.htm | |
34. ..:: Metropolis Japan ..::.. Tech Know ::.. Newsroom), an excellent resource for using current events in the ESL teachers stuck for a lesson plan can turn ago this month, safe passage through y2k and dot http://metropolis.japantoday.com/tokyo/426/tech.asp | |
35. Orlando Weekly News: Story the most serious and potentially devastating events this nation to fear but fear itself, the current administration line The object lesson of y2k is that the http://www.orlandoweekly.com/news/story.asp?ID=2107 |
36. Continuity Of Operations Plan (COOP) and action plans in the COOP remain viable and current. from each event into subsequent training and events. teams and other elements of y2k plans provided an http://csrc.nist.gov/fasp/FASPDocs/contingency-plan/TreasCOOPBSP.htm | |
37. CyberSleuthKids: Millennium Resources is the last year of the current millennium, not information on national and community events, activities, initiatives issue as well as online y2k peer group http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/Reference/Millennium/ | |
38. Education World ® : Curriculum: Extra! Extra! Eight Great Web Sites Connect New is full of constantly updated political cartoons that teach current events in a high school based on cartoons about such current topics as y2k, Star Wars http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr163.shtml | |
39. Millennium Websites You enter at the current week s feature. net/index2.htm Here s an index of worldwide events to mark Millennium Bug http//members.aol.com/DonnAnCiv/y2k.html A http://www.springfield.k12.il.us/resources/2000.html |
40. Cory Hamasaki's DC Y2K Weather Report presented their firm s y2k posture and lessons learned would have been completing the y2k remediation at current events Last week a bomb exploded in Northern http://www.rmsg.us/conart/penned/inf007.htm | |
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