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Current Events Visual Arts: more detail | |||||||
61. The Portland Mercury: Art (12/11/03) visual arts set, and took off with the photos to make them into an art project? Ra ad attempts to release current events from the bondage of facts, and in doing http://www.portlandmercury.com/2003-12-11/art.html | |
62. Arts Corps - Events Past current events arts Corps Year End Showcase arts Corps visual art, spoken word and theatre will culminate Jamapalooza teen showcase featuring arts Corps student http://www.artscorps.org/what'shappening/current.html | |
63. Literary, Publications, Visual Arts, Performing Arts At World Wide Arts Resource Information about performance, visual and literary arts in Christchurch New Zealand. News, Concert calendar and Gallery pages announce current events from the http://www.wwar.com/categories/Publications/Literary/ | |
64. Library visual arts Resources. SearchBank indexes information on astronomy, religion, law, history, psychology, humanities, current events, sociology, communications http://www.stfrancis.edu/lib/visualarts1.htm | |
65. Visual Arts Descriptors - Stage J Stage J visual arts Descriptors. who meet the standard understand how the arts shape and Analyze the impact of political actions, current events, and natural http://www.isbe.state.il.us/ils/fineassess/Vis Arts/visart_stageJdes.html | |
66. CCS | Events & Conferences There are no current events to display. are invited to speak about recent work, current exhibitions, and important issues in the contemporary visual arts. http://www.bard.edu/ccs/events/ | |
67. Free Full Text Journals - Visual Arts Asian arts ***** Selected articles and information on galleries, exhibitions, current events of all aspects of the visual arts in Asia. http://web.utk.edu/~swilso12/is490_web_project/Visualarts.html |
68. YBCA Visual Arts: Bang The Machine: Computer Gaming Art And Artifacts, Game Scen and the Cantor Center for visual arts at Stanford military training applications to the current popularity of Related events First Thursday Night Tour Henry http://www.yerbabuenaarts.org/va/current/bang_mach.html | |
69. CHURN - An Independent Visual Arts Magazine. Free Preview On-line! visual arts magazine designed to serve the art buyer and gallery visitor. Paintings, drawings, sculpture, and photography. Images, comments and articles from current issue. http://churnmag.com/ | |
70. International Gallerie Semiannual of the visual arts, music, photography, theatre and other performing arts, and travel. Includes abstracts and extracts from current and archived issues. http://gallerie.net |
71. Proofofexistence.com Proof of Existence current and past works covering visual arts, linguistics, philosophy, and graphic design. http://proofofexistence.com | |
72. GuideLive.com > Home Find events. by Calendar. Find events. By Type. The arts. Performing arts events. visual arts events on Movies, Restaurants, Concerts or weekend events. events. Today. Tue 25. Wed 26 http://www.guidelive.com/ | |
73. Prospect 2001 | Welcome A visual arts resource created as part of Telecom Prospect 2001New Art New Zealand, the City Gallery Wellington's inaugural biennial exhibition of current New Zealand art. Features artist r©sum©s, viewpoints on art, links to the national and international visual arts community, curatorial statements, reproductions of the exhibition artwork and ecards. http://www.prospect2001.org.nz | |
74. THE CHAPEL OF ART Centre of excellence for visual and performing arts. Contains past, current and future exhibition details, information about the Potters Path, and a feature on both historic and modern Criccieth. http://www.the-coa.org.uk/ | |
75. ARTFOCUS Crosslinks/Visual Arts Events WORLDWIDE artsITE CROSSLINKS. visual arts events. ART PARIS (France) Annual Art Fall Show 50 Paris galleries + 25 from abroad. http//www.artparis.fr. CIAC Centre international d'art contemporain . http://www.artfocus.com/ArtsEvents.htm | |
76. Welcome To The Visual Arts Association Events Page of the Wild Wish List Drive Please help support Keeper of the Wild (and the visual arts Association) by donating any of the following from the KOTW wishlist. http://www.tridenttech.edu/visualrt/dga_events.html | |
77. New York Digital Salon public forums to present these events. This program is Council on the arts, the visual arts Foundation and the School of visual arts. To schedule events, please contact Renee http://www.sva.edu/salon | |
78. Arts At Emory | Events Calendar current events. Candler Series 20042005. View events by month. View events by discipline or series. Please visit the arts at Emory Web site regularly, as http://www.arts.emory.edu/calendar/index.cfm | |
79. Movingpoets.com Charlotte. A professional performing arts company producing stage works employing original contemporary dance, theater, music, video, and visual arts. Includes current season, photos, reviews, history, and contact information. http://www.movingpoets.com | |
80. Visual Art Exchange: Current Events November 5, 69 pm. December 3-31, 2004 A Sale for the Season Opening reception December 3, 6-9pm. Also See Artist Calls for 2004 events. http://www.visualartexchange.org/events.asp | |
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