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Home - Basic_C - Current Events Y2k Lesson Plans |
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1. Current Events MOST POPULAR. lesson plans. Thematic Units. Children's Songs Are You y2k AOK? Grade 11 - 12 current events Grade 3 - 5. This lesson enables students to familiarize themselves with http://www.theteachersguide.com/currentevents.htm |
2. Socialstudies Current Events - Lesson Plans Webquests An Approach to current events This activity is designed to and review material on the y2k bug and formulate educated d.. .. current Event Awareness 2 http://www.edhelper.com/cat272.htm | |
3. Social Studies Lesson Plans K2) The purpose of this lesson is to help the children realize that it takes many, varied jobs for a Are You y2k A-OK Awareness of current events Grade 5 - 7 http://www.theteachersguide.com/socialstudies.html | |
4. VLRC Lesson Plans Links VLRC lesson Plan Links point to carefully selected web sites providing valuable information relative to the lesson plans in most school and academic disciplines. Ask ERIC current events lesson plans. http//askeric.org current_events. Provides lesson plans dealing with An Approach to current events, Are You y2k AOK?, current Event http://www.virtuallrc.com/vlrclessonplanslinks.html |
5. Arts Visual Lesson Plans First Fiscal Rollover Steps to Take NOW y2k Certification Briefings Tomorrow s Medicine Today Calendar of Special events Photo Gallery current Issue Now ONLINE http://www.edhelper.com/cat24_morel.htm | |
6. The Teacher's Corner - Teacher Resources - Lesson Plans Teacher Resources! lesson plans! Thematic Units! Seasonal/Subject Activities! Find new and exciting ideas! Thematic Units. current UNIT Colonial America Items. April events. May events. Spring. Baseball Donn's y2k and the Millennium Bug A nice collection of lesson plans, Web sites and http://www.theteacherscorner.net/thematicunits/millennium.htm | |
7. EDUCATION PLANET - 232 Web Sites For "Current Events" Welcome City History City Officials current events and Information City Departments email here y2k here 4 Web Tools AND lesson Planet s 30,000+ lesson plans. http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Social_Studies/History/Current_Events?star |
8. LESSON PLANET - 30,000 Lessons And 3384 Lesson Plans For Agriculture News 3381 Agriculture News lesson plans What were the predicted crises related to y2k? awardwinning multi-media instructional series that uses current events as a http://www.lessonplanet.com/search/Science/Environment/Agriculture/Agriculture_N |
9. DIGITAL VIDEO PRODUCTION Video as Educational Technology. lesson plans. Teachers.Net. The Teachers.Net lesson Bank is your opportunity to share your most precious asset your teaching ideas and. lesson plans! lesson plans! Now your genius and creativity can be used to touch lives around the world, and An Approach to current events (gr. 5-12) Are You y2k AOK? http://euphrates.wpunj.edu/courses/video/lesson.htm | |
10. LESSON PLANET - 30,000 Lessons And 558 Lesson Plans For "Current Events" Rebuilding and Recovering In this lesson, students explore and review material on the y2k bug and current events - News reporters make live broadcasts seem http://www.lessonplanet.com/search/Social_Studies/History/Current_Events?startva |
11. Economics Lesson Plans Identify current or historical mergers, buyouts, and acquisitions. currently No MarcoPolo lesson plans y2k, Currency, Banking, and the Fed how foreign economic events can impact the http://www.nvsla.org/marcopolo/econcontent.htm | |
12. Techlinks News and current events; Math,Science,Language Arts Resources; Kids Resources Technical Resources; y2k sites; A Math lesson plans Sorted By Category; Math lesson http://www.gsd.k12.ca.us/techlinks.html | |
13. CNNfyi.com - Lesson Plan: Saving Wall's Artwork - June 2, 2000 Have them create an alternative proposal to the artists current plan. Have students create murals to memorialize their most significant events (ie, y2k). http://www.cnn.com/2000/fyi/teacher.resources/lesson.plans/06/02/berlin.wall/ | |
14. Helloidea Companion (ilmtc) CNETNews.com y2k CyberBee tech current events in the Social Studies Classroom CNN Math lesson plans and Activities Smile program mathematics http://myschoolonline.com/page/0,1871,2397-158070-2-32856,00.html | |
15. VS Curriculum Webliographer/Search to interest students in discussions of current events. Yugoslavia Crisis Campaign 2000 y2k Bug Microsoft Scandal Princess Diana Our lesson plans include games http://relax.webliographer.com/vs/search.php3?topic= Lesson Plans: Interdiscipli |
16. Is Your School Y2K OK? Making Your Computers Millennium Ready you should teach a unit on y2k to students web site for teachers, has lesson plans, projects for understand computer history and current events.(10) Classroom http://www.janinelim.com/jae/99octnov.htm | |
17. Club News Economy, Paper Banking and the y2k Crisis; Visualization online forums based on current events and viewer wrote and edited online lesson plans and activities http://www.anwc.org/amresume.html | |
19. JaeLinks Tons of articles discussing current events. selection of poets and poems, plus lesson plans for teaching meanderings on everything from sex to y2k to Mummies http://www.homestead.com/jaeworld/JaeLinks.html | |
20. Chad Cain: Teaching In The Twilight Zone about topics such as Constitutional rights, current events, and the 1999Âat the height of the y2k scare. To find some really nice lesson plans and discussion http://www.rodserling.com/ccain2004.htm | |
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